He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1750 The Three Holy Mushrooms and the Night Demon!

"We can't let them continue to fight!"

Although Xiaozhi doesn't understand the power of time and space, the scene in front of him can't be understood by a normal person.

If Dialga and Palkia continue to fight each other with moves, at most ten moves or less, the entire Sinnoh region may be wiped out.

It's just that the first to block the front are three three holy orphans who look like conjoined twins.

Their whole bodies are covered with powerful mental power, whether they are used for attack or defense, they are invulnerable.


Xiao Gang looked at the yellow Shenggu floating on the far right. The latter seemed to be the most stable among the three, like a wise man, always squinting his eyes.

It could also just be small eyes.

Although he only met briefly by the Lake of Wisdom at that time, Xiao Gang always felt that he and this Pokémon were very destined.

"Yukxi, you were asking me for help before. Don't worry, I will definitely save you!"

Thinking of the picture that suddenly flashed in his mind before, Xiao Gang took the initiative to take a step forward and said firmly.

With the same squinting eyes, You Kexi and Xiao Gang looked closely at each other as if they were connected.

Xiao Gang even felt that for a moment, he could influence and even control the latter.

"Xiaozhi, Yu Kexi gave it to me!"

So Xiao Gang let out a low shout, and walked quickly towards the remote place of the Spear Pillar.

And Yukexi, whose whole body was exuding a dangerous red light, seemed to be attracted too, and was led aside by Xiao Gang.

Boom boom!

Although the two were connected, Yu Kexi's attack was not light at all, and a blast of thought power was instantly bombarded from the forehead jewel.

Magical powers!

"Bronze mirror monster, use the light wall! Shield dragon, use the cannon light cannon!


Facing a powerful legendary Pokémon, Xiaogang directly launched a two-on-one joint attack.

The transparent light wall condensed by the bronze mirror monster weakens the power of supernatural power by half.

Boom boom boom!

Finally, it was bombarded with the metal light cannon released by the armored dragon, and it turned into a violent explosion in the air.

"Teacher Gang, you have been of great help!"

Xiaozhi noticed that Xiaogang intentionally lured You Kexi away, and if he completely separated the Three Saints, his strength would naturally drop a lot.

"Wu drink!" "Wu drink!"

However, the three saints, one red and one blue in front of them, also changed their formation, spread out, and flanked Xiaozhi from left to right.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Even in the blink of an eye, countless shadows were transformed, dancing around in a daze.

Shadow clone!

"Tsk, do you have to block me?!"

Xiaozhi looked at the red sun about ten meters away, obviously the distance was not short, but under the protection of Yaknom and Emrido, it was difficult to get closer by one meter.

"With Pikachu, use Shadow Fist!"

Xiaozhi suddenly had an idea and said loudly.

Pikachu understood, made a fist with one small paw, and then slammed it straight to the ground.


The next moment, a pitch-black shadow fist bypassed the surrounding Sanshenggu, and suddenly ejected from the ground outside the circle surrounded by the shadow avatars.

The target of the Shadow Fist was directed at Chi Ri's back!

At this moment, the latter is looking at the gradually expanding new world wormhole obsessively, as if he doesn't care what happened behind him at all.


Seeing that Shadow Fist seemed to enter the land of no one, Xiaozhi suddenly said pleasantly.

However, before he could be pleasantly surprised, he saw the shadow spread out on the ground behind Chi Ri trembling inexplicably.

Immediately afterwards, a tall Cyclops emerged from the shadow.

It has a gray-brown body with an extremely wide upper body, and its lower body is shaped like a smoky tail like a ghost.


It swung its strong fist, completely crushing the incoming Shadow Fist with one punch, full of strength.

"Night Demon!?"

Seeing the one-eyed ghost who was back to back with Chiri, like a bodyguard, Xiaozhi suddenly realized.

That's right, how could I forget this guy.

The last time in Shenhe Town, the white jade orb was well protected, but in the end, this weird ghost demon appeared out of nowhere, and the precious treasure was taken away.

Is this Pokémon Chiri's last means of self-defense?

"Wood drink!


Before he had time to think about that night demon spirit, Emrido in front of him uttered a low shout, and the condensed countless thin blades of thought power turned into streamers of light and flew towards him.

Mental shock!

Yaknom raised his palm on the other side, and a powerful wave of evil swept across.

Hei Huaqiang's three copies are completely controlled at this moment, bringing the power of Sanshenggu to a higher level.

"Pikachu, use speed!


But when his strength is fully recovered, Pikachu can naturally display his extreme speed.


I saw Pikachu kicking his feet, and his figure suddenly turned into a blue light afterimage in a burst of electric light, jumping back and forth in this space.

Whether it is a dangerous mental shock or a wave of evil, it can be easily avoided.

It's just that whenever Pikachu is about to ignore the two difficult obstacles in front of him and directly attack the dark night demon staring at him from a distance, the two holy orphans will flicker and release dangerous supernatural powers, hindering Pikachu's movements .

"Damn it, is it a trick to predict the future?"

Xiaozhi suddenly had another headache.

With pure speed, it is difficult to dodge at all.

It's just that the future-foreseeing moves performed by the two people in front of them are also very different.

In fact, what Xiaozhi doesn't know is Yaknom and Emrido, which represent the "will" and "emotion" of all things in the world.

As long as there is a will, or an emotional element, in the opponent's mind

They will be caught by them as if predicting the future, capturing signs of attack, and predicting and preventing them in advance.

In this process, Dialga and Palkia in the high place in front of them have already bombarded the third exclusive move.

Boom boom boom!

The collision of Yakong Severe and Time Roar caused the entire Spear Pillar to vibrate violently this time.

Even the originally flat ground was bent at a strange angle at this moment.

When Xiaozhi turned his head, he found that the battlefield of the "hot" battle between Wang Luo and Pluto was 90 degrees perpendicular to the ground.

But the strangest thing is that the two of them, as well as Katie Dog and Noisy Bird, are fighting normally, like walking on the ground, and the scene is very curious.

Both Wang Luo and Pluto had serious expressions on their faces. If he hadn't heard the commanding words they muttered, Xiao Zhi might have really thought that Pluto was some kind of powerful character.

"Noisy Bird, use Feather Perch!"

"Katie Dog, let it rest in its feathers, we will fight fairly!"

Xiaozhi: "."

On the other hand, the gunpowder smell of the battle between Sui Xing and Bu Xing gradually subsided.

In the process, one didn't really want to betray the Galactic team, and the other didn't fully acknowledge the Red Sun's dream.

Then let's just let everyone play badly together, the outcome has nothing to do with them.

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