He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1930 Second turn...completed!

The heavy pressure of Pikachu's flying body directly knocked the wind speed dog back again and again, and several black marks were scratched on the ground by its paws.

Even after stabilizing his body, Wind Speed ​​Dog's rear body followed suit, and he almost fell to the ground, obviously suffering huge injuries.


On the other hand, the powerful Pikachu landed steadily, his small eyes were shining, and he did not forget to call out provocatively.

I don't know why, but I always feel that I have endless energy recently.

Just use the big dog in front of you to vent!


Being succeeded or even ridiculed by the little one in front of him also made the wind speed dog in the Xicui area let out a low growl of anger.

The eyes of the lion's head were full of anger, and the body was trampling and rioting on the spot. The crimson body under the gray cloud mane began to radiate flames and splashes!

This made Feng Speed ​​Dog's whole body instantly turn into a bursting fireball.

Ready to go, we must attack Pikachu with all our strength!

"Oh, is it Flame Charge... or Flame Wheel?!"

Xiao Zhi was a little confused by Feng Speed ​​Dog's move forward.

The flame of Flame Charge is crimson, as if wearing an energy coat, and even burns into a palpitating blue in the process.

But the move of the wind speed dog in front of him is obviously different from Flame Charge.

It's just that it can't be the Flaming Wheel. Obviously, the power and strength are far more than a mid-term transitional move of the Flaming Wheel.

"This trick is called Great Indignation..."

Wang Luo spoke slowly, but when the wind speed dog condensed the flames and rushed out, he had already lifted the wooden elf ball.

"Did you forget the game that you clicked so far?"

After the words fell, the wind speed dog was not allowed to respond in the slightest, Wang Luo forcibly retracted it into the poke ball, ending the battle.

"Why didn't you call all of a sudden...?"

Xiaozhi's high fighting spirit was instantly extinguished, and he felt a little dissatisfied.

Don't look at this wind speed dog who is tall and burly, but to his Pikachu, it is obviously just a big sandbag.

But the move Mr. Wang Luo just said... big indignation?

Is it a new fire attribute move?

This made Xiaozhi instantly think of the "wave rush" move he saw from Master Mikri.

This is also an ancient move, a skill mastered by the living fossil ancient coelacanth.

A strong stream of water condenses around the body, and sprints at the opponent with all its strength. It is a high-end version of the water jet.

And the move just now was so indignant, it looked like a high-end version of the "flame wheel".

Could it be the "flame rush" corresponding to the wave rush?

"Pickup, pickup...!"

The big sandbag dog in front of him suddenly disappeared, which also caused Pikachu's sprinting movement to be skewed, and he almost fell to the ground.

It also wants to try the high-voltage electric shock that has not been used for a long time, and what kind of indignation is it to hit the opposite side head-on.

Or take a tricky Shadow Fist to see how powerful this new move is.

For no reason, thinking of this, Pikachu became more and more angry.

"Pickup, pickup!!"

Even the movement is like the wind speed dog shaking forward when using the big anger, rioting in the same place, and the mouth is still barking.

On the cheeks, electric currents are still bursting out.

Wang Luo: "?"

Did something happen?

The appearance of this electric mouse in front of me...has gone mad?

Xiaozhi: "?"

This time, not only Wang Luo was stunned, but even Xiao Zhi had never seen his own Pikachu's posture.

Isn't it just that the battle has been terminated? Why are you in a hurry?

Just about to get closer to investigate, Pikachu calmly stretched out a paw in Xiaozhi's direction.

Immediately there was a pika pika cry, indicating that he was still awake and not to approach.

Xiaozhi: "..."

It's not so much anger...it should be said that there is a force in his body, and he desperately wants to find an outlet to vent it out.

It's like eating too much, food is about to come out of the throat and bronchi.

At this time, people will become extremely restless, but they still have reason.

Especially in the superficial battle with the wind speed dog, this energy was completely ignited and stimulated!

Xiaozhi: "???"

Before he could understand what happened, Pikachu suddenly stood up and clenched his small fists.

Since you can't hit the dog, you can only hit the air!

"Pika, Chu!!!"

With a burst of loud and high-pitched screams, Pikachu's whole body erupted with a burst of fierce and violent lightning!

Boom! !

The golden thunder and lightning exploded all around!

The extremely terrifying and vast lightning, with Pikachu as the center, formed a thunder and lightning beam nearly three meters wide and soared into the sky, straight into the sky.

Even though it was still the brightest afternoon, the sky turned dark in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, in the backyard of the elf center, a dazzling beam of lightning rose straight up, completely piercing through the clouds.

"What the hell?!"

"Is that, lightning?"

Even the people in the whole town could see the sudden lightning beam, they all stopped their movements and looked up blankly.

Not only was it bright, but they also felt the divine power that seemed to come from the legendary Pokémon in this flash of lightning.

And Xiaozhi and Wangluo who were closest, and even the surrounding Pokémon were all staring blankly.

In the team, many Pokémon used to even underestimate this electric mouse from other places.

Obviously, I just eat and sleep every day, and I have never trained much...

Why can he still be the first brother in the team?

All Pokémon stopped talking until they saw this beam of thunder piercing the sky.

Misunderstanding resolved.


A few minutes later, the lightning beam dissipated.

In the backyard of the Elf Center, there are still residual electric currents flowing in the air, and the whole space seems to be covered with a layer of hazy filter.

This is the effect of the electric field.

As for Pikachu in the center, the current around him has dissipated, and there is no change in his body, but a huge pothole exploded around the ground.

"Um, Pikachu, are you alright...?"

Xiaozhi walked a few steps closer with some hesitation, and asked.

Why, it suddenly exploded violently?

But Pikachu is in better shape than ever.


With bright and energetic eyes, the little paw patted his chest, and turned around and screamed.

After fully venting this force, it now feels extremely refreshed all over its body!

Xiaozhi finally came to his senses, and his expression gradually turned into ecstasy.

"This is strength, is it fully recovered?!"

Just after landing on the mainland in the Sinnoh area, Pikachu was slashed by the void, and his realm fell to the half-step little heavenly king.

However, the current momentum is incomparably full and strong, and the strength has completely recovered!

No, not only that... the power is even better!


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