He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1910 Dangerous trick space!

Seeing the flaming monkey rushing towards him, the super-armored mad rhino crossed his arms to protect him.

Bang bang!

The Sonic Fist came out with a heavy blow, making a loud bang, but it didn't make the Super Armored Crazy Rhino take half a step back, as if it didn't do any harm.

"Is it a hard stone characteristic?"

As an expert in rock properties, Xiao Gang instantly had a judgment in his mind.

The characteristics of hard rock can reduce damage to a certain extent when facing attacks with significant effects.

But he remembered the characteristics of the hard stone, so it could only weaken the restrained attack by four times... But a fighting move like Sonic Fist only doubled the damage to the super-armored mad rhino.

"Xiaozhi, it seems that the characteristics of this super-armored wild rhinoceros have been perfectly developed, and even general attribute restraint can reduce damage."

Xiao Gang quickly reminded that this calm and quick judgment made the eyes of Guanglang on the opposite side shine.

This black guy is also an expert in rock attributes.

"Super Armored Rhinoceros, use Arm Punch!"

Blocking the sonic fist of the flame monkey with one hand, the super-armored mad rhino swung the other arm, and hit the target in front of him with a powerful blow!

The flame monkey looked startled, and quickly rolled over to dodge and distance itself.

Clang boom boom...!

The terrifying arm punching move failed, and then an exaggerated crack and hole was smashed on the ground.

"Hiss, what a powerful force."

Xiaozhi gasped with lingering fear, just like this arm punching, it has nothing to do with any attribute restraint, the pure strength alone is enough for the flame monkey to drink a pot.

But the latter is obviously not good in terms of speed...

However, just as Xiaozhi wanted to continue the quick attack, Yanglang spoke again:

"Super armor mad rhinoceros, use ghost face, reduce speed!"

After saying that, the super-armored mad rhino put on a fierce face, and attacked... turned around and attacked Miss Goth next to her!


Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's complexion changed, why did they suddenly hit their own people?

And as the ghost face hit, Miss Goth's body also flickered with a weak blue light.

But at the same time, Miss Kate snapped her fingers as if she had been prepared.

"It's time to use the magic space!"

I saw that Miss Goth raised her arms and let out a long, high-pitched cry.

The next moment, countless neatly arranged square grids rose out of thin air at the boundary of the entire arena, forming together a Rubik's Cube box that wrapped the entire arena!

Juggling space, done!

"Damn it, is there another trick?!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi suddenly had a headache, because Pokémon with super power attributes are indeed the most difficult to deal with.

After the weakness of the ghost face, Miss Goth's speed has been greatly reduced, and the Super Armored Rhinoceros is the slowest and most cumbersome existence in the audience.

However, under the influence of trick space, the two-level reversal of the speed rule...

Now it's the turtle-speed super-armored mad rhino and Miss Goth, who can take the first step!

"The carnival has begun,

Super armor mad rhinoceros, use arm punch! ! "

This time it was the turn of Sugar Palm to attack loudly, with bursts of laughter.

This super-armored wild rhino kicked its feet, and its body covered with heavy armor was like a flexible flame monkey at this moment, able to make rapid sprints.

The white light arm swung up and hit the big tongue licking directly.

Bang bang! !

There was no time to dodge, the arm thumped the big belly that was licked by the big tongue, and the huge force directly smashed it to the ground and retreated several meters, and the big tongue couldn't help but spit it out.

The effect is outstanding!

"Miss Goth, use mental force!"

There was more than one opponent, and the eyes of Miss Goth on the other side glowed blue, and the majestic power of thought also flew from the air.

Under the blessing of the trick space, the flame monkey had no time to make any movements, and was completely imprisoned by the strong mind.

Following Miss Goth's thought, her figure slowly rose.


The flame monkey was smashed to the ground!

The effect is outstanding! !

The situation was completely controlled by Sugar Palm and Kate in an instant.


"It's amazing!! It's indeed a brain-opening!"

"Let me just say, Mr. Guanglang is stronger than Ms. Zhulan, definitely not something ordinary people can handle!"

Among the surrounding audience, there was a burst of applause and praise, which was endless.

It seems that this place has completely become the home court of Sugar Palm and Kate.

"Everyone is quiet, all is quiet!!"

In the crowd, Ah Xun yelled loudly, making the surroundings suddenly much quieter.

Immediately, he looked down the field, and Xiaozhi's face became tense at this moment.

On one side was his father, and on the other was the man who had just defeated him... Ah Xun didn't know who to cheer for for a while, so he could only watch the battle nervously.

"Lick with a big tongue, use a strong whip!!"

On Xiaogang's side, he was also looking for breakthrough opportunities.

The big tongue licked his mouth and spat out, and the green light tongue turned into a long whip and whipped out heavily.

Snapped! !

The super-armored Kuangxi raised his arm and received the whip, but blocked it steadily with his expression unchanged.

"Is it a solid rock again?!"

Xiaogang frowned. Strong whipping is a skill with four times restraint, but the opponent firmly blocked it with a hard rock. This characteristic is somewhat shameless.

Not only that, Sugar Palm even took the opportunity to attack and said:

"Pull it over, and use the arm punch!!"

Super Armored Kuangxi understood, grabbed the extended tongue with the palm of his hand, and forcibly dragged the whole person with the big tongue over the air.

Faced with another violent arm punch that was hard to dodge, Xiao Gang could only say hastily:

"Use the circle to block it!"

The big tongue licking can only hold on to the body and slightly increase the defense.

Bang bang! !

In the next second, the arm hammer hit, and it can only be said that it barely survived the blow.

But Xiaogang's face was already dripping with sweat, he couldn't stop such an attack several times!

Sure enough, fighting against the minds of the pioneering zone is by no means a simple opponent.

Especially now, facing two of them head-on at the same time, the pressure on people is too great.

"Miss Goth, use mental shock!!"

Kate on the other side also aimed at the flame monkey. With the blessing of the magic space, Miss Goth will always be able to take the first step. uu Reading www.uukanshu.com

whoosh whoosh! !

Concentrate the shot energy stones to form a series of slamming impacts, aiming directly at the flame monkey.

"Use digging to escape!"

There is no way, Xiaozhi can only choose to avoid the edge temporarily.

The flame monkey immediately dug the soil downwards, completely dodging the mental shock move.

"A ground move...Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros, use Stomp!!"

Sugar Palm is obviously an expert in double combat, and he is also paying attention to the battlefield on the other side, commanding quickly.

Seeing that the lower limbs of the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros were about to be trampled down, Xiao Gang quickly commanded:

"Use a strong whip, don't let it use it!!"

After all, his Big Tongue was originally a bulky and slow Pokémon, so the influence of the trick space on it was not too great.

"too slow!!"

Sugar palm laughed loudly, and the super-armored mad rhino in front of him trampled down quickly with one kick!

Rumble! !

In an instant, the ground shook wildly, and the shock spread all the way, as if it could lock on to the target.

The next moment, the ground cracked, and the flame monkey's figure flew out directly from below, the effect was outstanding!

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