He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1748 Brand New World

As soon as they arrived at the platform where the Pillar of the Spear was, several guards from the Galactic Team surrounded them.

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!


Xiaozhi didn't delay either, and commanded loudly.

Pikachu understood, jumped up, and the thunder that fell from the sky instantly stunned all the passers-by, and fell to the ground limply and paralyzed.

However, the movement of the explosion quickly caught the attention of the core personnel of the Galaxy team.

Xiaozhi and the others hurried up to the threshold of the dilapidated temple on the Spear Pillar, surrounded by dilapidated and damaged stone pillars, and the atmosphere seemed very strange.

Seeing the scene at the end, they were startled.

Except for the few people standing on the ground, Dialga and Palkia were floating in the air in a symmetrical posture at this moment.

Their eyes were red, and they kept twisting and rioting, and the pure and dangerous energy spread out, which looked very strange.

"Is this the ancient god of Sinnoh?"

Xiaozhi's face was surprised, and the two giant dragons with strange shapes exuded a strange feeling of time and space.

It is clearly in front of you, but it seems like there is an endless distance and years between.

But purely in terms of strength, it seems to be weaker than Gulardo and his like?

The most shocking thing is that in the center of the two ancient gods, a space-time wormhole about one meter wide has formed in the void.

Inside, there is a magnificent scene like a galaxy leading to the universe, with a few stars dotted in the dark background.

The edge of the hole is constantly rotating like a flower rock monster, and it seems to be continuing to expand and expand.

This is a special space-time gap created by the collision of the moves of the two ancient gods, and the fusion and intertwining of the purest power of time and space.

The scenes in it made Chi Ri incomparably obsessed and nostalgic.

The fusion of Dialga and Palkia's power is creating a brand new world!

The one-meter-wide space-time wormhole in front of you is the initial appearance of the new world!

"that is?"

Wang Luo's eyes fell on the waists of Dialga and Palkia, which were crosses of the same style as Arceus.

When Xiaozhi and Xiaogang saw these two ancient gods for the first time, they thought this was their appearance.

It seems that with the help of Arceus' power, these two fierce dragon beasts can be controlled.

Is it the power obtained from the gods of the lake?

In the surrounding air, there is still a red glowing Sanshenggu floating in the air, with his head bowed down.

Wang Luo knew the legend of Sinnoh very well, and soon understood Team Galaxy's steps.

And as Chi Ri turned his head, Wang Luo also saw this man for the first time.


Wang Luo blurted out, and suddenly called out a name.

Seeing the inexplicable name, Wang Luo put down his hat and calmed down when he saw several people looking at him.

Not the same person, not even the same gender.

Xingyue is the team leader of the investigation team of the Galaxy team in Xicui area, with a vigorous and resolute style, capable and serious actions.

The appearance and temperament are very similar to the man in front of him, but it made Wang Luo stare blankly for a while.

"Are you from Shenhe Town at that time?"

Chiri recognized Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, and blocked their Galaxy team at that time.

As for the blond hat guy next to him.

At first, he thought it was Zhulan, the champion of the league, with blond hair, and the outline of the corners of the face exposed under the hat were very similar.

But upon closer inspection, it was a man.

It is estimated that it is just a person with a similar appearance, so there is no need to pay attention to it.

"Hee hee~ Now is the time for Team Galaxy to create the world! Why don't we all watch the ceremony quietly beside us."

Huoxing was already walking briskly, standing in front of Xiaozhi and his party.


From the elf ball that was taken out, a fat big cat popped out.

His back arched, his sharp claws stretched out, and he let out a threatening growl at several people.

It is still the classic ace Dongshi cat of the partner star.

"Meow Li.!"

Cats are born to like to tease mice. Dongshi Cat doesn't seem to know who the mouse in front of him is. With lazy eyes like a lady's, he showed a mocking expression towards Pikachu.

Hit by the provocation, Pikachu had a hash mark on his forehead, as if he was about to jump into the air, and use a thunderbolt to clean up the bloated fat Yinbo at once.


However, there was another sound of the poke ball being opened, and another Pokémon took a step ahead, blocking Dong Shimao's front.

This is the tank skunk released by Sui Xing!

The Dongshi cat has a similar body shape to the tank skunk, even with a bulging stomach, which looks very bloated.

"Hey, hey, Suixing, your tank skunk is going in the wrong direction!"

The partner hadn't reacted yet, and couldn't help complaining.

At this moment, the direction of the tank skunk was completely opposite to his Dongshi cat, and his eyes were also menacing, as if he wanted to make himself an enemy.


Sui Xing, on the other hand, remained silent, and walked straight to the opposite position to his partner.

"Hey! What do you mean, the enemy is on that side... Are you going to betray Team Galaxy!"

Seeing something wrong with his companion's expression, Huo Xing's expression gradually changed from doubt to anger, and he scolded Sui Xing.

"I am still a member of the Galaxy team. But this future is not something I can accept."

Sui Xing glanced at the strange black hole next to him, and finally spoke.

Just the first time the two ancient gods collided with each other's moves, a space-time rift more than one meter wide was formed.

A few more times, it is estimated that a complete and brand new universe will really be born in their hands.

Of course, Sui Xing wouldn't think there was any problem if he simply created a new world.

"You bastard, how dare you betray the boss?"

"Guys, hurry up and look at your palm."

Sui Xing interrupted the former's scolding, and Huo Xing subconsciously looked at his palm.

However, he saw that his left hand was completely distorted at this moment, as if there was a bug in the game, and it was connected piece by piece.

Even though it was such a weird scene, Huo Xing didn't feel any abnormal tactile sensation in his palm.

At this moment, with the space-time wormhole as the center, the surrounding air, ground, and the Temple of the Pillar of the Spear... everything is in a state of collapse.

And this scale is intensifying.

Not only in this small spear pillar, this kind of space-time anomaly spreads rapidly to the surroundings like a tide, affecting the entire Tianguan Mountain and even the entire Sinnoh region.

Obviously, creating a new world comes at the cost of destroying the real world.

Once the new world in Chiri's dream is fully born, it is estimated that the entire Sinnoh region, and even the entire old world, will be sacrificed and buried with it.

"It's just a strong word!"

The partner cursed in a low voice, but his expression and tone became messy.

Although she also understood this truth, she still stood on Chiri's side, and in the end she could only glare at Suixing.

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