"work to earn a living?"

This word reminded Xiaozhi of Xiaolan's flame bird.

The latter also seems to have worked for the Kanto League for a long time, and has always been the mascot of the Quartz League convention.

It was not until she retired that she followed Xiaolan.

"That's right, now Suicune and our city are allied, and it's just a lease relationship."

Chris nodded and said with a smile.

Originally, it was the envoy representing the legendary Phoenix King to communicate with human beings. In fact, the relationship between the three holy beasts and human beings is not too unfamiliar.

Later, after the three holy beasts and the Phoenix King broke up completely, Xiaozhi was still a personal participant in that battle.

The Three Holy Beasts, who have released the shackles of responsibility, can naturally walk in the world as they please, without any more tasks.

Emperor Yan followed Xiaozhi, and became the captain of the security guard, or the emergency nurse, and lived a rather leisurely life.

Lei Gong wants to be a little more arrogant, still running around the city, trampling the lawn everywhere... Now he is also appearing on the map of the Kanto area.

As for Suicune, he signed a cooperation agreement with humans and promised to become the official mascot of the alliance.

"It was Suicune I was looking for at the time~!"

Chris said with a smile.

She is a well-known capture master, and also has a high level of search and tracking. After receiving the official commission from the alliance, she found Suicune's trace at a seaside.

The latter didn't shirk much, and unexpectedly agreed.

After all, the life of his own brother, Emperor Yan, seems to be living quite well.

If you have a closer relationship with humans, it's not a big problem.

"I see... If it was Suicune, he would indeed be the most important guest at this Joto festival."

Looking at the extremely excited audience around, Xiao Gang nodded, the effect was very obvious.

The three of them looked at Ajin and Suicune standing on the stage together, looking like a tacit partner, Chris went on to say:

"Akin is Suicune's honorary trainer now~!"

After all, Suicune is still very lonely, even if he agrees to work for the alliance official, it is impossible for anyone to order him around.

Ajin, who is strong, will take this position.

So their position as the person in charge...in fact, the most important purpose is to become a partner with Suicune, to cooperate with the city festival, and to travel around the world to perform.

"I see..."

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang nodded, the officials in the Chengdu area were quite thoughtful.

Judging from the appearance of the audience around, it is estimated that there will be many people going to the Chengdu area soon.


on the stage.

"Suicune, show them your strength, use the strongest water cannon!


Ah Jin pointed to the sky and shouted.

Suicune's eyes were solemn, but he did not disobey Ah Jin's command. He knew that the trainer's strength was qualified to be his partner.

Open your mouth and gather your strength.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, a thick jet of high-pressure water bombarded out, ruthlessly washing the air in midair, splashing into countless water mist and falling down.

Its power is far greater than that of ordinary bubble moves. Just watching it from a distance makes people feel oppressed for a long time.

"The power is very strong."

Off the stage, Xiaozhi also nodded repeatedly.

Emperor Yan, Suicune, and Raikou are not the only three...

But these three three holy beasts who served as the guards of the Phoenix King are undoubtedly the most powerful individuals in the population, and they are not comparable to ordinary legendary Pokémon.

"Hey~ But my Emperor Yan is stronger."

Xiaozhi said secretly in his heart.

After all, his Emperor Yan has mastered King Feng's ultimate move - the sacred flame, and his strength is even higher.

Unless one day Suicune also steals Kioka's big moves, and Raikou steals some electric-attributed beast's moves...

Speaking of it, it seems that he has never seen any ancient god-level beasts with electric attributes.

"Electric shock monster, use thunder!


At this moment,

Among the crowd of spectators below, there was an untimely low shout suddenly.

The next moment, a tall and strong electric shock monster jumped into the air from the side of the stage.


A burst of electric shock like a flood burst out from the whole body, and the target was directed at Suicune on the stage, and the bombardment fell!

Such a fierce offensive is obviously not a temporary intention, but a premeditated attack.


Suicune's eyes froze, and the thunder move was aimed at the moment when he finished the water cannon. He couldn't use the move to fight head-on for the time being, so Suicune could only jump back to avoid the thunder.


The powerful thunder move directly blasted a big hole on the stage.


"A terrorist attack?!"

The sudden change made the audience under the stage restless and screamed again and again.

The electric shock monster also jumped onto the stage, showing a sinister expression, extremely aggressive.

"Electric Shock Monster..."

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, he had already seen the new evolution of the duck-billed Charmander and Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus...

Today I finally saw the new evolution of Electroshock Beast. uuReading www.uukanshu.com

The body is much larger than the electric shock beast, the yellow body is covered with black markings, and the two arms are particularly thick.

There are two radar-like tentacles on the broad head, and two slender tentacles in the shape of black detonators rise behind it, twitching flexibly.

What the hell, is this anti? Little black boy from Chengdu area, did he deliberately come here to disrupt the situation?

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other and made a gesture to run to the stage to help.

However, Ah Jin on the stage did not change his expression, instead he became excited and grinned.

"Is it finally unbearable, you guys...!"

And as the security guards separated the surrounding audience, one of the figures became particularly conspicuous.

This is a tall, middle-aged man with a curly back, wearing tight black clothes, with a slanted scar on his face, and his expression looks very unfriendly.

As soon as he came up, he looked at Ah Jin arrogantly:

"Hey kid, can you give this Suicune to us?"

Ah Jin also seemed to recognize the latter, his expression was even more arrogant than the other party, and he replied with a suppressed voice:

"Pokémon Hunter G, right... Today, this is the place where my master and I are covering, how dare you come here to tear down the stage without knowing your life?!"

"Hunter g?"

Xiaozhi subconsciously turned his head to look at Chris. This naming format sounds familiar.

"Well, Hunter G is a group of Pokémon hunters who have been wandering around the Johto area. I didn't expect to track down the Sinnoh area this time."

Chris's complexion tightened, she had already taken out the elf ball in her hand, and explained quickly.

This group of poachers seems to have been staring at the Three Holy Beasts. They also speculated that they would confront them in this city celebration. After all, they showed Suicune so grandiosely.

Unexpectedly, the opponent has been standing still until the Sinnoh area suddenly jumped out.

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