He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1915 Phantom Fiery Beast

"Of course, I don't have the time to raise five!"

Seeing the joking expressions of the two of Xiaozhi, A Jin quickly explained seriously.

Really, what do these two guys think he is, Ah Jin!

"That's how it is~ We accidentally learned from an ancient book that there is a legend about a second form of the Firestorm Beast."

Chris clapped her palms, her face straightened, which attracted the attention of the two of them.

It seems that a long time ago, the fireball rats and rock rats on this continent were all the same...

But in the final third stage of evolution, it is possible to evolve into a weird version of the ghost attribute fire storm beast.

"Ghost attribute?"

Xiaozhi froze for a moment, it sounded a bit mysterious.

But it sounds a bit like regional differences, right?

Pokémon in different regions may have completely different forms, appearances, and attributes.

From the looks of it, is there such a possibility for the Firestorm Beast?

"Hey, that's why I carefully selected a fireball mouse elf egg from the breeding house~!"

Ah Jin crossed his arms and said triumphantly.

His level of observation, coupled with the ability to open and hang golden fingers on the palm... This elf egg has been the most perfect fireball mouse since it was hatched!

Then under Ajin's careful care and cultivation, until the current stage of the fire rock mouse, it is also the most perfect and excellent individual!

But how to complete the third stage of evolution in the end, this point is a bit troublesome for Ajin.

After all, all he knows is that in ancient times, there were legends about ghost-attribute fiery beasts... The evolutionary path and cultivation method are completely blank.

"So what you have mastered is the will-o'-the-wisp move?"

Xiaozhi nodded, remembering the previous scene.

Generally, the fire rock mouse fights, and naturally spews out powerful jet flames...

But this Fire Rock Rat strangely flew up a few will-o'-the-wisps to attack.

Apparently, Ah Jin was intentionally leading him on the path of treacherous ghost-type Pokémon.

"Haha, when the time comes, my uncle will have a Pyrobeast on each side! Two different Pyrobeasts will definitely be invincible!



While they were still chatting, Ah Jin suddenly raised his head and laughed triumphantly.

"So, how do you evolve?"

However, Chris propped her chin up and asked helplessly, which made Ah Jin's complexion collapse.

Well, this is a big problem.

Before there is no way out, Ajin also brought props of immutable stones to his fire rock mouse to slow down the progress of evolution.

"Without knowing the specific evolutionary pathway, there are currently only three methods."

Chris spread her hands, but her words caught the attention of both of them.

Chris is no novice. She was already a well-known master of capture when A King Kong started his adventure.

Traveling around, looking for and catching all kinds of rare and rare Pokémon, his vision is much higher than that of Ajin.

"The first one is to try to learn all the moves and skills of the ghost attribute one by one."

Ah Jin nodded cooperatively beside him.

He has tried all the ghost moves and skill machines he can find.

But so far, the Fire Rat has successfully mastered only the will-o'-the-wisp and the shadow claw... The will-o'-the-wisp is essentially a fire-attribute move.

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"The second is to try some props related to ghost attributes."

Chris held out a second finger.

For example, the Dark Stone can allow some Phantom-attribute Pokémon to complete the evolution, and it may be helpful for the Fire Rat to evolve into a new form.

"There is also the curse talisman, you can try it too."

Xiao Gang couldn't help reminding.

He has a curse talisman in his hand. If he carries it to Pokémon, it can increase the power of some ghost-attribute moves.

But this talisman was a precious treasure presented to him by Miss Snow Maiden, and Xiao Gang didn't intend to give it to anyone.

However, this second way does not seem to be successful.

"As for the last method... that is to find some places with a strong ghost atmosphere,

Level up your workouts around. "

Chris said slowly.

Similar to the Pokémon Tower in Ziyuan Town in the Kanto region, and the Songshen Mountain in the Fangyuan area...

These weird and gloomy places may also have some good effects.

"Is it the Pokémon Tower in Ziyuan Town?"

Xiaozhi scratched the back of his head, and vaguely remembered something, as if he had taken an adventure in that place before.


Apparently Ah Jin has also tried for a while, but the results are not satisfactory.

"Why don't you try the ghost slate?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but put forward a new suggestion.

"Ghost slate?"

Ajin and Chris glanced at each other, and it was the first time for both of them to hear this word.

"Well, props related to the legendary creation god Arceus... After all, you are talking about the ancient rumors you heard, and these stone slabs are also ancient props."

Xiaozhi has his own way.

Ancient, ghost.

In the case of the ghost slate, these two elements are all together.

Hearing this, Ah Jin hastily and carefully wrote down this keyword, and he will take care of this thing next.

"Besides, if you mentioned ancient times, I suggest you find a man named Mingyao, uureading books www.uukanshu.com He is from ancient times... well, he is a person who has studied ancient times, maybe he knows about ghosts Information about the Pyrobeast."

Xiaozhi once again gave a suggestion.

It was not easy for him to reveal Mingyao's identity on his own, so he gave it a random identity.

With Mingyao's weird ancient Pokémon... maybe he also had a special ghost fiery beast before.

"Mingyao, I understand."

Ah Jin nodded again. He didn't expect to get two good pieces of information by accident in this encounter today!

Then he rubbed the head of the Huoyanshu who ran up angrily, and Ah Jin's confidence soared.

"Haha Bojiro, I will definitely raise you into the strongest fiery beast in the world!


Ah Jin also named his Fire Rock Rat.

As for the previous fiery beast, it was called Bakutaro, and it was already preparing to retire.


The Huoyanshu incident came to an end for the time being. Xiaogang set his sights on the two people in front of him, stroked his chin, and suddenly asked seriously:

"So, the two of you came to the Sinnoh area...is this a date?"

After the words fell, the serious Chris blushed, faltering and saying:

"Don't talk nonsense..."

"Hmph, my uncle has a mission this time, this guy Chris insists on following me~!"

Ajin said carelessly, as if he didn't notice Chris beside him, and his expression became gloomy in an instant.

"Are there missions?"

"That's right, this time the two of us represent the entire Johto area and are in charge of the Johto celebration!"

Ajin said triumphantly that he is now an official.

"City Capital Celebration?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes. They had been away from the Chengdu area for a while, so why did they come up with something new that they hadn't heard of.

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