He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1749 I came to see the play

The arrival of Xiaozhi and his party at this moment made Suixing finally make up his mind and stand up decisively.


It doesn't seem to make much sense.

In Xiaozhi's group, except for Xiaogang who took a few more glances at the beautiful picture of the pair of sisters tearing each other up, the others quickly ignored them.

The Galaxy team is strong in careful planning and actions, but in terms of individual strength, it is too weak.

In the case of Pikachu, it only takes two moves to get rid of these two fat Pokémon.

There is one thing to say, with the rice earned by the Galaxy team over the years, it should recruit or train some gold medal fighters on its own.

"Hmph, buddy, recognize the reality!"

But Sui Xing didn't care about this, and directly called the tank skunk to attack.

At least she has an attitude.

Chi Ri also noticed the scene here, and he just turned dark when he saw Sui Xing's sudden betrayal.

But it doesn't matter what the subordinates are.


Following Chiri's cold snort, Pluto had already manipulated his frisbee pilot, and slowly greeted the three of Xiaozhi.

I saw his short body curled up in the Frisbee, looking funny.

Pluto grinned grinningly, and several tentacles stretched out from below, twitching and shaking indiscriminately, as if to tie them all up and capture them.

Finally, the tentacles popped out with great speed

Then he turned around and took out a poke ball from Hades' waist.

Well, in this world, Pokémon is still used to decide the outcome.


The elf ball was opened, but it was a colorful curved-billed parrot, which fell to the ground.

It has a small body, the feathers on the top of its head form a shape similar to musical notes, and its chest is straightened out, looking menacing.

This is a noisy bird native to the Sinnoh region.

"For the glory of the Galaxy! For the glory of the Galaxy!"

As soon as it came out, the Noisy Bird paced back and forth on the stone slab, chanting slogans repeatedly, like a loyal soldier.

The movements are proficient, as if they have practiced off the court for two years.

But repeating a sentence in a hoarse voice, just like its name, will only make people feel very noisy.

"Leave this noisy bird to me!"

Wang Luo took a deep breath, took the initiative to block in front of Xiaozhi and the two, and said in a heavy tone.

Xiaozhi \u0026 Xiaogang: "?"

The two made a question mark look at the same time.

This noisy bird looks very weak, it is estimated that it acts as a mascot in the Galaxy team, the existence of cheerleaders

Why do you have to put on an awe-inspiring, resolute appearance?

Wang Luo's strength is not weak, Xiaozhi knows this.

If you want to paddle, you can just say so!

Seeing that Wang Luo had already pulled out the poke ball and released the Katy dog ​​from the Xicui area before, it seemed that he was about to fight a battle at the Baby Cup level.

Apparently he didn't intend to get involved in the dispute with the Galaxy team, so he almost said "I'm just here to watch the show".


"For the glory of Team Galaxy!"

One bird and one dog confront each other with high morale, and the battle is imminent.

In this regard, Xiaozhi could only forcibly ignore the battle between the two. Obviously, the level of this Pluto's trainer is probably more amateur than that of Huo Xing and Sui Xing.

It's just that Wang Luo's purpose is still unclear. Although I told them before, this time I just came to pay respects to the god Aogu.

But Ghost Dragon knows what his real purpose is! ?

It might be even more dangerous than Team Galaxy, so it's better to be careful.

All the subordinates of the Galaxy team have their own opponents, and Xiaozhi and Xiaogang also come to Chiri head-on.

Looking at the two ancient gods in front of them being controlled, they seemed to be a little delirious.

In short, stun the boss of the Galaxy team first!

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!


Without further delay, Xiaozhi had already noticed signs of twisting and collapsing on the surrounding floor, so he directly launched an attack.

"Pika, Chu!"

Pikachu was also unceremonious, slapped his cheek, and a powerful lightning shot out instantly, hitting the red sun directly.


Seeing this, Chi Ri turned his head, but the corner of his mouth curled up in a contemptuous arc.

The next moment, three shadows appeared in front of him out of thin air, which were the teleportation of Sanshenggu!

At this moment, Sanshenggu's whole body was bathed in a brutal red light, even his eyes turned into an unconscious blood color, and his aura was quite manic.

"The gods of the lake?! What's going on?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's complexion changed, they didn't know that the three of them had their wills manipulated.

And the Sanshenggu raised their palms one after another, and in front of Chiri, three stacked walls of light were formed out of thin air.


The electric shock that was as strong as Pikachu couldn't penetrate it completely, and the electric current burst and scattered in front of the three-layer light wall.

"Get rid of them!"

Following Chi Sun's command, Sanshenggu uttered a long cry, and the power of thought condensed by the ruby ​​on his forehead kept stirring in the air.

Boom boom!

The three-in-one thought force finally formed a huge, swirling shock wave of supernatural power, which bombarded out~

"Pikachu, use Thunder!


Pikachu tensed his whole body, and the dazzling lightning bombarded out. The scale and power were not inferior to the three-in-one magical power in front of him.

"This electric mouse?"

With such an exaggerated power, even the well-informed Chi Ri couldn't help being shocked.

Xiao Gang didn't stand still, he threw two elf balls at the same time, and said loudly:

"Bronze mirror monster, armored dragon, use the cannon light cannon!


Two Pokémon with the same steel attribute appeared, the mirror surface of the bronze mirror was slightly curved, and the armored dragon opened its small mouth.

Boom! Boom!

Two silver-white laser beams bombarded out and entangled together, which immediately increased the power a lot.

Of course, the main body of the collision is still Pikachu and the Sanshenggu, and the bronze mirror monster and the armored dragon are equivalent to auxiliary.

Boom boom boom!

The collision of the moves caused a violent explosion in the air, and the aftermath of the energy shock caused the people on both sides to retreat back.

"Wood drink...!



At this time, two bursts of sharp and chaotic neighing sounded in the air.

Taking advantage of this gap, Dialga seemed to be fully charged, raised his head high again, and bombarded a beam of dark blue galaxy beams from the air!

Time roars!

Palkia on the other side didn't show any weakness either, waving his thick arms and slashing with a pink energy slash!

Yakong Split Slash!

The two moves with the purest energy of time and space collided again, which not only caused a huge explosion above the pillar of the spear, but also caused the diameter of the space-time wormhole in the center of the two to suddenly increase by one meter!

Under the influence of this abnormal space-time energy, the phenomenon of collapsing and distorting the entire Spear Pillar also sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

There were even some that spread to the surrounding crowd who were fighting against each other.

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