He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1743 Team Rocket and International Patrol

"Xuetongzi, bear with it for a while today. After this incident is over, we will fight hard again."

In the end, Xiaozhi could only tap Xuetongzi's hard head and comforted him.

Even if you speak to the latter, you speak to yourself.

The Galaxy team may strike while the iron is hot and fly towards Tianguan Mountain now, so be careful.


This made Snowboy a little disappointed.

Obviously, this ice and snow Pokémon has the same personality as Xiaozhi, and it belongs to the fiery fighting type.

In the end, it could only lead the way dejectedly, and the next wild Pokémon could only choose to avoid the battle temporarily.

At the same time, not only Xiaozhi and his party, but also the Yinhe team approached the top of Tianguan Mountain.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a brown windbreaker also came to the foot of Tianguan Mountain.

With short black hair and serious facial features, he looks like a very righteous person.

Hansen, code-named "Handsome", is a member of the International Patrol, specializing in investigating evil organizations around the world and preventing their dangerous actions.

Although Hansen has already contacted Sinnoh's senior management, the information that should be given has also been shared.

But Hansen was still worried, and planned to go to Tianguan Mountain himself.

According to his latest information, the team of the Galaxy team, including the most dangerous leader, is heading to Tianguan Mountain at this moment.


Hansen raised his head and looked at the Tianguan Mountain towering into the sky and stretching all the way, he fell into silence.

Damn, I forgot to apply for the aircraft!

According to his current pace, if he climbed to the top of Tianguan Mountain on foot, if any major event happened on it, it would have nothing to do with him!

What should I do, now I want to temporarily catch a flying Pokémon to help?

Hansen looked around in the open grove at the foot of the mountain, and only Mukel and his like in the bad street were completely embarrassing.

"Oh~ This lost international policeman seems to need help?"

At this time, a teasing female voice suddenly came from behind.


This surprised Hansen and turned his head abruptly.

Know your identity. Is someone stalking you?

Why don't you feel anything at all? !

"Huh? I think I heard someone asking "who"?"

"Since you asked sincerely?"

"Then I will tell you mercifully!"

Hansen's doubts seemed to trigger a mechanism, and the two behind him began to speak lines that rhymed smoothly.

"Omit 10,000 words."



"Meow meow meow meow!"

"Suona hiss~!"

With the end of the series of lines, the Rockets trio put on a long-lost look to call off the curtain, and Guo Ruanweng behind him also made a familiar face in cooperation.

"Are you from Team Rocket?!"

After listening to the Rockets' debut lines, Hansen's expression also became serious.

He took a few steps back, looking warily at the non-mainstream in front of him.

The Rockets. But is it an organization in the Kanto City area?

Although it is a charitable positive energy organization on the surface, it has been doing some shameful gray or even black deeds behind the scenes

This is a truly dangerous organization, perhaps even more dangerous than Team Galaxy!

But why did it suddenly appear in this Sinnoh area?

Even, appearing in front of him, an international patrolman?

If you heard correctly, they just read out their identities directly, right?

"Hey, don't worry, we are cute and charming decent characters!"

"This time, Team Rocket, we plan to help your international police, meow~!"

Musashi and the others said with a smile, which made Hansen even more vigilant.

It is a fantasy for a thief to take the initiative to talk to the police for help.

But then, Kojiro suddenly threw a small object at Hansen.

Hansen put it in his hand carefully, and when he took a closer look, his expression suddenly became astonished.

This is a small skull, something like a badge.

"This thing, where did you come from!?"

Hansen was surprised. If he did not admit his mistake, this should be the identity token of his former boss, who is also an international patrolman.

"Our boss said, as long as I show you this, you should choose to cooperate with our Rockets meow~!"

Miaomiao continued, seeing that Hansen's alert expression had slowed down a lot, he was immediately delighted.

It's rare, the boss has finally reactivated them meow!

A few days ago, the Rockets were still on vacation in the Sinnoh area.

While leading the Rockets' minimum subsidized salary, while fishing in troubled waters, life can be considered happy.

"I have a mission for you here."

Then one day, I suddenly received a communication from Boss Sakagi, and sent this small skull badge by post through a big-billed gull.

It is said that it is the identity mark of a certain international patrol, and is an old friend of Boss Sakagi.

"Cooperate with the International Patrol to completely eradicate Team Galaxy, and let Team Rocket expand its territory to the Sinnoh region!"

This is the complete order of Boss Sakagi, just this sentence makes the three of Kojiro's blood boil.

Sure enough, it can't continue to be bad!

They still have a bright future!


Holding the skull logo in his hand, Hansen was silent for a moment, thinking in his mind.

Although the Galaxy team is very dangerous, the Rocket team is not a good deal. After a little thought, he also guessed why the Rocket team suddenly came to him and cooperated with him.

It's nothing more than wanting black to eat black.

What puzzled him was, why did the senior seem to have a relationship with the Rockets?

"I accept cooperation."

After thinking for a while, Hansen stretched out his palm to several people.

The actions of the international patrol police will not be so aboveboard, and they will not walk in the sun like the league champions and kings.

Undercover spying, spy infiltration, disguised and sneak attacks, these shady behaviors are all the daily routines of their international patrols.

That being the case, what is there to avoid by using one evil organization to defeat another evil organization?

At least at this juncture, the Galaxy team is the most dangerous existence.

The big deal is that after this Galaxy incident is over, they will turn against the Rockets on the spot and it will be over.


Immediately, Hansen looked at the red-haired and blue-haired members of the Rockets in front of him, with a somewhat unorthodox look.

But paired with the very cunning and smart meow in the middle, it can even speak human language.

"Could it be that Team Rocket has realized the technology that allows Pokémon to speak freely?"

Such a Pokémon is extremely valuable

If he were a high-level executive of the Rockets, he would never let such a precious meow come out to run field work in person.


Such a meow is already a bad street in the Rockets!

No matter how you look at it, the team in front of you should be Ying from the Rockets, right?


Behind Kojiro Musashi, the ancestral cat-headed hot air balloon has slowly risen, and the two of them gestured towards Hansen to invite them to board the warehouse.

Relying on the hot air balloon, they are enough to reach the top of Tianguan Mountain in a short time!

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