He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 174 Special Jōnin vs Will of Fire!


Alidos's two foot spikes plunged into Bibi's body fiercely. The double blow of the sting and toxin made Bibi in the spiderweb let out a whine. His body and wings kept struggling, his feathers were messy, but he couldn't break free.

The situation is dire.

Ah Ju turned a blind eye to this scene. As a ninja, he has seen this kind of thing a lot, and he has done a lot of it himself.

"Alidos, use Stalker!" He continued to instruct.


Alidos's four colorful foot spikes began to stab Bibibird frantically, and he attacked several times in a row, each of which hit a vital part.

This move is similar to Crazy Scratch, except that it does more damage with the spider spikes and is more visually intimidating.

Even Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia below couldn't bear to look directly at them and lowered their heads.

"Bibi Bird!!"

Xiaozhi is still using the elf ball to try to take it back, but it doesn't help. He can only watch his Bibi bird being attacked by spikes in a daze.

At this moment, Bibi Bird is clearly on the verge of death, but this uncle ninja still hasn't stopped. This is the first time he has come into contact with such a battle. The cruelty of fighting in the Pokémon world has begun to germinate in Xiaozhi's heart.

"Use venomous fangs!"

Ah Ju said coldly.


Alidos stopped the movement of his feet, and at this moment his mouth and jaw had completely turned dark purple, filled with a strong poisonous aura, and slowly approached Bibi Bird.

After this mouthful, Bibi Bird may not only be dying, but may actually build a grave on the spot.

The tool bird is immortal, the kind whose voice and appearance are still there.

"Bibi Bird!!"

Xiaozhi almost jumped up and pulled the spider web by himself.

It's just that Alidos's deadly venomous fangs moved half an inch in front of Bibi Bird, and then stopped, and the purple light on the lower jaw and mouth immediately dispersed.

"Young man, this is the cruelty of Pokémon battles, have you realized it?"

Ah Ju slowly opened his mouth and said, the ninja's body stood quietly in place, without any emotion in his tone, this sentence seemed to be said to Xiaozhi, and also seemed to be said to his daughter A Xing.

Leaving the final battle in the Kanto region, he wanted to teach his daughter a final lesson.

As the Gym Master, under the circumstances of crushing strength, even if he abuses his opponent, he will be complained and even banned by the Pokémon Alliance, let alone deliberately killed him. Naturally, he will not really kill him.

But for a moment, Xiaozhi really thought that he was going to lose Bibi Bird.

"Put it down..."

Following Ah Ju's words, Alidos swung the sharp blade on his feet several times in a row, cutting through the spider web that bound Bibi Bird, and the Bibi Bird suddenly fell from mid-air with a stiff body, and hit the floor with a "boom" .

Xiaozhi hurried forward to check, but fortunately he was still breathing, and the injury was not as serious as imagined.

"Xiaozhi, leave it to me to take care of it, and focus on your game!"

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia quickly hugged Bibiniao aside, so that the wound medicine and panacea were applied to the latter's face, and there was no serious problem.


It's just that its eagle eyes became a little dull and bewildered. Obviously, this bird was frightened by this dangerous tarantula, and there was a lot of shadow in its heart.


"So strong..."

Xiaozhi looked at Aju and Alidos who were standing still, his brows were deeply frowned, sweat kept dripping from his forehead, and an idea unconsciously rose in his heart.

"Brother Chi."

"Well, you guessed right, this person is the most powerful trainer you have ever encountered, far surpassing others..."

The redness in the soul replied slowly.

Although the strength of the Pokémon used was not satisfactory, he could smell that this trainer named Ah Ju was as strong as the Zeus he met before, and was at the level of the king of the alliance.

Apollo, which is not half-baked at all, can be compared with lambdas and the like.

He has seen this person before in the electronic world. He was just an ordinary gym trainer at the beginning, and several Pokémon added up to barely wear out one of his Pokémon.

a drop of blood.

But three years later, for some unknown reason, he changed suddenly and suddenly became one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Chengdu Alliance. Only then did Chi realize that this ninja had hidden himself very deeply at that time.

Didn't expect it to be the same in this world.

But he didn't send his main Pokémon, and the purpose of the battle was only to test the trainer's level, not to command with all his strength. With Xiaozhi's current strength, he still has a chance of winning!

Ah Ju on the opposite side suddenly paused, and said:

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. Although my Alidos is classified as the level of Chunin by me, but if I subdivide it, the strength has infinitely approached the level of Jonin. It can also be called another name, especially Jonin. .”

Alidos in front of him waved his spider claws, ready to go.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi pressed his hat, and instead of being timid, he became energetic again, and shouted:

"Are you particularly Jonin? Then let me show you my will of fire!!"

Strongest opponent?

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth raised, the flames of war were wanton!

As he said that, he threw a poke ball violently, red light flashed, the turbulent fire and violent roar erupted at the same time, and there was a faint breath of dragon chant.

A fiery red dragon-type Pokémon appeared in front of Xiaozhi, spitting out fiery flames from its mouth.

Fire Dinosaurs! !

The inverse attribute is just a joke, if you really want to be serious, you have to rely on attribute restraint, the enemy is stronger than ever, so Xiaozhi must go all out!

At this moment, whether it is the strength of the fire dinosaur itself or the suppression of firepower, it is a perfect choice.

"It's the Fire Dinosaur, I will definitely win this time!"

"Among the attributes? Ye Qing knot."


Both Xiaogang, Xiaoxia and Ah Xing stared wide-eyed, curious about the direction of this particular battle between Ninja and Will of Fire.



The battle begins.

Xiaozhi glanced at the spider webs all around, and shouted:

"Use the flame vortex around!!"


The fire dinosaur spit out crimson flames, then twisted its neck, and the flame column rotated and moved, turning into a whirlpool of flames, sweeping towards every corner of the room.


The spider web, which was still tough just now, was quickly burned into black debris under the flames.

It is worth mentioning that the surrounding wooden floors and walls did not show any signs of burning or even being blackened. Although they were not strong when stepped on, they were obviously made of specially treated fireproof materials.

Xiaozhi continued to shout: "Fire Dinosaur!!"

The fire dinosaur understood, nodded, and gathered the vortex of flames in the sky, condensing them into a pillar of flames, which shot straight at Alidos in front of him.

The shape of the flame changed again as it approached, turning into a terrifying vortex of flames and spreading around, surrounding Alidos' entire body.

In the flames, Alidos, who was restrained by the fire attribute and should be anxious, was as calm as a ninja, and was not disturbed by the approaching flames at all.

Ah Ju suddenly said: "Alidos, use the cross poison blade!"

I saw Alidos lift up the two spider feet on the front side of his abdomen, and at this moment there was already a thick and penetrating purple light flashing on them, and he folded his palms at the surrounding flames and waved a few whips, hitting all the menacing flame vortexes. Scattered and cut a path.

Before the foreleg crossed the poisonous blade, the two spider claws on the back also moved at an extremely fast speed, sticking to the ground, and kept rushing towards the fire dinosaur.

Cross Poison Blade! !


Seeing the situation, the fire dinosaur simply dissipated the flames in its mouth, and swung its two sharp claws vigorously. Suddenly, a dark black energy coat was formed on it, in the shape of terrifying sharp spikes, and it stomped on the ground without hesitation. The enemy rushed up.

Hell thrust! !

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