He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1920 Big Net, Suicune, Kick Your Belly

One kick doesn't seem to be decompressed yet.

boom! boom! !

Hunter g then kicked two or three times in a row, and each kick hit Suicune's abdomen hard.

The terrifying power caused Suicune to bow completely even with the big net.


The severe pain from the abdomen caused Suicune to spit out saliva and let out a whine.

Seeing that under his feet, this haughty Suicune was already lying there motionless like a dead dog, Hunter g even laughed proudly.

"Hmph, boring move."

Hunter J just looked at this with cold eyes, then turned his head to look in the direction of the podium.

To her, Pokémon are pure commodities, and Hunter J doesn't have any pity for them.

In other words, Hunter G's behavior, in her eyes, was like a rough man kicking repeatedly at a priceless gem, meaningless.

"Is anyone approaching?"

At this time, the commander-in-chief tablet in Hunter j's hand trembled, which meant that unknown creatures were approaching rapidly outside the spaceship.

Looking at the monitor screen on the tablet, I saw Xiaozhi riding a white and purple dragon that looked like an airplane and was chasing him quickly.

The giant fin flying fish next to it was not to be outdone, and the speed of the full fire output of more than a dozen iron gun fish was not much slower than that of Mega Latias.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, has he caught up so quickly?"

Hunter J frowned, this powerful human being with mysterious superpowers...

If there is still a human trading market, it is undoubtedly the most perfect commodity

Coupled with the body of a boy and a teenager, maybe he can also gain the love and hobbies of some special groups of people.

But now no one wants superpowers anymore. To Hunter J, Xiaozhi is just a disaster that hinders business.

She didn't want to have any conflict with this powerful and dangerous existence.

"Is this, Latias?"

However, the Pokémon under Xiaozhi's crotch has attracted the attention of Hunter J. She, who is well-informed, barely recognizes the identity of the latter's legendary Pokémon.

The appearance and color scheme are somewhat different from what she remembered... Could it be the mutated Latias?

She has never seen any mega-evolved Latias.

That being said, this is an incredible treasure...


But soon, Hunter J temporarily put away the greedy thoughts in his heart.

No matter what she does, she will make a detailed plan in advance, and will not suddenly see Lie Xinxi and forcefully capture Xiaozhi's Pokémon directly.

"This special Latias will be kept with you for the time being, Xiaozhi from the new town...!"

Hunter J took off his detection sunglasses and stared closely at the boy in the picture.

If you rob this kid, maybe you can get a lot of priceless treasures.

Seeing that the two of them were less than ten meters away from the spacecraft, Hunter J's aircraft was about half the size of the Battle Pyramid, so the flying speed was naturally not much faster, and they were soon overtaken by Xiao Zhi.

"Latias, use the wave of the dragon!!"

"Giant-winged flying fish, air slash!!"

Not only that, but the two people approaching outside directly launched an attack.

It is far from seeing the specific target appearance.

But now at a position of about ten meters, Ajin can barely see a huge silhouette that is somewhat inconsistent with the sky of the surrounding scene.

With the explosion of the dragon wave and air slash, the bombardment landed on the side of the aircraft.

Boom boom boom! !

The interior of the entire aircraft also vibrated violently.

The outer optical black technology coat was also destroyed, exposing the black lacquered shell of the entire flying ship.

"Hey hey hey! j, what happened!?"

With a sudden change, Hunter G's complexion changed. It was also his first time boarding Hunter J's airship.

It seems that someone outside is attacking?

"It's not a big problem, you can get rid of those troubles right away."

Hunter J just gave Hunter G a calm look, and didn't pay attention to the two pursuers outside at all.

This made Hunter G heave a sigh of relief.

After all, Hunter J, he knows, as long as she says the problem is not serious, then there is really no need to worry.

And Hunter J also quickly walked to the position of the console, without the slightest hesitation, he pressed a button.

However, this is not an attack button.

The moment the switch was pressed, the floor under Hunter G and Suicune suddenly trembled.


Hunter G's face tightened, he was somewhat familiar with this scene.


The next moment, the metal floor was suddenly folded open from both sides, and with the middle part, a gap was naturally formed downwards.

With nothing under his feet, Hunter G had no time to react, only had time to grab the nearest thing...to catch Suicune's big net.

This is exactly the same trap that was used on the stage of the Chengdu Festival before, but this time it fell on Hunter G.

Of course, Suicune ate it a second time.

call out...!

Immediately afterwards, one person and one dog lost all support and fell vertically.

The cracks and craters lead all the way to the outside of the flying ship, and there is already an empty outer sky below.

"J!! You owe * old woman!!"

Accompanied by Hunter G's drawn out angry and angry curses, both Suicune and the latter fell out of the aircraft, very silky.

Hunter J didn't even give any emergency measures such as a parachute, and directly threw a person and a dog out like stones.

Then he drove the spaceship and flew towards the sky in the opposite direction, without the slightest nostalgia.

Well, this is her strategy, which can solve the troubles behind in an instant.

After all, the conflict this time was entirely the problem of the reckless hunter G, and had nothing to do with me... Throw away the burden, and the matter will naturally be completed.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, next time, I will come to you."

Hunter J has already sat on the high seat in the command room, looking at the surveillance screen calmly, and murmured.

In the picture, Xiaozhi and Ah Jin turned their directions, and quickly chased towards the location of the fallen Suicune, constantly increasing the distance.

For now, let's finish the work of the Galaxy team first, the employment money given by this weird organization is very generous...


the other side.

Xiaozhi and the two who were about to launch the second round of attack suddenly found a big man in black, and Suicune caught in a big net, suddenly fell out from the bottom of the spaceship.

If it falls on the ground at this height, even Suicune will probably have terrible consequences.

"Giant-winged flying fish, catch up!!"

A Jin quickly turned the direction, and the army of iron gun fish violently sprayed water backwards, quickly chasing in the direction of Suicune.

"Hunter j, this guy..."

Xiaozhi glanced at the spaceship that was gradually flying away, and finally he could only command Mega Latias to chase in the opposite direction.


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