He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1909 Super Armored Rhinoceros, Miss Goth!

"Is this the volcano town stone?"

After winning the competition, Xiaozhi also obtained the volcano town stone related to the legendary Pokémon-Sidolan as he wished.

It was heavy in the hand, and the surface of the stone radiated heat.

There is even a faint breath of God floating in it... It is obviously not the solidified lava that was randomly picked up by the volcano.

"Now, I don't have to look for that Sidoran again."

Xiaozhi said with great joy.

Now that he came to the Sinnoh area, he naturally wanted to collect all the legendary Pokémon's tokens of God in the area.

I didn't expect to pick up one here for nothing today.

"Teacher Gang, when I absorb all the energy in it, I will give you the stone."

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaogang next to him and said, after all, this is a treasure obtained by their cooperation.

This stone is not meaningless to the latter. The Nibi gymnasium where the latter is located already has a collection demand for special and strange stones.

The body material given to Brother Chi is just the breath attached to it, the body of the stone is not needed.

Feathers like those flame birds and lightning birds before are still in the utility room of my home.

If there was a knowledgeable thief who sneaked into his hometown in Zhenxin Town and entered the utility room, he would probably faint from the shock of all kinds of tokens of God.

"It's okay, I'll just send it back to my hometown when it's used up."

Xiao Gang waved his hand to show that he was not in a hurry.

Seeing the fruitful harvest here and the happy conversation, A Xun and Michael on the other side showed envious expressions.

"Damn it, it turned into Xiaozhi and fought with his father!! Damn it!!"

Ah Xun grabbed his hair, extremely impatient.

Although in private, he can also make an appointment with his father...

But this kind of battle in public is a rare opportunity.

"Damn it, Volcano Town Stone..."

As for Michael, he was staring at the volcano stone in Xiaozhi's hand eagerly.

He purposely crossed the sea to use this stone to summon the Sidoran that he had heard about from storybooks since he was a child... Unexpectedly, in the end, an outsider would take the lead.

Michel raised his eyebrows, suddenly had an idea, and looked at A Xun.

"Axun, by the way, Xiaozhi is your friend, right? Do they have any plans for the future...?"



After half an hour of rest, this publicity exhibition match against the pioneering area also ushered in a real peak.

"Then now, Miss Kate and I will fight Xiaozhi and Xiaogang for the last exhibition match!!"

Sugar palm shouted loudly, which immediately aroused cheers and applause from the surrounding people.

Since this city is close to the island in the Battle Frontier Zone, Sugar Palm is quite popular here, and already has a lot of fan groups.

There are even some people who feel that the strength of the sugar palm,

It is not inferior to the current league champion, Zhulan!

"Then my Pokémon, come out, Super Armored Rhino!!"

Sugar Palm is also impatient, throwing a Poke Ball right after putting down the microphone.


The red light fell, and a huge rock monster appeared in front of him.

The tan body stands upright, and the head can barely be seen as the appearance of an iron armored tyrannosaurus. Above the original big horn of the drill bit, there is a small horn growing on the forehead.

The arms, torso, and even the top of the head are covered with a layer of reddish-brown rock armor, like lava.

The tail behind him was like a swarm of meteors, waving slightly, it turned into a gust of wind!

"Is this the Super Armored Crazy Rhino..."

Xiaozhi frowned, this is the new evolved form of the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus, just like Shinji's duck-billed phlogiston, and its appearance has become more violent and fierce.

"Didi. Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros, ground and rock attributes, the evolution of Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, the surface of the body retains the shell of the protective gear, will fill the holes in the palm with rocks, and launch it with the power of muscles, the power is comparable to Grenade."

The illustrated book reminds that the Super Armored Crazy Rhino was really evolved by using special props "protectors".

Xiaozhi looked at the arm of the super-armored wild rhino, and sure enough, he saw a black hole in the palm of the latter that looked like the muzzle of a gun.

Like the flamethrower in the palm of the platypus, it is a very strange organ.

"And then my partner~!"

On the other side, Miss Kate, a fashionable battle stage brain, also threw her poke ball.


A red light fell, and this time it was a humanoid Pokémon.

It has the shape of an adult woman, with a lazy expression on its lavender face, and eight disc-shaped objects extending outward from both sides of its head, like some kind of hair accessories.

The body below the head is hidden under a long black dress with a row of white bows pinned in front.

Looking at it as a whole, it looks like a lazy and noble lady in a long dress.

"Who is this Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked at each other, it was the first time they saw this kind of Pokémon.

"Didi. Miss Goth, the Pokémon in the Hezhong area, has super power attributes, has strong spiritual power, and sometimes even distorts the surrounding space, and some special Miss Goth can even predict their own trainers. lifespan."

The illustrated book reminds that this is still a foreign Pokémon in the Hezhong area.

The brains of the battle frontiers are all strong recruits from all over the world. Naturally, they will not be like ordinary gym owners, basically only local Pokémon.

"It seems that one is a violent attack, and the other is a type of long-range attack..."

Xiaozhi quickly analyzed that the characteristics of the two can be judged from the body shape alone. uureading www.uukanshu.com This Miss Goth is probably the same type of existence as Xanadu.

"Don't be careless, Xiaozhi!"

After seeing the opponent clearly, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked at each other, and also threw out their Pokémon!

boom! boom!

The red light fell, and the figure was equally familiar, still a combination of Flaming Monkey and Big Tongue Licking.

"Oh boy, the flame monkey has just evolved, so its physical strength has been consumed a lot, right?"

Sugar Palm couldn't help but asked loudly, they were somewhat suspected of taking advantage.

Xiaozhi shook his head, with a fiery look on his face.

"Unsatisfactory physical strength is the best state of my flame monkey!"


In line with Xiaozhi's voice, the Flame Monkey spewed a ball of fiery flames into the air with high spirits, instantly making the atmosphere of the scene anxious.

"Oh, I like this flame monkey, so let the competition officially begin!"

Sugar palm shouted loudly, officially starting the final exhibition match.

"Flame Monkey, show them your current strength, use Sonic Fist directly!!"

And Xiaozhi was not polite, and the moment the battle started, he had already launched an attack.

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