He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1744: The Top of Tianguan Mountain!

As Xiaozhi and his party climbed to the second peak of Tianguan Mountain, there was already fine snow falling around them at this moment.


But what Wang Luo said before is correct, these days are the best time for climbing, and there is no such tragic snowstorm that turns everything around into a vast expanse of whiteness.

Looking more closely, they could even see a higher mountain in the distance.

There, naturally, is the top of Tianguan Mountain.

"Where is the pillar of the gun? There seems to be nothing strange."

Xiaozhi narrowed his eyes and tried to look past.

The top of the opposite mountain seems to be a bare rocky clearing, and there seems to be nothing special about it.


Wang Luo also stopped and looked in that direction.

This is also the first time he has ascended the Tianguan Mountain in this world.

But this world is the future of the ancient Xicui region, and the scene should be in the same line.

In his memory, there was a temple built on the top of Tianguan Mountain in ancient times.

Although this magnificent temple was later destroyed due to the battle between Dialga and Palkia, the ruins of the dilapidated temple still remain on the top of the mountain.

The so-called pillar of the gun.

Why is that position now bare?


But soon, Xiaozhi spoke up.

This time he gave up observing with the naked eye, but closed his eyes, allowing his waveguide power to release

The distance between the two mountains is a bit far, even his perception of waveguide power is very reluctant.

But Xiaozhi still noticed that there seemed to be a special space at the top of the bare and ordinary mountain?

Not a normal place anyway.


Wang Luo glanced at Xiaozhi indiscriminately, but didn't have time to think about it in the future.

chug chug!

In the sky behind everyone, suddenly there was a loud sound of propeller turning.

Turning his head, he saw a huge warplane flying in the air above his head, and the golden letter "G" was engraved on the black shell.

"It's Team Galaxy!"

The three quickly lowered their figures, blending in with the surrounding gray withered grass and bushes.

But obviously, the target was the Galaxy team on the top of Tianguan Mountain, so naturally they didn't notice the scene of the second peak next to them.

Soon, in the light snow weather, it stopped on an open flat slope of the opposite mountain, completely blowing away the surrounding white snow.

"Go faster!"

So several people looked at each other, moved faster, and approached the opposite mountain.

"You also come back first!"

Xiaozhi also took back Xuetongzi temporarily.

Although the strength of the latter is good, but the level is still a little lower, Xiaozhi does not intend to let the latter participate in the next battle.

the other side.


The cabin opened, and Chiri came out first.

With a solemn expression on his thin face, he stepped on the snow on the top of Tianguan Mountain.

The high-altitude environment made Chiri's breathing a little disturbed, and his complexion turned red.

The surrounding snow is not too heavy, and the fine snow like dust and debris will not affect the movement much.

And as the leader got off the plane, other members began to land on the plane.

The Pluto of the chief scientist, he pushed the red round eyes with a wicked expression.

But looking at his confident expression, it was obvious that he had completed his experiment last night and extracted incredible power from Sanshenggu.

Then came Sui Xing and Huo Xing.

The former lowered his eyes, and when he came out, he looked around vigilantly.

The partner was still chewing gum, holding the back of his head with his hands, humming a little song, as if he was on vacation.

Finally, there are a group of soldiers of the Galaxy team, all of whom have blue pot heads and cold expressions. After getting off the plane, they quickly lined up in a neat queue.


Following Chiri's low shout, nearly fifty soldiers of the Galaxy team scattered in all directions.

They dispersed the various positions of the hill, and then began to patrol carefully and vigilantly, occupying the hill.


Just looking at the surrounding snow ground trampled by countless messy footprints, Chi Ri couldn't help frowning, feeling a sense of disgust spontaneously.

What a chaotic world it is!

"Let's go."

Without further delay, Chi Ri took the lead and walked up an upward ramp next to him.

The limit of the plane can only stop at a platform below the top of the mountain. Now their goal is to hike to the top of the mountain, which is probably less than a hundred meters away.


However, following behind Chi Ri silently, Sui Xing lowered his head and his expression was changing rapidly.

It was not until today that they fully understood Chiri's complete plan.

When passing by the command room by chance last night, through the crack of the door, Sui Xing noticed Chi Ri's fanatical expression, and faintly heard some of the latter's murmurs.

The purpose of Chiri is to create a perfect ideal world without any disputes.

In that world, there are naturally only perfect creatures.

In Chi Sun's eyes, the only perfect creature in the old world is himself.

He is the only one who can go to that new world.

Not only the group of brainwashed Galaxy team soldiers, but even Pluto, Huo Xing Suixing and others will pollute that new world

Chiri seems to want to abandon them all?


In Suixing's mind, the idea of ​​stopping the resistance against Chi Sun gradually rose, but he didn't dare to try while staring at the figure in front of him.

"Ah, Suixing, maybe you're scared~!"

The buddy next to him noticed Sui Xing's increasingly ugly expression, and couldn't help covering his mouth and snickering.

Sui Xing didn't pay attention to her, Huo Xing's character was offbeat and playful, no matter what kind of environment he was in, he was always smiling.

Such a personality should have been difficult to appear in this closed-minded Galaxy team.

But she especially worships Chiri and pursues Chiri's ideal.

No matter what Chiri does, even ruthlessly abandoning it and sacrificing it, it is estimated that Huoxing will become a stepping stone without hesitation.

"Damn it, Zhen Xing is not here at this time!"

Suixing bit his lip, feeling annoyed.

This guy has always been very assertive.

Regarding the future development of the Galaxy team, they also have different ideas from Chiri.

In any case, if you want to create a new world on the premise of sacrificing the destruction of the existing world

With Zhen Xing's character, maybe he would jump out and object directly.

She is also a helper.

It's just that now that Zhen Xing is arrested by the Shen'ao Alliance, Sui Xing can only sigh, and bite the bullet and continue to keep up with Chi Sun's pace.


The human Chi Ri naturally also noticed the abnormality of the subordinates behind him, but he didn't make a sound.

Or too lazy to make a sound.

Because right away, the whole world will change because of him!

As for the age star or what kind of star, it also lost the meaning of existence.

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