He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1747 Ice Rock Monster, Iceberg Wind!

"Woo Hoo!!"

Diya Luka on the opposite side also had red eyes, and he who was in charge of the space also let out a roar.

He raised his neck and opened his mouth wide, the diamond on his chest radiated so much, and even the fan-shaped metal skeleton on his back swelled and extended.


The next moment, a dark blue energy beam shot out from the sky of Dialga!

All the flow of time is changing chaotically around the light beam

Time roars!

Similarly, this is also Dialga's exclusive big move, the powerful power released will distort and collapse the opponent, including time!

Boom boom boom!

The unimpeded collision of the two big moves caused a terrifying explosion in mid-air!

Just compared to pure destructive power.

Each represents time and space, and the purest energy collision is the most terrifying!

The energy collision turned into bursts of abnormal space-time shocks, spreading towards the surroundings.

"what happens?!"

Huo Xing raised his arm, and even found that his palm was completely distorted and deformed, layer by layer like waves, very weird.

And Suixing also noticed that next to him, the brick that was originally broken in two was miraculously reversed and restored.

The time and space of the entire Spear Pillar are undergoing abnormal distortion and collapse.

Under the pillar of the gun.

Xiaozhi and his party have already arrived at this mountain.

"Who! This is where the Galaxy team is, and it's forbidden to get close!"

"For the glory of Team Galaxy!"

In an instant, more than a dozen soldiers of the Galaxy team gathered around, watching them vigilantly.

Immediately afterwards, standard villain Pokémon such as the big-mouthed bat, the copper mirror monster, and the skunk poof were released.


However, as the two ancient gods collided for the first time on the spear pillar, Xiao Zhi and the others below also clearly felt this abnormal energy collision.

"No time to delay, Pikachu, take them all at once, use Thunder!


Xiaozhi looked anxious, they seemed to be one step too late.


Pikachu immediately jumped out with strides, and the accumulated violent lightning scattered and bombarded out like a flood, covering all the surrounding Pokémon blocking the way, including the soldiers of the Galaxy team.


As the electric light exploded, the miscellaneous fishes of the Galaxy team in front of them fell to the spot with charred bodies and lost consciousness.


"For the glory of Team Galaxy!"

But then, other soldiers of the Galaxy team who sensed the abnormality rushed in quickly, and there were almost twenty or thirty people in a steady stream.

In addition, the released Pokémon completely blocked the stone steps leading to the Spear Pillar.

"Damn, why are there so many people!"

Xiaozhi suddenly went into a frenzy, he hates fighting these cold and heartless people the most

Completely unconscious walking dead.

But at this time, Wang Luo also released his Pokémon, this time using a weird black Poké Ball.

It looks like a heavy ball, but it still looks very old.


A red light flashed, and a huge ice rock platform appeared.

The whole is in the shape of a slender diamond, with a sharp broad-bladed flat knife formed at the front end, and a pair of eyes can barely be seen at the front of the ice platform.

On both sides, four thick rocky legs extend out.

Even without much camouflage, it looks like a natural ice platform, completely different from ordinary Pokémon.

"Didi. Ice rock monster, ice attribute, Pokémon in the Kalos area. The frozen body is as hard as steel. The cracks in the body will become larger due to daytime activities, but they will all grow back in one night. "

Xiaozhi's illustration book automatically prompts.

It's just that the ice rock monster in the picture book is a pure ice platform, its head and limbs are made of solid ice, and its body is also a square shape full of cracks.

But the ice rock monster in front of me is in the shape of a long shuttle, only the back is covered with solid ice, and the rest are obvious rocks.

"Is it another Pokémon with regional differences?"

Xiaozhi was stunned, probably another existence similar to the rock-type wind speed dog.

"Ice Rock Monster, use Iceberg Wind!


Wang Luo raised his finger and commanded, proving that this is indeed an ice rock monster.

"Iceberg Wind?"

But the name of this move caught Xiao Zhi in a daze. Is it an ice attribute move?



But seeing that the animal-shaped ice table raised its head, a huge ice ball was quickly condensed in the air above, and the size of the ice ball was still freezing and expanding.

After a while, a huge ice block about ten meters high has formed.

No, it is now a small iceberg with sharp edges and corners!

Then the ice rock monster pushed its head forward, and the whole huge iceberg was thrown out by it.

The huge shadow in the sky instantly completely covered these huddled Milky Way team miscellaneous fish.

Boom boom boom!

As the huge iceberg fell down, not only the extremely terrible and heavy pressure, but also the iceberg rocks broke into countless sharp and dangerous pieces of ice after landing, and burst into the surroundings.

After a while, as the surrounding ice and fog disappeared, all the miscellaneous fish of the Galaxy team in front of them were completely knocked unconscious in place.

Many people were even beaten to death by the sharp iceberg wind, and the scene was a bit horrible

"Uh, Mr. Wang Luo."

Sweat dripped from Xiaogang's forehead. This mysterious man was indeed not a normal trainer, and he didn't show any softness in his moves.

It is estimated that even if it is a murder, Mr. Wang Luo will not blink at all.

"Iceberg wind?"

Xiaozhi's focus was on this strange ice rock monster, his eyes were fiery.

Carlos' ice rock monster is purely ice-type, but this half-rock and half-ice ice-rock monster probably still has rock properties?

But this move of iceberg wind directly condensed a huge iceberg and smashed it towards the enemy.

It's too violent!

"Probably similar to Tide Spin."

Xiaozhi secretly compared the appearance of Xiaoguang's Prince Bo when he used the tide spinner, which also gathered a huge tide spinner ten meters high and rolled up the opponent.

It's just that the water flow is gentle after all, and the damage of the tide spin itself is very low, and it is more about restricting the opponent's movements.

But the iceberg wind in front of him threw a whole hard iceberg, and its power was much more exaggerated than the tidal whirl!

"Stole it!"

Xiaozhi nodded secretly, his Snow Boy has a very high level of manipulation of ice attribute energy, so he should be able to master the trick of cultivation.

But now is not the time to think about that.

After easily finishing off all the soldiers of the Galaxy team, the three of Xiaozhi naturally stepped up the steps quickly and ran towards the pillar of the gun.

"So the pillar of the gun in this era is surrounded by different spaces?"

Putting away the ice rock monster in the Xicui area, Wang Luo also paid attention to the surroundings at the same time.

The Spear Pillar used to stand quietly on the top of Tianguan Mountain, but now it needs to be connected by this strange stone staircase.

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