He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1911 Fire, open!

"Now, Miss Goth, use mental shock!!"

Taking advantage of the flame monkey being forcibly knocked out of the ground by stomping its feet, and unable to dodge while hanging in the air, Kate quickly launched a fierce attack, preparing to kill the flame monkey with a single fire.

"Wood drink~!"

At the critical moment, the extended tongue of Big Tongue Licking changed instantly, wrapped around the waist of the flame monkey, and pulled back.


Only then did the menacing mental shock come to nothing, giving the flame monkey a chance to breathe, and distanced itself several times in a row.

"Damn it, it's really strong enough."

Xiao Zhi secretly had a headache, he didn't want to be defeated in this battle.

Although the two people on the opposite side are indeed powerful, Xiaozhi feels that there is still some gap between the other party and Miss Zhulan after careful comparison.

Right now, it is clear that the Rubik's Cube space around is the most critical issue...

Speaking of trick space, there is a time limit, right?

call out...

Just as Xiaozhi was thinking about this, he saw the Rubik's cube shell on the boundary of the field flickering for a while, and then returned to transparent air.

The round of Juggling Space is over.

"Good opportunity, flame monkey..."

"Super armor mad rhinoceros, use rock crit!!"

However, the sugar palm on the opposite side had expected it a long time ago, commanding the shot almost instantly.

The hollow in the palm of the Super Armored Crazy Rhino accumulated rocks outwards, and then threw them towards the position of the flame monkey and the big tongue.

Boom bang! !

It wasn't to cause any damage, it was simply to make it difficult for the two Pokémon to move under the fire of the rock gun.

"Now, Miss Goth, use the trick space!"

With the high-profile containment of the super-armored rhinoceros in the front, Miss Goth in the rear once again raised her arms as if singing, and let out a long cry.


The Rubik's Cube box that disappeared into the invisible before reappeared, wrapping the entire arena.


"Have you been ready?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's complexions darkened, one was in charge of covering, and the other was opening the space. They didn't give anyone any openings at all.

Obviously, Mr. Sugarnut and Miss Kate have been partners for many years, and when they played doubles, they had a tacit understanding.

But such a move also made Xiaozhi look fixed and make up his mind.

Can no longer hope to delay the rounds that have passed the trick space, they must be forcibly destroyed!

It's not the first time he's encountered trick space...

Such a move can be completely broken by external force.

Attribute restraint is naturally the most effective way to shatter it, but right now neither Flame Monkey nor Big Tongue Lick seem to have very good restraint moves to shatter the trick space.

"Then brute force must be used!"

Xiaozhi no longer hesitated, and suddenly commanded loudly:

"Flame monkey, use the flame vortex!!"

The flame monkey understood, took a deep breath, and then spewed out a burst of flames.

It's just that the goal is not to attack the two opponents, but to lower his head and aim at the ground.

Whoa whoa! !

The flames hit the ground and immediately burst open, forming a billowing heat wave and rushing towards the surroundings.

Sugar Palm is also an old man, and he knew what Xiaozhi wanted to do at a glance, so he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

It is indeed a good tactic to use brute force to destroy the trick space.

But with the strength of Flaming Monkey, it is undoubtedly a dream.

Noticing the expressions of the two people on the opposite side, Xiaozhi also smiled in his heart, and shouted provocatively from behind:

"Flame Monkey, it seems that someone is looking down on your strength?"

Hearing this, the flame monkey's body trembled, and its anger value began to rise.

The next moment, the flame monkey's eyes suddenly became extremely blood red, and the whole body was covered with a dark red energy coat.

Even the flames flying above his head soared into the sky in an instant, forming a huge torch more than one meter high, which seemed very exaggerated!


With the roar of the flame monkey, the flames spewed out of its mouth suddenly became several times thicker, and even the color turned into golden white.

Boom boom boom! !

The flame vortex, whose power was multiplied, directly blasted a large crack in the ground at this moment, and the rebounding heat wave formed a scalding hot wind impact, blowing away towards the surroundings!

"Triggered the raging fire feature?!"

Sugar Palm looked shocked. Although the flame monkey had almost reached its limit before, but this fierce fire feature...why does it look like it was triggered manually?

"Also, is the raging fire characteristic so exaggerated?"

Kate covered her face with her hands and looked surprised.

Just the four cooling winds caused by the flame vortex already made her feel very hot.

This is not a flame vortex at all, but a destructive death light, right? !

I can't let this weird monkey continue spraying!

Sugar Palm and Kate looked at each other, and their eyes instantly became serious.

Since it's an exhibition match to promote the Battle Frontier Zone, the two of them don't plan to lose today... They must show off the powerful momentum of the Battle Frontier Zone!

"Miss Goth, use mental shock and kill that monkey first!"

"Super armor mad rhinoceros, use rock crit!!"

The next moment, countless terrifying rock bombs and mental shocks followed one after another, and they were about to completely cover up the flame monkey.

It was just a pink figure, but it suddenly stood in front of the flame monkey.

"Lick with a big tongue, use the trick of holding on!"

With a resolute expression on his face, Xiaogang opened his mouth and said.

I saw the big tongue licking and hugging his body, forming a big ball to block the front.

Boom boom boom! !

The violent moves detonated on his body again and again, the power is not light.


After the move, there was a puff of white smoke all over Da Tong Licking's body, one foot half-kneeled on the ground, his expression was weak, obviously he had entered the limit state.

Hold on to the moves, forcibly accept all the moves, and let yourself maintain the last bit of physical strength.

And the almost desperate cover of his teammates also made the flame monkey completely enter a state of fire and rage.


With a hissing sound like a wild beast, the flaming hot wind spewed out by the flaming monkey completely turned into a series of fierce weasel slashes this time.

Whoosh! !

Not only did they attack the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros and Miss Gothic, most of them also shot towards the boundary of the arena.


In the end, the flame scythe Itachi even completely cut through the Rubik's Cube shadow on the boundary of the arena, leaving sharp gaps.

And with a gap in the juggling room...

Juggling Space, it's over early!

"Leave it all to me, Teacher Gang!"

At this moment, Xiao Zhi patted Xiao Gang on the shoulder, and said, with a strong confidence in his voice.


The flame monkey in front of him also had blood red eyes, showing a look like a bloodthirsty beast, and let out a low growl.

However, the body is beating in place regularly, and can launch a violent attack at any time.

It has felt that its own speed is back!


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