He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1760 But it's just young and frivolous

Seeing the black wings of the shadow hit by the flames flying towards him rapidly, it was about to wrap Xiaozhi's throat and neck like locking the twin gods of time and space.

At this time, Wang Luo took a few steps away and stood in front of Xiao Zhi.

His eyes widened with the brim of his hat lowered, and he looked at the Pluto Dragon at the source.

"Giratina, don't you remember me anymore...?"

The familiar voice stopped Giratina's black wings, and the sharp wings hovered in front of Wang Luo's eyes.

This action also made Xiaozhi and Zhulan blink again.

Are you an acquaintance again?

"Oh, I forgot, you haven't seen my look like this yet."

Saying that, Wang Luo took off his peaked cap on his own.

It was only then that Xiaozhi discovered that Mr. Wangluo's blond hair was not as long as Zhulan's, reaching to the waist or even reaching the calf.

Wang Luo's hair is slightly bent to the sides, and a sharp corner is directly formed at the back. This is a very strange hairstyle.

Xiaozhi was even a little puzzled, how did he maintain this strong hairstyle while wearing a peaked cap all the time.

Wang Luo still wanted to continue undressing, but he glanced at the two dazed people next to him, and then at Giratina's small pensive eyes in front of him, and stopped.

At this moment, he was wrapped in a thick mountaineering suit, but he was wearing thin ancient clothes inside, which were the clothes of the ancient Sinnohs.

It was also his costume as a Pokémon tamer back then.

But it seemed that Giratina had recognized him, so Wang Luo looked at him with a smile.

"Well, do you recognize me now?"

Thousands of years ago, Wang Luo used the power of Dialga and Palkia to summon the third god, Giratina, here.

The latter was exiled to the reverse world by the creation god Arceus because of his brutal character, and he was not allowed to travel to the real world for life.

Therefore, Giratina also buried her ambition to overthrow and take revenge on Arceus.

And Wang Luo, who also aimed at Arceus and tried to use the power of the Creator God to change the world, had the same goal and became a temporary partner.

Only in the end, Mingyao was ruthlessly defeated.

Giratina was the first to run away, abandoning Wangluo, and directly retracted into the reverse world.

Looking at Giratina's bewildered little eyes on the opposite side, Wang Luo was completely sure.

This world, the Xicui region where he came from, is the same ancient and modern world.

But for Giratina, more than a thousand years have passed since the two had been partners, and he has almost completely forgotten Wang Luo's appearance.

The only thing I still remember is a strange human with golden horns.

But for Wang Luo, only a year or two has passed, and the memory is still fresh.

At this time, Wang Luo's eyes were like swords, and he suddenly said:

"How about it, do you want to continue to cooperate with me this time to take down that mighty Creator God?"

The voice is gentle, but it contains the confidence to swallow mountains and rivers.

It seems that the object is not the God of Creation, but a Muke bird on the bad street by the roadside.

These words startled Xiaozhi and Zhulan beside them.

Good guy, is this guy also a villain boss?

Chi Sun's target was only the person in front of Dialga and Palkia, and he was directly targeting Arceus! ?

"Who is this person?"

Zhulan kept thinking in her mind, she took a step away from Wangluo.

As an experienced mythologist, she knows many myths and legends from various places.

Each region has its own myths and legends. Although it seems that each of them is the creation of the world and the creation of the world, they are basically independent myth systems, and generally they will not be confused together.

Except for the creation god Arceus, his status seems to be a level higher than the ancient gods in all regions.

The power of this ultimate ancient god is naturally the most dangerous.

Zhulan even thought about whether to make a direct move and take down Wang Luo first on the spot.

It's just that the flamboyant Juan Lianyun next to him is hovering behind Wang Luo with his hands on his hips. It is obviously difficult to jump over this cloud god and attack the trainer directly.


Giratina obviously understood people's language, and fell silent on the spot when he heard this familiar invitation to form a team.

Did this human being use the power of time to travel to the present, thousands of years later?

Thousands of years ago, he was arrogant, eccentric and rude.

After being exiled to the reverse world by Arceus, he began to release his power continuously, destroying everything he saw in front of him. He is a full-fledged tyrant.

It can be said that Giratina has made great contributions to the tragic appearance of the end of the world in the reverse world.

After coming into contact with Wangluo, they had the same goal, so naturally they hit it off and planned to suppress Arceus on the spot.

It's just that one or two thousand years have passed since then



Giratina suddenly let out a burst of roar, and already made a decision in his heart.

The stagnant flame black wings extended and swelled again, and directly swept away Wang Luo who was blocking the front.

Wang Luo: "?"


Then, like a long snake, the black wing immediately locked and entangled Xiaozhi behind him.

Before everyone could react, Giratina yanked in even more violently.

After more than a thousand years of cultivating health and rest, Giratina's hostility has completely disappeared.

The edges and corners of the past have been worn so round that they would slip and wrestle when stepped on.

As for suppressing Arceus, it was nothing more than being young and frivolous back then.

Wang Luo or something, really unfamiliar.

Now it's better to arrest this human kid, torture him, and then let the latter release the black strange bird, so that he can freely enter and exit the reversed world and the real world.

"No, wait a minute."

Under the strong force, Xiaozhi had nowhere to resist for a while, his feet were pulled off the ground, and he was suspended in the air.

With the wings retracted, Giratina directly dragged Xiaozhi into the crack of time and space.

Even Pikachu, who had just woken up on his shoulders, was not spared and suffered together.


Seeing this, Zhulan panicked, and just wanted to call her fierce biting land shark for support.


But Giratina moved faster, and then amid Xiaozhi's screams, the crack in time and space was completely closed, and the sky above the pillar of the gun returned to normal air again.

The aura of Giratina and Xiaozhi completely disappeared.


Biting the land shark directly penetrated the air in that place, scratched the previous position with its claws, and then looked at Zhulan in confusion.

Zhulan could only look at Wangluo in a daze.

Wang Luo: "."

He fell into silence, as if Giratina dumped himself again?

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