He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1914 Meeting an old friend by chance

"There are still rock rats in the Sinnoh area?"

Xiaozhi followed Xiaogang's line of sight, and sure enough, he also saw a fire rock rat running towards a corner of the street.

It seems to be chasing something, it looks like a round blue ball.

"It's Marylou!"

Xiaozhi quickly realized, this look of anxiously chasing, is this fire rock mouse bullying that Marylou?

Seeing this, the two looked at each other and hurriedly chased after them.

Shuttle back and forth between the corridors on the city floor, Xiao Zhi shook his shoulder, and Pikachu jumped out.

"Use Iron Tail, stop them!"


Pikachu understood, and after his body circled in the air, he slashed down heavily with his steel tail!


The Huoyanshu also became vigilant in an instant, turned its eyes away, noticed the menacing electric mouse in the sky, and quickly dodged back.


Pikachu's iron tail was quite powerful, and it directly smashed a one-meter-long crack on the ground, protecting Marylou who was fleeing in panic.

However, this fire rock mouse just dodged backwards, and then its hind legs slammed on the ground, its body was covered with a burst of white light, and it recoiled with its strength.

Lightning flashed!


Caught off guard, he bumped his head directly into Pikachu's stomach, knocking the latter back half a meter.

"What a decisive move...?!"

Seeing this, Xiao Gang was shocked.

Is this a wild fire rock rat? There is almost no redundant cumbersome movement in the attack.

Boom! !

Even his eyes tightened, the fire rock mouse suddenly let out a loud cry, and flames burst into flames from its back.

Xiaozhi understands this appearance, he also had a fire rock rat... Of course, it has evolved into a fire storm beast now.

Once this kind of Pokémon has flames on its back, it means that it is about to attack with all its strength.

Whoosh! !

However, the fire rock rat's attack method was rather treacherous. It actually condensed several ghostly fire balls around its body, attacking Pikachu in all directions.


It wasn't the spray of flames from the front, but the will-o'-the-wisp move, which surprised Xiaozhi very much.

clatter! clatter!

Pikachu, on the other hand, uses the walls on both sides to alternately jump up and up, avoiding all the will-o'-the-wisps, and moves very quickly.

"Now, use the grid!!"

Finally, it jumped to the highest point, and the lightning ball condensed at the tail, spun around and threw it down.


The power grid was completely rolled out at an extremely fast speed, and the vigilant Fire Rock Rat didn't even react.

The next moment, the whole body was completely entangled by the electric grid, and it was firmly pressed to the ground, unable to escape.

Especially every time you struggle, when your body comes into contact with the power grid, it will trigger a rushing current,

The taste is extremely refreshing.

"Get it~!"

Xiaozhi clapped his palms and said with a smile.

Although this fire rock mouse looks very clever, but it is crushed in terms of level, and it cannot be made up for in terms of skills.

In any case, Pikachu's power grid cannot be cracked.

Speaking of which, Pikachu's strength seems to be growing visible to the naked eye recently... It seems that he is about to return to the peak period when he first stepped into the Sinnoh area.



But just as the two approached the Fire Rock Rat, Mary Lou, who had been chased by the latter before, suddenly jumped out, with an angry expression, and blocked the Fire Rock Rat.

It seems to be protecting the Fire Rock Rat.

This made Xiaozhi and the two a little confused. Wasn't the Fire Rock Rat bullying the latter before?

"Hey Fire Rock Rat, you bastard, where did you go~!"

"Marylou, where are you?"

At this time, two searching sounds came from the street corridor behind.

A man and a woman, the voices sound quite young and sunny, and the timbre is very familiar...

"Wait a minute, isn't this voice?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked at each other, and two figures appeared in their minds at the same time.

Immediately, the two turned their heads abruptly, and sure enough, they saw two familiar figures from a distance.

On one side is a young man wearing a yellow and black striped hat, about his age, wearing the hat backwards, looking rather restrained and unconventional.

Wearing a dark red hooded long-sleeve, black shorts, and a skateboard in one hand, he is dressed in hip-hop fashion.

The girl next to her has a delicate and gentle face, wearing a white top hat and slightly raising two short ponytails.

Wearing denim shorts with suspenders and small red short sleeves, her slender white thighs are also wearing knee-high white stockings, she looks very youthful and lively.

"Akin, Chris?! Why are you here?!"

"Xiaozhi, you still need Xiaogang...ah, why are you here?!"

On the long and narrow street, the four people on both sides were dumbfounded and called each other's name.

I didn't expect to meet acquaintances in this Shenao foreign place.

"Wait a minute! This is my Fire Rat... Is it Pikachu's power grid? Hey, you're not bullying people at that level!"

Ajin quickly noticed the fire rock mouse restrained by the power grid in the rear, and couldn't help shouting.


And that Marylou also bounced a few times, and landed in Chris' arms with tears in her eyes.

Knowing that it was an oolong incident, Xiao Zhi quickly directed Pikachu to disperse the power grid, and apologized repeatedly.

"So what's going on?"

Xiao Gang was at a loss and couldn't help asking.


Elf Center.

The four people who met in other places were sitting at a round table chatting about old times.

Seeing that Marylou was riding on the back of the Fire Rock Rat, playing happily and forgetting about the past, Xiaozhi was relieved.

According to Akin and Chrissy's explanation, these two Pokémon were hatched from eggs together, so they are very close and often stay together to play.

It wasn't "bullying and chasing" before, but playing hide and seek.

Even ran to a place where no one was there, so Ajin and Chris could only follow them out to look for it.

"Uh, by the way, are you going to breed another fiery beast?"

Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something, and asked with a frown.

He knew that Mr. Du, the most powerful dragon trainer in his hometown, had directly bred six fast dragons.

The other Pokémon are just Tu Yile, six fast dragons, and six different development directions in different directions, so there is no need for other Pokémon at all.

And Ah Jin is gifted with the power of the fiery beast, and when he fights side by side with the fiery beast, he can erupt a stronger coordination force.

It can even enter a state similar to its own "strength of bondage", and its combat power is terrifying.

So is this going to follow the example of Mr. Du and cultivate six fiery beasts at once?

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang couldn't help imagining the scene where Ah Jin was surrounded by six fiery beasts in their minds.

With the latter's perverse and unconventional character, it seems really possible?

"What, how can I have so much free time to cultivate six fiery beasts!?"

Ah Jin waved his hands carelessly, and leaned back on the chair, denying the conjectures of the two of them.

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