He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1759 Pluto Dragon: I recognize you!

Zhulan naturally has no relatives of the same age.

There is a younger sister in the family, but she is 2 years younger than Xiaozhi.

"Could it be some distant relative?"

Zhulan thought to herself, she should go back to Shenhe Town and ask her grandma if there are other branches in the family tree.

And Wang Luo ignored the small movements of the two of them, and continued to speak slowly.

There is a lot of intelligence information hidden in his heart, which makes him like to tell stories to others.

"Although the real world we live in, the inverted world, and the space-time gap where the time-space gods live are all in completely disjoint positions, but the pillar of the gun is a special place."

This is where the legendary creator god, Arceus, created the world.

Therefore, this place has also become a bridge connecting these parallel worlds.

With the special position of the Pillar of the Spear, Giratina has always been behind, silently watching everything that happened to the Pillar of the Spear.

The strong ghost aura that comes with it also enhanced the ghost attribute energy of Chiri's night demon to a certain extent.

That's the case, although there is a big gap between the level of strength and Pikachu, but the same life moves can still work, and the latter is forcibly KO'd.

And because of Chi Sun's forced summoning, Dialga and Palkia were summoned from the gap between time and space to the real world, and then the two collided with moves containing the purest power of time and space

Not only the pillar of the spear, but also around Tianguan Mountain, there are signs of time and space collapse.

As the support of the real world, the inverted world has also suffered a huge impact.

In the half hour before, the world where Giratina was in was continuously shaking the ground, and dangerous poisonous mist was everywhere in the air and the ground, and a more exaggerated and distorted space-time collapse appeared.

This is the same as rushing to his house and urinating on his head.

While the two were slack, Giratina forcibly tore open the space-time rift, preparing to arrest the two.

The flaming shadow wings had completely inflated into two balls of black fire, completely locking and wrapping Dialga and Palkia.

After trying for a while, Giratina couldn't get out smoothly.

This world doesn't welcome you.


This made Giratina let out a majestic and sullen dragon roar. Since he couldn't get out, he was going to drag the two arrogant dragons into his reverse world.

However, Giratina is not a split seat after all, and its strength is very limited compared to the two.

Dialga and Palkia, who had regained their strength, rioted again and again, and the shadow wings covering their bodies were constantly breaking and snapping.

Whoosh! !

Hush! !

Even the charged moves of the two were successfully released this time, and the time roar and air splitting strike blasted towards the ghost dragon at the source at the same time.

Now the two of them are not suppressed and weakened by the red chain, and their strength has returned to its peak.

If Wang Luo's Nostalgia Cloud resisted such a joint attack again, he might be chopped into pieces on the spot.


Helpless, Giratina could only plunge into the void of the reversed world like diving.

Shadow Stalker!

Also known as Shadow Escape, this is Giratina's exclusive move.

It can sneak into the void, avoid all moves, and then launch a violent ghost dragon attack in the second stage.

The whole body, including the flame wings, completely transformed into a transparent nothingness, allowing the two dangerous moves to pass through without hitting.

Boom boom boom! !

Losing the target, the two moves collided with each other, causing the pillar of the spear to vibrate violently again

"We can't let them continue fighting!"

Zhulan's eyes were fixed, and the elf ball thrown this time released her Pokkisi.

The latter is a goblin attribute, so it can still resist some of these attacks, right?

However, since he couldn't come to the Pillar of the Spear in person, Giratina's shadow sneak attack couldn't deal second-stage damage, so he could only hover near the entrance of the cave.

And because of Shadow Escape, the Pluto Dragon's wings also completely turned into nothingness, piercing through the bodies of the Gods of Time and Space.



Unshackled, Dialga and Palkia looked at Giratina in the reversed world at the same time, then looked at each other and let out a low growl.

The next moment, Ssangyong suddenly turned around and flew towards the sky away from the spear pillar.


It's already very unlucky for the two to see each other.

But they are less than 1% of the disadvantage of seeing Giratina.

Although they were attacked by surprise, Dialga and Palkia didn't even have the will to fight back

slipped away.

This kind of annoying ghost dragon will not play with him.

And as the two gods of time and space moved away from the pillar of the spear, Giratina's shadow wings could not continue to extend the capture, so they could only slowly withdraw them helplessly.

Finally, looking at the twin dragons that were flashing blue light and pink light, they suddenly tore open the space-time rift and returned to their respective space-time gaps.

"Roar, roar!!"

Giratina was a little annoyed, and kept shuttling back and forth in the inverted world at the other end.

They are all gods created by the creator god Arceus. Both Dialga and Palkia can freely travel through the cracks of time and space and the real world they are in without any restrictions.

But he was trapped in the reversed world forever, completely exiled.

Unless other special beings travel through the reversed world, he can use the time and space gate opened by the former to hitch a ride out together.

"If only the strange bird from last time was still there."

Giratina's brain is obviously much better than the two gods of time and space, and it can still think and recall.

He remembered that last time, that strange black bird suddenly used its shadow escape move and forcibly passed through the reverse world

That seems to be a human Pokémon, right?

Subconsciously, Giratina's eyes, across this space-time rift, looked at the group of humans on the pillar of the gun who were watching the show blankly.

Wait a minute, that human kid wearing a hat, and that electric mouse, seem familiar? !


When he met the eyes of Hades Dragon, Xiao Zhi was shocked suddenly.

Is this all recognized? !

Through the description of Mr. Wang Luo, and the attitude of the previous space-time double dragon

It seems that this Pluto dragon is an ancient god who is not very pleasing.

This series of actions and attack intentions also showed Giratina's disposition in front of him, which was very eccentric.

"Hehe. Last time, it was just a misunderstanding."

Seeing the other party's long eyes staring at him closely, the ancient god seemed to be able to communicate smoothly this time, so Xiao Zhi could only say with a dry smile.

Giratina doesn't care so much, the flame wings are extended again, and it is about to fly out, forcibly dragging Xiaozhi into the reverse world.

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