He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1929 Xiaozhi vs Wangluo!


Xiaozhi turned his head and his eyes lit up instantly.

It just so happened that he also wanted to test the strength of this blond man...

He also wanted to find an opportunity to propose a battle with Wang Luo, but he didn't expect the former to send out the invitation first.

Immediately, Xiaozhi quickly called all the Pokémon to get out of the way, clearing the battle field.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes swept over the Pokémon at the boundary of the arena.

They all looked like soldiers waiting for inspection, straightened their backs, looked at Xiaozhi with fiery eyes, expecting the latter to send them to fight.

"The rules of the game are 1v1, let's go as far as we can~!"

Wang Luo said with a smile, and took out an elf ball in his hand.

"Hey, that Poké Ball...?"

With sharp eyes, Xiaozhi noticed that the elf ball in the latter's hand was actually a weird version made entirely of wood.

This kind of poke ball seems to have been seen at Mingyao before, it seems to be an ancient poke ball...

Is this Mr. Wang Luo also an ancient person?

Shaking his head, he didn't have time to think about it, now the key is to choose the contestants.

After scanning around, Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed.

"Pikachu, it's up to you!"

Hearing this, the other Pokémon's backs went limp, and they roared in protest.


Pikachu straightened his back, with a somewhat smug expression.

In this team, Pikachu is the only big brother!

Leaping a few steps flexibly, Pikachu has landed on the field, and the monster slab behind him has been completely released.

After all, carrying this tortoise shell, let alone the weight, the straight waist is too obstructive for movement, and Pikachu will even flash to the waist for basic running.

On the other end, Wang Luo has also opened his ancient elf ball.


When the red light fell, it was a huge lion-headed dog!

It has a dark red body with black markings, and the fluff on the tail and ankles of its limbs curls and flutters like clouds, black and gray in color.

The huge lion's head is also covered with dark gray mane, the hair on the back of the head is slightly curly, and a sharp horn is erected on the top of the head.

"Is it a regional wind speed dog this time..."

Xiaozhi regained his composure a little, obviously this is the evolution of that little stone lion, Katie dog.

Compared with the elegant and wild wind speed dog of the original version, the black and gray wind speed dog in front of me is more majestic and domineering, like a stone lion that can really guard and disperse evil spirits.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, the wind speed dog let out a roar like thunder, which made Pikachu couldn't help but take a step back, and his movements froze.

"Is it the intimidating feature again... Rock and fire attributes, Pikachu, don't be careless."

Xiaozhi quickly judged the opponent's attribute combination and gave a reminder.

There were no referees around, and the battle started directly!

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Jet Flame!!"

At the beginning of the battle, both of them chose long-range moves, and the electric current flowing from Pikachu's cheeks shot out, and the ancient wind speed dog opened its mouth wide, spewing out a powerful beam of flame light.

Boom boom boom! !

The flames met the lightning, creating a huge explosion that filled with smoke.

"Now, use the steel tail!!"

However, covered by the smoke, Xiao Zhi suddenly spoke.

Pikachu was running fast on the ground, its soaring body turned in the air, its blunt iron tail took shape, and it swung fiercely at Wind Speed ​​Dog's lion head.

Wang Luo looked a little surprised, obviously both the trainer and the Pokémon in front of him had grasped the timing of the battle very precisely.

It's a pair of seasoned partners.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Flame Fang!"

However, under Wang Luo's command, the wind speed dog did not dodge, but opened its bloody mouth wide, with hot flames flowing between the teeth and waiting.

Bang bang! !

The next moment, with a blunt explosion, the smoke dissipated, but the sharp teeth of the wind speed dog were firmly biting Pikachu's iron tail.

There was even flames burning around, burning Pikachu's ass.

"This guy is really not simple..."

After a short fight, Xiaozhi also noticed that the man in front of him was powerful, and he was by no means an ordinary trainer.

Wind Speed ​​Dog even swung Pikachu vigorously into the air like a sandbag.

The opponent had nowhere to rely on in the air, Wang Luo raised the corner of his mouth, and simply launched the final attack.

"Let's decide the winner at once, Wind Speed ​​Dog, use big characters to explode!!"

After the words fell, the wind speed dog opened its mouth wide, and the turbulent flames churned in its mouth again, and the terrifying high-temperature moves bombarded out!


The fireball changed shape in the air, forming a huge flaming character, aiming predictively at Pikachu who fell from the sky.

"If it were an ordinary Pikachu, I might have lost..."

However, when Xiaozhi saw this, his expression still showed no panic, and he raised his finger to the sky.

"It's now, Pikachu, use the flying weight!!"

Pikachu, who fell from the sky, heard the command, and instantly spread his limbs and claws, propping up in the air like an electric flying mouse.

call out...!

At this moment, Pikachu even seems to have mastered the ability to fly. Even if he has nowhere to borrow power in the air, he can still glide flexibly and move the trajectory.

call out...!

Turning his body sideways, he easily avoided the extremely dangerous big character explosion.

This move has a weakness of low hit rate.


Immediately, his eyes widened, and Pikachu's gliding and dodging posture instantly turned into a fierce and fierce diving attack!

"Does Pikachu still have this kind of action?!"

Wang Luo's face changed slightly, he had never heard of an electric mouse that could do this.

Just as he was about to instruct Feng Speed ​​Dog to dodge, Xiao Zhi's voice also came at the same time.

"I can't hide... If my guess is correct, the speed of this wind speed dog should drop to the point where it can no longer use super fast movements, right?"

The speedy trick is the signature skill of the wind speed dog.

When the speed is activated, the fiery red body of the wind speed dog, combined with the wild mane dancing with the wind, is very handsome and courageous.

But the rock-type wind speed dog in front of him, the gray-black mane covered on its body, should be a rock-like substance...

With such a heavy body of rocks on his back, it is somewhat outrageous to use the swift moves again.

After saying that, Pikachu swooped down, aiming directly at the head of the wind speed dog, and the movement was so fast that the wind speed dog had no time to dodge or attack.

Xiaozhi guessed right, the speed of the "wind speed" dog in front of him is its weakness.

Flying body heavy pressure! !

Boom! !

The next moment, the moves were completely poured down, and the terrifying force of the flying body's heavy pressure fell heavily on the wind speed dog, causing a majestic explosion.

The effect is outstanding!


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