He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1745 The Key of the Spear, the Pillar of the Spear!

As the ramp came to an end, Team Galaxy and his party quickly climbed to the top of the mountain.

"Is that all?"

Huo Xing shook his head and looked around, as if there was nothing special.

It's just an unremarkable mountaintop scene, at best it's a little difficult to breathe.


She walked to the edge, stood on tiptoe and looked out, but she could overlook most of the Sinnoh area.

The scenery is extremely majestic and majestic, which makes people's heart beat faster and faster.

"Hey, don't worry."

The Pluto thief laughed and waved his hand, and behind him a soldier from the Galaxy team hurriedly came pushing a small cart.

He stood at the end of the slope and opened a box.

In the box, there is a golden yellow, distorted shape, with countless forks, like a solid maze about one meter wide.


However, as soon as the latter came into contact with the external environment, it slowly floated up.

"This is what Zhen Xing got before?"

Sui Xing remembered that this was a treasure that Zhen Xing took away from the random ruins at that time. The name seemed to be,

The key to the gun?

At this moment, the key of the gun floats up, one side forks densely, and then protrudes outward at one point. The plan view in the air really looks like a key.

The next moment, the key of the gun flickered and flew several meters towards a certain place automatically.


It was obviously empty air, but the front end of the gun key seemed to be inserted into some kind of key socket, and the scene in front of them also began to dance and change in front of everyone in the Galaxy team.

And that would have come to an end, to the top of the hill.

At this moment, another layer of stairs was extended upwards, accompanied by the fine snow falling around, as if leading to the kingdom of heaven.

What platform can be faintly seen connected to the high place?

"Pillar of the Spear, here I come!


Seeing that Daotong was successfully opened, Chi Ri forced a quick breath and walked up the steps quickly.

Huo Xing and Sui Xing naturally followed quickly, looking around cautiously.

"Hey, ask more people to guard this place, no one is allowed to come up here!"

Pluto yelled at the surrounding soldiers, and then quickly followed Chi Sun's pace.

He is an avid scientist.

life or death

But if the whole world will undergo earth-shaking changes in his hands, that's enough!

After a while, Team Galaxy and his party boarded the platform connected to the end of the steps.

The environment is not much different from the ground and mountains below, it is also a mess of weeds, shrubs and stones.

But there is no snow, and there is no snow on the surrounding area, like a separate different space.

Here is the real summit of Tianguan Mountain!

But the most eye-catching thing is a dilapidated ancient temple right in front of everyone!

There are gray and white broken walls, broken bricks and broken bricks, and a high threshold formed by stacking.

In the center is a straight aisle, and on both sides are huge dilapidated stone pillars.

It was supposed to be in the shape of a temple, but at this moment the ceiling is completely gone, leaving only the ruins of a temple with all four walls empty.

"Here is the pillar of the gun!


Finally arriving at the place of his dreams, Chi Ri quickened his pace and walked into the Temple of Spear Pillar.

He could feel the magnificence and beauty of the Spear Pillar!

The other accompanying people also looked around curiously.

The very beginning of the world that looks tattered, was it really created from this place?

"It's a pity, that unlucky Zhen Xing can't see such a scene~"

The partner has not forgotten his colleague who is squatting in the distance, and let out a sigh of relief.


Sui Xing's deep eyes were also looking around, and he was also secretly paying attention to Pluto behind him.

At this moment, the latter is sitting on a machine that looks like a frisbee, and his short figure is curled up in it, which looks a little funny.

The palm of your hand is on the operation panel in front of you, and you can operate it with one click.


There are several metal tentacles extending from the bottom of the Frisbee, which are very flexible and can be extended freely.

Not only that, several soldiers of the Galaxy team also pushed up the three crystallized statues of the Three Saints, all the way to the center of the Temple of the Pillar of the Spear, and placed them in a triangle.

Immediately afterwards, two Galaxy team soldiers came pushing a small cart.

On the cart platform, there is a translucent gemstone full of facets and corners.

On the other side is a round pink-white gemstone.

It is the legendary props related to the God of Time and the God of Space—Vajra Orb, White Jade Orb!

It seemed that something big was going to happen soon, Huo Xing hurriedly pulled Sui Xing aside excitedly, looking forward to the next scene.

"Boss, you take this thing first."

Pluto controlled his mechanical tentacles, and handed Chiri a red hollow glove from afar.

The gloves are composed of crimson gemstone fragments connected in series, forming a gap in the middle.


Huo Xing and Sui Xing didn't know what was going on, but Chi Ri was fully aware of it, and without asking any further questions, he took advantage of the situation and put on the red gloves in his hands, with a solemn expression ready to go.

The entire Galaxy team, and probably only Pluto, knows his complete plan.

Seeing that everything was ready, Chi Ri took a few steps and stood in the center of the temple.

The lonely statue of the three saints and the two orbs are placed in front of them.

"Boss, let's start!"

Pluto let out a sinister laugh, and pressed the panel in front of him.

The outstretched mechanical tentacles extended, and at the same time moved to the scale plate at the bottom of the statue of the Three Saints, and pushed it down to the end.

In an instant, Sanshenggu also completely released the crystal state and recovered his physical body.

"White" "White" "White"

Just when they regained consciousness, the three saints fell limply on their respective platforms at the same time, uttering weak cries.

Last night, Pluto almost drained all their energy.

Even the red gemstone on Sanshenggu's forehead seemed dull at the moment.

However, in terms of color, it is somewhat similar to the gem fragments on the Scarlet Sun Gloves.


Chi Ri snorted coldly, raised his gloved right hand, and clenched his fist.


The next moment, a burst of mysterious electricity burst out from Sanshenggu's body, as if it was completely connected with Chiri's gloves, turning Sanshenggu's eyes into deep red.

"Sure enough, the boss can easily control Sanshenggu!"

Seeing this, Pluto said in surprise.

This glove was made by him by extracting the energy of Sanshenggu and using the artificial gemstone of the same source as the gemstone on the forehead of Sanshenggu as the medium.

With Chiri's thought, Sanshenggu even forcibly levitated up.

Chi Ri even raised his arms and shouted:

"Now, summon me time and space!


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