He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1913 How about I make a phone call myself?

"Super Armored Rhinoceros and Miss Goth have lost their ability to fight, so the winner of this exhibition match is the combination of Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang!"

The host of the organizer finally had a chance to speak, and announced the final result loudly.

This also caused the surrounding audience to fall into silence for a while.

After all, they are all here to cheer for idols, and even before, many people shouted that the strength of the sugar palm was better than that of Miss Zhulan, and they were a little embarrassed for a while.

"Haha, today's young people are really too strong! They are willing to bow down~!"

Seeing that the situation seemed to turn into a situation where they could not afford to lose against the pioneering zone, Sugar Palm quickly took over the microphone and smoothed things over.

And walked up to Xiaozhi and Kate together, and shook hands friendly.

"The two teenagers are amazing~!"

Kate has a lot of faith in the victory and defeat, and praised the two with a smile.

There was nothing unusual about Xiao Gang. The woman in front of him was a little older, which just exceeded his physiological reaction threshold, and did not make him suddenly fall ill and show love.

"If you have a chance, come to us to fight against the frontier zone, and then let you see our true strength!"

Sugar palm also watched Xiaozhi closely, and initiated the invitation.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely go back."

Xiaozhi didn't agree directly.

After the next trip to the Sinnoh area, he has no plans...

At that time, let's take a look at the progress of Brother Chi's campaign in the Hezhong area and how it is completed, and then make a decision.

However, his eyes fell on the two middle-aged opponents in front of him. They should not have exerted their full strength.

If Master Mikri is used as the judging scale, the previous performance of Sugar Palm was about 0.6 meters, and Miss Kate was 0.5 meters.

Maybe this battle frontier area is really like the Yoshien area, and there are monster masters like Mr. Jindai hidden.

If there is time, Xiaozhi is willing to challenge it.


The exhibition game came to an end, and Ah Xun went to comfort each other with his father, Baigou.

The Michel with red spiky hair came up to him.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, are you interested in Sidoran?"

He didn't make any detours, and got straight to the point.


Xiaozhi subconsciously touched the volcano stone in his pocket.

This guy's goal is this thing, right?

"I don't want to take away the treasure you finally obtained...I want to invite you to our battle pioneer area, where there is a volcano called Harsh Mountain."

"It is said that in the depths of the lava, there lives a Xidoran. If it is this volcanic stone, maybe it can be summoned!"

Hearing that Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly, it would be very attractive to see a legendary Pokémon that he had never seen before.

Living in volcanic lava... a bit like the god of volcanoes, Groudon.

Naturally, Michael's purpose is not just as simple as meeting Sidolan.

Also includes conquest.

To tame a legendary Pokémon that he has been familiar with since he was a child is very attractive to him.

But now that the volcano town stone is in the hands of others, he can only give Xiaozhi the right to make the first shot, and if the latter can't subdue it, he can do it himself.

"Do you want to tame the legendary Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi was also completely aroused, the taste of a beast man...

Then only those who have been a beast man can fully understand it!

But on the road...

Seeing Xiaozhi's hesitation, Michel quickly took out the illustration book and exchanged contact information with the latter.

"Anyway, there is no rush. Anyway, as long as you are still in the Sinnoh area, call me whenever you have time. I am basically on that island."

Michel hurriedly said, pretending to be familiar first.

If Xiaozhi hasn't arrived for a long time, and when he gets to know him well, he can be cheeky and just borrow the volcanic stone from the latter.


This Xiaozhi agreed casually, and then walked to Ah Xun's position next to him, ready to say goodbye to the latter.

"Dad, your Super Armor Crazy Rhino is too weak!!"

"Hmph, your command is completely ineffective, and you even used the water cannon to attack the manatee!"

At this moment, the father and son are nervously reviewing the previous battle.

Soon, they were all arguing red-faced, blaming each other for something wrong, completely ignoring the father-son relationship between the two.

This made Xiaozhi and Xiaogang feel embarrassed to intervene, and they left the publicity square after walking around.


After this unexpected promotional celebration of the battle frontier area, the two of Xiaozhi embarked on the journey again.

Along the foot of Tianguan Mountain, go all the way south, and then you will be able to reach the shore of Lizhi Lake in the south.

Good news came from Xiaoguang, who was acting alone, that he had successfully won the fourth gorgeous ribbon, and the airborne strategy was going very smoothly.


In the elf center of a certain city, Xiaoguang just cut off the video call with Xiaozhi and Xiaogang.

Next to it, the Muke Eagle walked over with its head held high, its eyes sharp.

"Oh, Mukehawk, do you want to talk to Xiaozhi too? Then I'll call again?"

Xiaoguang made a gesture and was about to pick up the microphone again, but Mukehawk spread his wings and blocked it seriously.

He dared to give himself to others temporarily at will, Mu Keying didn't want to talk to Xiaozhi now.


But in the end, it relaxed its face, and called out to Xiaoguang, asking if Xiaozhi cared about his situation just now.

If anything, I can barely forgive this trainer...

"Xiaoguang, I finally found you. The city for our next gorgeous contest has been determined. Hurry up and discuss the route!"

"oh oh!"

At this time, uureading www.uukanshu.com Xiaowang suddenly called out from a distance, Xiaoguang quickly made an apologetic gesture to Mu Keying, and ran over quickly.

Mukehawk: "..."

There was a bird left in place, and it barely picked up the microphone with its wings. Why don't you try to make a phone call yourself?



On the other side, Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi, who were still traveling leisurely, came to a new inland city this time.

This seems to be a very prosperous commercial city. There are shopping malls and shops along the way, and the traffic is dense.

All kinds of urban big sisters in gorgeous and fashionable clothes make Xiaogang's eyes shine!

"Xiaozhi, let's stay in this city longer!"

While drooling, Xiao Gang opened his mouth and looked around secretly.

"Hey, is that Pokémon...?"

However, when his eyes passed over a long and narrow corridor, Xiao Gang's loving eyes turned back to a slit.

He suddenly saw a slender weasel running over, with a milk-yellow belly and a black-blue back, with vigorous movements.

Like a fire rock rat?

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