He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1738 Emrido's Call for Help

Sinnoh area, a small town in the west.

In the gorgeous venue, the final final is being staged.

Surrounded by black crows, the spectators were concentrated and applauded enthusiastically, not aware of the outside world, and the potential danger in the Sinnoh area was approaching.

But this is also normal. A lake that evaporates in an instant will at most be regarded as some mysterious phenomenon, but it will not be related to the destruction of the world.

on the stage.

"Heracross, use the million horns!!"

The coordinator on one side has already launched a fierce attack, and the strong beetle in front of him raised its huge horn and charged away!

"Queen Bee, use the violent wind to escape!!"

The coordinator on the other side is Xiaoguang, wearing a gorgeous dress and short skirt, with a pretty serious face.

It was already the last moment of the finals, and the health bar values ​​of both of them were barely average.

Hush! !

The queen bee flapped her wings and rose into the air with the help of reaction force, avoiding this insect-type big move very dangerously.

"So strong."

Xiaoguang didn't dare to relax in the slightest. This is another senior-level coordinator, and he is very sophisticated and difficult to fight.

"Heracross, use rock crit!!"

I saw Heracross lifted the rock, his muscles tensed, and he had to use 4 times the attribute restraint to defeat the Queen Bee at once.

"Don't let it be used, use the attack command!!"

Xiaoguang suddenly attacked.

The queen bee raised her lower body slightly, and countless bee larvae flew out of the hive at the bottom.

Although the moving speed of the queen bee body is extremely slow

But the speed of these larvae is extremely fast, moving in the air like little bits of sand and dust, dazzling.

Da da da!

Immediately afterwards, like a gust of wind and rain, the crazy impact hit Heracross' hard shell body, and many larvae even aimed at the latter's eyes.


This made Heracross's eyes blurred, and he lost his attack accuracy, and the rock crit attacks passed by the Queen Bee one after another.

"It's over, use Air Slash!!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the queen bee flew up into the sky of the venue, her high-speed vibrating wings slashed out a series of sharp white light slashes.

Bang bang bang! !

The air slash completely covered the position of Heracross, and the bombardment made bursts of explosions.

Quadruple the effect!

The smoke dissipated, and Heracross leaned forward and fell down.


Seeing this, Xiaoguang's hanging heart finally completely dropped.

Xiaoguang's fifth ribbon was successfully collected!

Well, she is the heroine, finally there are some shots!

But just when Xiaoguang was about to go up to accept the award, her head suddenly popped up, and a memory picture flashed quickly, forcibly filling her field of vision.

It is still the first perspective, surrounded by a lake. Does the scene on the shore look like Xinqi Lake in your hometown?

Next came a group of menacing bronze mirror monsters, floating up from the water, and constantly attacking "I".


During a scuffle, the scene in front of her changed instantly, and then she came to a room made entirely of metal walls.

"Is it the gods of the lake?!"

Xiaoguang opened her mouth slightly, with a surprised expression, she finally saw Yuxi, the yellow mushroom Pokémon of the gods in the lake at the same time.

He has squint eyes similar to Mr. Gang.

Beside him, there is also a golden Aknom, a one-to-one statue.

It is the style of this golden statue, as if I have seen it somewhere before.

"Hunter J?"

Even in the field of vision, Xiaoguang saw the ruthless hunter J with a group of grinning younger brothers behind him.

In the end, in a beam of golden energy laser, the memory was completely interrupted

Xiaoguang stayed in place for a long time, with a dazed expression.

Is it the expression that happened in reality?

There are two gods in the lake in front of you, so your own perspective.

It should be the god representing emotion, from Emrido's perspective, right?

Could it be that Emrido was captured by Hunter J?

This is the pink Pokémon that Xiaoguang met once on the first day of traveling.

According to legend, the gods in the lake will only appear in front of humans they recognize

Emrido, are you asking me for help?

"Hey, Xiaoguang, what are you doing in a daze...!"

It wasn't until Xiaowang's urging voice in the front row that Xiaoguang came back to his senses, and only then did he realize that the eyes of the audience were all on him at the moment.

She hurried forward, received her fifth ribbon, and left in a hurry.

It was originally something to be happy about, but because of this inexplicable scene, Xiao Guang was a little upset.

The beauty contest is over.

"What happened just now? I lost my mind."

Xiao Wang came over and asked worriedly.

Right now, she and Xiaoguang have collected all five ribbons, and then they will have a showdown in the Super Gorgeous Contest by the Lake of Lizhi.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call first."

Xiaoguang quickly called Xiaozhi.

At this time, her first reaction was to think of Xiaozhi.

"Beep. The person you dialed has turned off their phone."

It was just that soon, there was a digital ticking sound from the illustration book, and they couldn't get through.

Xiaoguang quickly called Xiaogang again, but the situation was still similar.

"Hey, damn it, why can't Xiaozhi and Teacher Gang get through this situation!"

Xiaoguang was a little crazy, pulling his hair.

In his mind, he vaguely recalled Xiaozhi before, as if he had indeed mentioned to himself that he was going to climb Tianguan Mountain next.

Is there no signal in the mountains? What a coincidence!

"Tuigui, Lizhi Lake has evaporated?"

Xiao Wang also took a look at the outside world, and was surprised when he noticed the instant news in the communicator.

Xiaoguang also quickly squeezed his head to look.

In the picture, there is only a dry riverbed left in the originally vast lake, and there are countless carp kings struggling and jumping below it. The scene is horrifying.

It seems that during their participation in the beauty contest, something terrible happened outside.

"Let's go, let's go to Lizhi Lake first!"


The two looked at each other, originally Lizhi Lake was the destination, but now they couldn't contact Xiaozhi and the others, so they could only go to Lizhi Lake to see the situation.

This phenomenon does not only happen to Xiaoguang.

Halfway up Tianguan Mountain.

At the moment when Emrido and Yuxi were frozen by the crystal beam, not only did Xiaoguang suddenly have a scene in his mind.


At this time, Xiao Gang, who was still climbing the mountain, suddenly hugged his head and let out a low cry.

"Has this happened to Mr. Gang?"

Xiaozhi next to him was the first to react, this appearance was exactly the same as his previous scene.

Sure enough, it's not a coincidence, something big must be happening in the Sinnoh area right now!

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