He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1919 He seems to be more coquettish

Soon, Xiaozhi took off on Latias.

The perception of waveguide power in his mind still locked on the position of Suicune and the two Pokémon Hunters.

These two guys are also veterans, and they moved extremely quickly, dropping bombs and pulling nets and running in one go.

Looking at a direction in the sky from a distance, Xiaozhi can perceive that the target is at that position, but the space where the target is located is indeed empty.

"Is it that invisible black technology?"

Xiaozhi remembered that Hunter J's spaceship had the special function of invisibility, which could make Nuoda's aircraft completely invisible and transparent.

Then he looked down, he was a little curious about how Ah Jin would ride this giant-winged flying fish.

The latter has more than ten shark fin flying fish attached to its abdomen. With so many burdens, it is estimated that it will be difficult to even lift into the air, right?

Xiaozhi vaguely remembered that although this kind of Pokémon had a symbiotic relationship with the cannon fish, it was difficult for the giant winged flying fish attached to the cannon fish to fly smoothly.

Basically rely on jumping out of the sea for a period of time to perform a gliding jump flight.

"Chris, I'll leave this to you."

Ajin looked at Chris. After all, the chaotic scene around still needs to be left behind to take care of it.

"Leave it to me and Xiaogang!"

Chrissy said, releasing her big asshole backhand.

"Geranium, use aromatherapy!"

After saying that, Geranium raised its slender head, and the pink petals around its neck emitted a faint green light and fragrance, gradually covering the venue.

This move can make the minds of other creatures calm and at ease, but it can reduce some confusion.

Xiao Gang also released his auspicious eggs to help with the aftermath.

With a reliable companion in the back, Ah Jin didn't delay any longer, and raised the billiard cue in his hand across his head, just reaching under the giant winged flying fish.

The school of iron gun fish under the abdomen of the latter also lined up horizontally along the direction of the wings.

And at a distance of one meter in the middle, several additional cannon fishes are stacked downward symmetrically.

Click! Click!

The sharp teeth just bit into Ah Jin's pool cue from both sides.

"Everyone, let's go!!"

As A Jin put on the goggles, he gave a loud shout and held the pool cue firmly with his palm.

The iron gun fish with a row of wings understood, quickly turned its direction, aimed the fish's mouth at the rear, and then opened its mouth wide.

The next moment, more than a dozen iron gun fishes performed water gun moves at the same time!

Puff Chi Chi! !

With a strong thrust, the giant-winged flying fish above shot up into the sky like a cannonball in an instant, turning into a sharp afterimage!

The giant fin flying fish flew past Xiaozhi almost in the blink of an eye, and the movement of the iron gun fish's water gun confused Xiaozhi's face.

"Turtle Turtle...!"

From the perspective of a bystander, this has completely become a giant winged flying fish with its own engine injector!

"So it turns out that the iron gun fish is responsible for providing power, and the giant winged flying fish's wide wings can change direction..."

Xiao Gang also analyzed the truth below.

As expected of Master Ajin, he is still so gaudy.


But soon, the giant-winged flying fish in the air turned around and circled in the air, accompanied by Ah Jin's voice.

"Hey Xiaozhi... where should we go?"

Xiaozhi: "..."

Seeing that Hunter J's spaceship was about to leave his waveguide detection range, Xiaozhi exchanged glances with Xiaogang below, and then commanded Latias to fly high into the sky.

Not only that, while jumping over Ah Jin, Xiaozhi also raised his arms high.

"The patron saint of the city of water, let's mega-evolve from now on! Latias!!"

Cooperating with the prelude to the last long chant, the dazzling colorful light enveloped Latias.

Snapped! !

In the next moment, the energy egg cocoon burst open, and Latias showed a new purple-white posture.

The speed has skyrocketed even more, and it even has its own engine injector. Every time the flight accelerates, there will be a "boom boom" engine explosion sound.

With a sound of "whoosh", Ajin was directly pulled to the back, and this time the roaring air smeared Ajin's face.

If you talk about fancy words, he won't lose.

Ah Jin: "..."

His face froze, but he still quickly directed his army of giant fin flying fish and iron gun fish to chase after it.

Too bad, it seems that Xiaozhi is more coquettish!


the other end.

The location of the interior lobby of a large airship.

Two veteran Pokémon hunters are here, surrounded by some small soldiers, walking around and working nervously.

In the middle of the two hunters, there was a Suicune who was tightly netted by the black iron net, and fell to the floor in a very embarrassing state.

"Thank you j, this time I have to trouble you to help with the transportation."

Hunter g folded his hands on his chest and said with a big smile.

Hunter j is already quite tall among adult women, but in front of g, he looks quite petite.

The latter's body shape, about 2 meters in size, was very rough and strong, and his muscles could not be concealed under the tights.

When they came to the territory of the local snake, the personnel and equipment were naturally borrowed from the hunter j.

"Hmph... If you are grateful, how about giving me the reward for this Suicune."

Hunter J just snorted coldly, looking at Suicune in the net in front of him, it was like looking at a wild dog that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

"Hey, I don't plan to sell this Suicune... I also lack a big guy for the town house."

Hunter G smiled sinisterly.

Just like an ordinary hunter's home, he often puts the skulls, furs, etc. of the big prey he has hunted...

For this Suicune, he also intends to keep it as a symbol of his own strength.

Suicune's IQ is not low, and he can understand human language completely.


Hearing the conversation between the two humans, he completely regarded himself as a rotten street dog, making Suicune let out a low cry, with an angry expression on his face.

Opening his mouth, he tried to release a strong stream of water, forcing the big net away.


It's just a powerful water cannon move, but it can't do any substantial damage to this special iron net at all.

"Haha Suicune, don't waste your energy, this big net can absorb all energy impacts, this kind of move is useless."

Hunter G sneered, mocking mercilessly.

Unless it is destroyed from the outside, the inside will never break free from this big net.


However, through the gap in the big net, Suicune still shot out some scattered water, which splashed onto Hunter G's trouser legs.

This also made Hunter G's eyes pressed, this arrogant Suicune, it seems that it is necessary to train it first...

Thinking of this, Hunter g walked directly in front of Suicune, looked at the latter's bluish-white abdomen, and suddenly became ruthless.

boom! !

He ruthlessly kicked Suicune's belly with such force that even Suicune's figure bent.


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