He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1737 Capture all the gods in the lake!

"Why don't I wait until this incident is over, and I'll report Aliu?"

Daye couldn't help but a bold idea rose in his heart.

It's so delicious!

Not as good as his best brother, Dianci!

Speaking of it, it was true that Ah Liu had only been promoted to the Four Heavenly Kings in recent years, and he watched the whole process of promotion.

That year's league conference victory was already at its limit.

Infinity 50/50 with the runner-up, I tried my best until the last one, and barely won

Even in that session of the Sinnoh Alliance, there were no strong players at all.

The next king challenge.

The former Heavenly King was already an elderly trainer who was over sixty years old, and he kept talking about retiring.

It just so happened that Aliu ran into the entire Heavenly King Challenge, which was basically a release.

No wonder there is so much moisture!


Noticing that Daye's face was flushed with shame, Huo Xing couldn't help laughing beside him.

Seeing Daye's sullen gaze, Huo Xing immediately tightened his face and called for help.

"Miss Suixing~Help!! Help me!"

It's just the tone and demeanor, without the slightest sign of being in danger.


On the screen, Sui Xing was silent for a moment, and in the end he could only sigh helplessly, looked at Daye and said:

"Let's let the buddy go, and I will also let the trash fish trainer behind."

The title of "Miscellaneous Fish Trainer" changed Da Ye's expression again.

After all, he is in the same position as Ah Liu, and this phrase of miscellaneous fish is also describing himself.

Damn it, let Dianci go to the Heavenly King Challenge when we go back, let's beat this troubled Aliu first!

as for colleagues

Really unfamiliar, they just met a few times by chance.

"Hmph, your Galaxy team is not so easy to release people, is it? Let's meet and we will exchange hostages."

After thinking about it, Daye still felt that he should be on the safe side.

The ghost knows if Suixing will kill Ah Liu directly if he releases someone here.

However, Sui Xing on the other side of the screen just snapped his fingers.

On the screen, a ferocious-looking tank skunk had grown sharp claws and rested on Ah Liu's neck.

"Don't bully me! Do you think I dare not? Fire Eevee!"

Daye's violent temper suddenly came up, Huo Ibrahimovic next to him understood, and immediately opened his mouth and spewed out a ball of flames.

Boom chi chi! !

The flames were burning fiercely about 10 centimeters in front of Huo Xing. The flames and heat hit his face, making Huo Xing's complexion pale and his face eclipsed.

But the fire on the edge didn't advance any further.

Obviously, this Fire Eevee's ability to control its jet flames is very superb.


However, Suixing's expression was extremely cold, and the tank skunk next to him didn't stop. One step further with his sharp claws, it cut through the skin of Ah Liu's neck in an instant, and blood began to fall.

There is no doubt that Ah Liu's neck will be completely pierced by sharp claws in the next second.

"Stop, stop, stop!! I'll let you go!!"

Daye's expression changed, and he quickly scolded.

At most, he only dared to scare people, so naturally he couldn't really do anything to Huan Xing.


Huo Eevee could only close his mouth to disperse the flames.

This made Huo Xing breathe a sigh of relief, just now she felt as if she was really going to be burned to death.

With Suixing's cold blood, she might really allow herself to be burned to death!

Next time, be a little cowardly.

"Galaxy, you're ready to go."

In the end, Daye could only helplessly wave his hand at Huoxing, signaling to get out of here.

Next, he can only hope that this purple-haired woman will really keep her promise and let Ah Liu go.

Should I let it go?

"Then goodbye, Mr. Afro~! Thank you, Suixing~!"

Seeing that he was rescued, the partner was also relieved and regained his smiling expression.

Before that, she was still thinking about how she would escape from prison in the future.

I didn't expect to be so lucky today!


Immediately, Sui Xing released three bronze mirror monsters, which were folded together to form a floating magic carpet.

call out.!

Huo Xing sat sideways on it, and soon it turned into a stream of light and flew into the distance.

"Damn it, Team Galaxy guys."

The action failed, and even the captured target ran away under his nose, which made Daye punch the ground, very manic.

Damn it, pig mate! !

Do you really want such a dish? !

Daye took out the communicator with his backhand, and pressed the "0" button for three seconds.

This is the shortcut address book he set up for his friend, and he was connected to the other end of the phone after a while.

Daye simply cut to the chase and said:

"Hey, hey, hey! Dianci, let's be the Four Heavenly Kings together, it just so happens that one of the four is missing!"

Half an hour after the galaxy bomb detonated.

The gods in Xinqi Lake and Wisdom Lake used teleportation to escape almost at the same moment.



When Emrido, the god of emotion, and Yukshi, the god of knowledge, opened their eyes, they suddenly found that they were facing each other and appeared in the same position.

It's too late to exchange greetings, but they seem to move instantly at the same time, and they have arrived at a certain closed metal room?

As for the gods in the lake representing will, Yaknom has completely turned into a golden sculpture, standing quietly in the center of the two.

"White?" "White?"

Emrido and Yuksi's expressions changed, and they hurriedly looked around.

There were several humans wearing black uniforms with bad expressions, and a woman with short silver hair standing at the head, staring at them coldly.

Here is Hunter J's headquarters hall.

"Is it finally here? Just right."

Hunter J sneered, completely following her script.

And around the two gods in the lake, three three-in-one magnet monsters have been suspended at the same time, and the magnets on the edge are bursting with fierce currents, connected together, ready to go.

"Use electromagnetic waves!!"

After the words fell, the electric current released by the three-in-one magnet monster was encircling, spreading and flowing in all directions.

Almost at the moment when their teleportation appeared, the electromagnetic wave moves were already preparing

Even the "Mysterious Guardian" move that the legendary Pokémon is best at is too late to release.

Zizizi! !

Electricity surged and flowed on the two Pokémon, and Emrido and Yuksi couldn't help but tense up, letting out bursts of wailing.

The two muzzle launchers in the spacecraft have also locked their targets.

"It's now, launch!"

Following Hunter J's command, the launcher fired two golden laser beams, which were aimed at the two Pokémon respectively.

The whole body was controlled by the paralyzing current, and it was difficult for Emrido and Yukexi to even move and dodge for a while.



The crystal beams both hit, and the two Pokémon also transformed into a golden crystal state at an extremely fast speed.

After a while, there were three statues of the same height in Hunter J's flying ship.

All the gods in the lake have been successfully captured!

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