He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1907 High temperature and heavy pressure!

The battle begins!

"Coal Turtle, use Sunny Sky!!"

This time, Michel didn't choose to start spraying directly on the stage, but planned to manually activate Sunny Sky.

After all, the strength of the opponent this time is different from that of the passers-by before, and the power of an ordinary volcanic eruption may not be enough.

"I knew you would, Fire Monkey, use Sonic Punch to break it!"

However, Xiaozhi suddenly launched a fierce attack as if he had expected it.

I saw that the coal turtle had just raised its w^, and hadn't chanted yet, but the fire monkey raised its white light fist and rushed up.

"King Nabo, use the steel wings to cover the Coal Turtle!"

Ah Xun quickly cooperated.

Emperor Nabo's wings were covered with metallic silver light, and just as he was about to run quickly to the coal tortoise, he saw a long, slender pink tongue beside him at some point.

"Now, use your tongue to lick!!"

Xiao Gang said loudly.

Big Tongue Lick controlled his tongue, and scratched towards Emperor Nabo's face, and instantly felt a chilling feeling, which made Emperor Nabo freeze in place, making it difficult to move for a while.


Seeing this, Xiao Gang just felt complacent.

The opponent finally wanted to play coordinated doubles, but in terms of tacit understanding, the temporary partner was nothing compared to the long-term tacit understanding between him and Xiaozhi.

On the other side, the Fire Monkey came to the Coal Turtle unimpeded.

Boom! !

With a sonic punch, it hit the Coal Turtle's face with such a strong force that it forced it back a few meters, interrupting Da Qingtian's moves.


Xiaozhi touched his nose, and then they don't need to continue to guard against each other's sunny moves.

Once the Coal Turtle's stamina starts to decline, the power of the volcanic eruption will also decrease rapidly.

The sunny day at that time will not only increase the strength of the coal turtle, but also greatly improve the firepower of the fire monkey.

Even on a sunny day, it can block Emperor Nabo's water attribute moves, which is completely positive weather for them.


Michel clenched his fists, his expression darkened.

Regardless of his young age, he soon realized this problem, and the punch of Fiery Monkey directly broke his sunny day and volcanic eruption tactics.

"Since this is the case, the only thing left is to attack with all your strength... Coal Turtle, use hot air!!"

So Michael took the initiative to attack.

The coal tortoise let out a long cry, and the volcanic smoke emitted from the shell on the back of the tortoise instantly turned into a hot wave of hot wind, blowing out, completely covering the fiery monkey and the big tongue.

The scalding hot wind restricted the movements of the two of them for a while.

"Now, Emperor Nabo, use the water cannon!!"

Ah Xun directly aimed at the fire monkey.

The body of the latter is very crispy at first glance, and there is every chance that it can be killed directly with a high-pressure water cannon.

As long as the flexible fire monkey is killed,

Then Big Tongue Licking, who tends to be a defensive type of meat shield, will soon lose under the joint attack of the two.

Facing the powerful water cannon that came out from the bombardment, Xiao Gang also quickly commanded:

"Big tongue licking, block it!"

The next moment, the big tongue licked and moved his body, and his round belly was directly in front of the water cannon.

The huge body completely blocked the fire monkey behind it, and it was not affected by the water flow in the slightest.

"Ah, what a meaty big tongue!"

Seeing that the big-tongued lick had fully withstood the blow, Ah Xun scratched his ears and cheeks for a while, feeling very headache.


Just at this moment, the ground between the emperor Nabo in front and the coal turtle behind him suddenly began to shake out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the fiery monkey broke through the ground suddenly, and with a powerful uppercut, it slammed into the chin of the coal turtle.

Bang bang! !

The strong force even directly lifted the coal turtle completely, overturning it.

The effect is outstanding!


Michel and Ah Shun's expressions changed, only then did they notice that there was an inconspicuous pothole behind the big tongue.

The Fiery Monkey, using the cover of his huge body with his big tongue, secretly used a digging move behind him to get around.

"Wu, Wu..."

The coal tortoise, whose entire body was turned upside down, fell on its back and fell directly into the ultimate problem of the tortoise, struggling to get up again.

"King Nabo, use the steel wings!"

The two Pokémon on the opposite side were staring at each other, and the emperor Nabo didn't have time to slowly raise it upright, so he could only wave his wings and blatantly slash towards the position of the fire monkey.


The fire monkey quickly flipped twice, avoiding the steel wings and at the same time opened up the distance.

But the next moment, Emperor Nabo aimed at the coal turtle.

Bang bang! !

The steel wings lifted upwards from the bottom, whipping the turtle's shell, and the steel force directly lifted the coal turtle into the air.

Seeing that the coal turtle suddenly reached the sky, Michel's eyes suddenly brightened, and he commanded:

"Now, Coal Turtle, use that trick!"

The coal turtle understood, and while trying to adjust its body in the air, its whole body was suddenly ignited with crimson flames!

The fiery flames were constantly fluttering and tumbling outwards, making the coal turtle seem to have completely transformed into a piece of lava flow stone, swooping down and falling!

High temperature and heavy pressure! !

By mistake, Emperor Nabo and the coal tortoise used a combo technique. This move was difficult to execute solely relying on the coal tortoise's jumping ability.

"That's it, high temperature and heavy pressure, attacking the fire monkey!!"

Michel also took aim at the Fire Monkey.

The trick of high temperature and heavy pressure is also related to the weight difference between the enemy and the enemy. If you are facing a fierce monkey, it will be able to produce huge power!

"Big tongue licking!!"

Seeing that the coal tortoise bathed in crimson flames is about to be trampled down, uuReading Book www.uukanshu.com This move is not simple, Xiao Gang made a gesture to command Da Tong Lick to resist the blow.

"Leave the coal tortoise to me, Xiaogang, you go and deal with Ah Xun!"

However, Xiao Zhi's eyes tightened, interrupting Xiao Gang's cover.

Boom boom! !

On the other side, Emperor Nabo also opened his mouth wide, and a terrifyingly powerful energy water bomb was gathering around his mouth, ready to go...it was a cannon water cannon!

"I see!"

Seeing this, Xiao Gang didn't hesitate any longer, and directly ignored the coal turtle falling from the sky, and turned to aim at Emperor Nabo with all his heart.

"Lick with a big tongue, use a strong whip!!"

Datong licked and nodded, and the tongue that turned into a green vine jumped out again, whipping hard towards the target!


Emperor Nabo also raised his head, and violently ejected the electric water bomb formed in his mouth! !

In the air, the figure of the coal tortoise trampled down heavily, just trampling the fire monkey under its feet.

Terrifying strength, just like the big-tongued Tarzan pressure moves in the previous rounds, wanting to trample the fiery monkey like that lurk cat directly into meatloaf!

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