He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1908 Evolution!

Boom! !

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent explosion, and the high temperature and heavy pressure trampled down, completely covering the fire monkey!

It was too late for Xiaogang to care about his companions. In front of him, the powerful whip and the water cannon collided without hindrance.

Boom! !

The moves of the water and grass attributes collided head-on, which also caused a burst of explosions and billowing smoke and dust.

After Ah Xun and Xiao Gang had a short confrontation, both of them subconsciously turned their heads to look in the direction of Fiery Monkey.

The battle between the two of them is not critical.

Now it depends on whether the Fire Monkey or the Coal Turtle can win. If either side wins, if they switch to a two-on-one team, the winner will be completely determined soon.

"Wait a moment!?"

"what is that?!"

However, as the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone saw the coal turtle, bathed in crimson flames, floating in the air at a height of more than one meter.

"No, it's the Fire Monkey!"

The smoke and dust dissipated further, and everyone saw it clearly this time.

In the arena, the coal tortoise, which was still under high temperature and pressure, was ignited with flames all over its body.

But below, the Fierce Monkey brazenly raised its arms, firmly supported the heavy weight of the coal turtle, and pushed it into the air above its head.


The opponent's strength is definitely not weak, so that the lower limbs of the fire monkey sank into the ground, struggling to support.

Especially the hands supporting the bottom of the opponent's tortoise shell were also scorching red from the high temperature and pressure.

"How could it be blocked?!"

Michel's complexion changed, the monkey with thin arms and thin legs actually survived? !

"It's incredible momentum, it actually withstood the high temperature and pressure of the coal turtle?!"

Seeing this, Yilang couldn't help shouting, shocked by the perseverance of the fire monkey.

Even at the next moment, while holding the coal tortoise high, the fiery monkey roared like a beast!


In an instant, the dazzling white light completely covered the Fiery Monkey, and its height also grew and changed rapidly in the white light.

"Finally evolved?!"

Xiaozhi stared at the fire monkey closely, now is the time to evolve.


With a growl that became more mature and powerful, the white light dissipated, and the fire monkey also showed a brand new posture!

He has nearly doubled his height, his arms and lower limbs have become more slender, and he can obviously make more flexible and powerful fighting moves!

The body and lower limbs are covered with white hair, and the joints such as the knees and elbows have yellow spiral cloud-like lines.

The monkey's face was menacing, and the hair on the top of its head turned into flames, burning and fluttering.

"Didi. Flame monkey, fire and fighting attributes, the evolution of the flame monkey, the flame above the head will never go out, can use speed to play with opponents, and use hands and feet to use unique fighting skills."

The picture book automatically prompts.

"Flame Monkey...!"

Xiaozhi repeated it in a daze. After completing the evolution, the flame monkey's aura increased several times, and its appearance became more mature.

Even the raised palm was still supporting the belly of the coal turtle.

But this time, the palm completely ignored the high-temperature and heavy-pressure flames that were still burning on the latter's body, making it appear more powerful.


The flame monkey turned its head, looked at Xiaozhi with a pair of resolute blue eyes and yellow eyes, and grinned with a rather arrogant and arrogant expression.

Xiaozhi understood instantly, temporarily suppressed his excitement, and immediately pointed his finger at the sky, and said loudly:

"Flame Monkey, throw the coal turtle into the sky!"

After hearing the command, the Flame Monkey's eyes fixed, and with force from his arms, he threw the coal turtle into the air like a sack.

Then it trampled on the ground with its feet, and jumped into the air to catch up. The fully evolved it now has a very strong jumping ability.

One hand is clenched into a fist, covered with dazzling white light...

Boom! !

The next moment, Bai Guang punched out with his fist, and slammed into the belly of the coal turtle, making a blunt bang!

"Is it the Soaring Fist?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes are bright, and his former partner Flame Chicken also knows how to use this move. It is a very powerful fist move, which can even fly the target into the air.

After being hit hard, the coal turtle's figure was like a parabola, rising to the highest point and then falling down!


After landing, there was a burst of explosion, causing decent second-stage damage.

"Coal Turtle!!"

Michael looked anxious and shouted loudly.

And as the picture became clear, the coal tortoise had already fallen to the ground on all fours, w^ turned to one side, and completely lost consciousness.

"Ahh! How can you evolve in battle!! You need to be fined!!"

Seeing his teammates suddenly lose, Ah Xun's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't help cursing.

"Xun, don't forget that last time your emperor Nabo also evolved suddenly during the battle."

Xiao Gang reminded with a smile, now that Xiao Zhi won the victory on the other side, he would have no burden in an instant.

Not to mention that the Emperor Nabo had just finished using the water cannon and was now in a round of freezing.

"Big tongue licking, do it again, use a strong whip!!"

Xiao Gang attacked mercilessly.


The big tongue licked his tongue out again, turned into a thick and long green vine whip, and whipped heavily on Emperor Nabo's chest!

The effect is outstanding!

The terrifying force directly left an exaggerated red mark on the latter, and his whole body fell to the ground.

"Damn it, Emperor Nabo, hurry up and fight back, use the pecking drill!!"

Ah Xun cursed in a low voice, and made a gesture to fight back.

"Don't forget that there is me, Ah Xun...Flame Monkey, let him see your current strength!"

At this time, uureading www.uukanshu.com Xiaozhi suddenly said loudly.

The fierce fire monkey in front of him understood, showing a covetous expression.

The flame above his head was hot, and he rushed out with a step, and his fist was already covered with a layer of white light.

Boom! !

Before Emperor Nabo could make a move, the Fiery Monkey punched him fiercely, and knocked the latter out again, interrupting the move.

The effect is outstanding!

"Big tongue, use the last strong whip!!"

Coupled with another lash from the vines licked by the big tongue, the two-on-one battle completely overwhelmed Emperor Nabo.

Several moves with outstanding effects in a row, all hit, the situation is a bit unbearable to look at directly.


Finally, Emperor Nabo couldn't hold on any longer, leaned forward and fell down.

"Ahhh, two against one!! Emperor Nabo!"

The mixed doubles between the two of them also broke Ah Xun's defense a bit, and his whole face was flushed with anxiety.

Seeing that the final finals had been completely divided, even though his son's side had suffered a disastrous defeat, Sugar Palm picked up the microphone again.

"Then the final winner of this knockout match is the combination of Xiaozhi and Xiaogang!!"

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