He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1742: Yuki's Battle!

Chiri's palm kept moving on Sanshenggu's body as if stroking a gem, his face was fiery.

Without turning his head, he suddenly said:

"How, can it be done?"

Pluto behind him pushed the round eyes that fell down, and said with a sinister smile:

"It's natural, one night is enough!"

As he said that, he called his subordinates to push the statue of the three saints into a Galaxy team plane, and even Chiri and his party followed on board this huge ship.

Tonight, they plan to go to Tianguan Mountain!

It seems that he intends to conduct experiments in the plane while flying to Tianguan Mountain.

According to the legend, Sanshenggu's ability is not that simple.

The gods in the lake, who can shape the world of gods, can draw power from these three, which is even enough to control the gods of time and space!

This is the purpose of Chiri's effort to capture Sanshenggu!

At this moment Chiri was standing at the front of the spaceship, looking through the glass at the dark Curtain City below, with a frenzied look on his thin face.

"The whole world will change tomorrow!"

chug chug!

Soon, the large warplane with the golden letter "G" engraved on its surface took off, followed by several small planes, and flew to the west.

The goal is the top of Tianguan Mountain, the pillar of the spear!

The next day, early morning.


Xiaozhi shivered, and gradually opened his bewildered eyes.

Pikachu was curled up with him in the sleeping bag at the moment.

The temperature last night was quite normal, but as the bonfire burned out, I didn't expect to come together in the morning, as if I was in a world of ice and snow, the air was extremely cold.


Xiao Gang next to him also got up with a livid expression, trembling with the arm holding him.


Wang Luo's physique is stronger, and his expression is unharmed.

In other words, he was always wearing thick clothes, even when he was sleeping, he didn't take them off.

However, all three of them felt a strange atmosphere, as if something terrible was about to happen.

"Thank you, Flame Monkey!"

Packing up, Xiaozhi took back the flame monkey guarding the entrance of the cave, opened his eyes and looked out, and the mountain roads and rocks outside were already covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

Small snowflakes like catkins also fell in the air.

After a few people finished their breakfast in a hurry, they packed their bags and started today's mountain climbing.


At this moment, the sun had not yet fully risen, and the falling snow on the top of the mountain seemed to be blown to this halfway up the mountain, completely dyeing the positions where several people were in white.

The temperature here is not high anymore, this time Xiaozhi did not release the sharp-tooth land shark to open the way.

"It's up to you!"

This time, Xiaozhi sent Xuetongzi.


The triangular snow boy walked ahead with short legs.

The icy and snowy environment obviously makes it very comfortable.

"This snow boy is very good."

Even Wang Luo couldn't help but nodded, recognizing Xue Tongzi's talent.

Now Xiaozhi plans to let Xuetongzi fight a few more times, and evolve as soon as possible, so that he can try to use the ga stone that comes with him to complete the ga evolution.

Coincidentally, before we had gone far, a wild Pokémon sprang out from a nearby snowdrift and grass.

In the shape of small tree roots, the lower body is brown, and the upper body is white like a snow mountain peak, with forked arms growing like green plants on both sides.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he waved his small fist aggressively at several people.

"Oh, is it the snow hat monster!?"

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened. Along the way, Fangtooth Shark also defeated many wild Pokémon that jumped out suddenly, and gained a lot of experience.

The experience points required for quasi-god evolution are quite torturous.

Although the snow hat monster in front of him has not yet evolved, but the level of wild Pokémon in Tianguan Mountain increases with the increase of altitude, and the level is definitely not too low.

"Get ready to fight, Yuki!"

Xiaozhi temporarily forgot about the possible battle that will follow, and immediately commanded, and Xue Tongzi also jumped up full of fighting spirit.

"Snow hat!"

The snow hat monster's expression froze, and it opened its mouth wide, and suddenly dense ice and stones flew out of its mouth!

It's a boulder move!

"Snow boy, use it and hold it!"

Xuetongzi's arms were two small balls that were almost attached to his body. When they moved in front of him, they instantly propped up a barrier of green light.

bang bang bang!

The boulder bombardment fell on the barrier, bursting into countless ice slags.

"Snow hat!


The wild Xueli didn't seem to have any moves, this time it rushed over, and when it got close, it jumped up high, and the arms of the two plants hugged together.

Covered with emerald green light, it turned into a battle hammer and fell heavily from the sky!


"Xuetongzi, get out of the way!"

Xuetong quickly kicked up his short legs and jumped, narrowly dodging this dangerous blow.

Bang bang!

The powerful and heavy gavel made a big hole in the spot, and the rock cracked.

Obviously, the strength of this snow hat monster who only mastered the grass attribute big move that Blizzard King can master is not low.

"Snow Boy, use Blizzard!


However, Xuetongzi, who has been sleeping with the frozen stone for a whole year, is equally strong and has one mouth.

Hoo hoo!

The bone-piercing storm mixed with ice rushed out violently, directly covering the Snow Hat Monster completely.

However, he has just mastered the blizzard move, and he is not proficient in using it, both in terms of coverage and strength.

Although the damage was mediocre, it froze the snow hat monster's eyes a little bit.

Da da!

At this moment, fine snow was still falling in the air, falling on the two of them.

However, due to the snow boy's characteristic "frozen body", being able to continuously recover a certain amount of physical strength in snowy days is actually a kind of help.

"Now, use the iron head!"

Xiaozhi took advantage of the situation and directed.

At the end of the blizzard, the snow hat monster hadn't reacted yet, but saw a triangular object shining with metallic luster, which was rapidly enlarging in his eyes

Bang bang!

Caught off guard, the iron head move made a frontal hit, Xue Tongzi crossed his body, and the sharp front of his head was heavily stuck in the abdomen of the Xuega monster.

The strong force directly threw the latter flying, and fell heavily into the snow in the distance.

The effect is outstanding!

Seeing that the wild snow hat monster didn't get up for a long time, it is estimated that the winner will be decided directly.

"Nice job, Yukidou!"

Xiaozhi praised repeatedly, Xuetongzi was also jumping up and down excitedly.

Speaking of one person and one beast, they will continue to search for wild Pokémon in full swing, which is just a delicious experience.

"Hey, Xiaozhi. We still have important things to do today."

It wasn't until Xiao Gang's helpless reminder that Xiao Zhi came back to his senses and touched the back of his head.

That's right, going to the pillar of the gun today is the most important thing.

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