He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1916 City Capital Celebration!

Under Chris's patient explanation, the two quickly understood the meaning of this city celebration.

It means traveling around the world, holding special festivals about the customs and customs of the Johto area in many cities outside the Johto area, and introducing and promoting everything about the Johto area.

Make outsiders interested in the Johto area and want to travel there.

Compared with other areas, the Chengdu area is still more traditional and closed...

Now it is urgent to attract foreign tourists to come for sightseeing and travel, and to increase the flow and popularity of the area, so this celebration was launched.

And Ajin and Chris are the persons in charge of this city celebration.

"Hmph Ajin, don't forget, I was the first person invited by others!"

Seeing Ajin's nostrils upturned, Chris couldn't help but snorted and corrected.

"We are both the same~! Both are good brothers!"

But Ah Jin hugged Chris's shoulder carelessly, and pressed on it, looking like a good brother.

This gesture made Chris frowned even more, suppressing her anger to the limit.

"Hehe, you two have a really good relationship..."

"Ha ha..."

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang chattered quickly, so no vicious male-female fight happened in front of them.


on the street.

Ajin and Chris led the way, while Xiaozhi and Xiaogang walked behind, intending to witness the so-called Chengdu Festival.

"Hey, today just happens to be the last day of the festival... I prepared a special surprise at the end~!"

Ah Jin suddenly turned his head, and triumphantly took out a high-level ball, as if it had subdued some incredible Pokémon.

"Don't listen to his bragging, that Pokémon doesn't belong to him at all!"

However, Chris was merciless in dismantling the road.

Xiaozhi became interested in the mysterious appearance of the two of them.

Is it the legendary Pokémon?

With patience, everyone soon came to the city center.

At this moment, a huge stage has been set up on the cross street in the center of this crowded business district.

The host above is introducing again and again, and the big screen on the stage is constantly showing various pictures and materials about the Chengdu area.

"In our Johto area, there are various ancient buildings, such as the Trumpet Bud Tower in Kikyo City, the Bell Tower in Yuanzhu City..."

Following the host's introduction, the landscape pictures of Trumpet Bud Tower and Bell Tower jumped on the screen in turn.

Especially the Bell Tower, surrounded by a withered and yellow maple leaf forest, stands a tall and ancient wooden tower.

This mysterious and beautiful scene aroused the interest of many audiences off the stage.

"The legendary Lake of Wrath that inhabits the red Gyarados..."

"A natural park where you can compete with other trainers in insect-catching skills every week..."

"The coastal lighthouse inhabited by electric dragons..."

"The mysterious whirlpool island..."

With the beating of the city landmarks, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang also watched with gusto, as if they were adventuring again in the Chengdu area.

"Let's talk about you, don't you two need to go up and introduce?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help turning his head and asked the two people next to him.

"Hmph, the two of us are the chief executives, in charge of commanding below~!"

Ajin put his hips on his hips, and said as a matter of course.

Of course, the two are not very old, and the City Capital Alliance officials naturally don't expect them to make any commercial arrangements...

Just paddle with the big team, be responsible for security, and the final highlight.

On the stage, just after introducing the local customs and customs in the Chengdu area, the host took out three poke balls.

boom! boom! boom!

The next moment, the very famous initial Yusanjia in the Chengdu area, the small saw crocodile, the chrysanthemum grass leaf, and the fireball mouse all landed on the stage.

The cute and small appearance immediately made the audience scream in surprise.

Even this celebration,

It also specially arranged an elf egg from the original Yusanjia to conduct a random draw on the spot.

This made countless audiences respond one after another, eager to get a Yusanjia from other places.

Undoubtedly, the celebration of the city capital was very successful.

"It's the egg of a small saw crocodile... but the individual is average."

Across the crowd, Ajin squinted his eyes and completely penetrated the egg in the host's hand on the stage, making Xiaozhi and Xiaogang speechless for a while.

As expected of a nurturing master, this vision is too tricky!

"Damn it, I don't have any eggs on my body now!"

Xiaozhi was secretly anxious, if he had an elf egg waiting to be hatched in his hand at this time, he could make Ah Jin a coolie, and give it a good consecration!



The city festival is in its final stages.

At this time, Ah Jin suddenly passed through the crowd, stretched out his palms, and leaped onto the stage.

Skillfully took over the host's microphone, Ah Jin said loudly:

"Hey, now is the last item of the Johto Festival, let everyone see the most representative Pokémon in our Johto area!



Everyone in the audience didn't know what was going on, why did a brat suddenly run up.

The next moment, I saw that Ajin had already pulled out the high-grade ball from his arms and threw it into the air.


When the red light fell, a slender and elegant blue crystal lin beast appeared in front of everyone uureading www.uukanshu.com.

It has a light blue animal-shaped body, majestic and proud eyes, a diamond-shaped crystal standing on top of its head, and purple flowing clouds flying backwards.

Especially the streamer-shaped tail extending from the tail, dancing flexibly on both sides of the body, looks elegant and mysterious.

"That's right, this is the legendary Pokémon in our Johto area! The messenger of the north wind, Suicune!


Following Ah Jin's loud introduction, there was a burst of loud cheers and screams in an instant.

I didn't expect to be able to meet the legendary Pokémon here!

"Turtle, it's actually Suicune?!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang also opened their mouths, greatly surprised.

The former even guessed at the first moment in his mind that Ah Jin was the Suicune who subdued a Ditto and transformed into a...

But with that fierce and proud aura on the stage, as soon as Suicune appeared on the stage, the surrounding air seemed to be purified...Obviously, this is a real Suicune!

"Wait a minute, this Suicune..."

Xiaozhi frowned, feeling it carefully.

If he remembered correctly, this Suicune was the relative Suicune whom Emperor Yan wanted to visit when he returned home, right?

They've met before...

"Why did Ah Jin subdue him all of a sudden?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help looking at Chris.

The latter has also been paying attention to the expressions of the two of them. Chris is very satisfied with the surprised expression changes, and finally can't help but chuckle.

"Didn't I say it all before, this is Suicune, not Ah Jin's Pokémon, but the city alliance's..."

Speaking of this, Chris paused for a moment and corrected:

"Hmm... It can't be regarded as a Pokémon of the Jotou Alliance. This Suicune is only working for the alliance temporarily."

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