The fire dinosaur's sharp claws closed together to form spikes, piercing out mercilessly.

And Alidos crossed his sharp blades and poisonous claws, and slashed out fiercely.




In an instant, the skills of the two collided back and forth several times. The spikes and claws collided crazily in the air, making bursts of metal cutting and slashing sounds. A collision caused splashes to scatter, and the air was filled with violent energy remnants.



After colliding for seven or eight rounds in a row, the two retreated a few steps at the same time. It was considered a close fight, but the high-intensity continuous attack required a pause to breathe.


But obviously, as a half-dragon and half-beast, the fire dinosaur's physical strength is undoubtedly higher than Alidos who is an insect. I saw it slammed on the floor and rushed up again. But the sharp claw stabbed vigorously from the bottom up!

Hell thrust! !

Alidos, who was guarding against a frontal attack, was directly ridden on the face by the hell spike from below, and the blow stabbed hard at the connection point between its head and abdomen.


Alidos backed up a few meters and twisted his neck. The pain in his throat made him a little uncomfortable.

Hell Spike, after hitting, it can block the enemy's sound skills for a certain period of time.

"Is it luck..."

Ah Ju raised his eyebrows a little. His Alidos has a sound skill, the sound of insects, which can cause damage and affect the opponent's movements at the same time. Unexpectedly, he was blocked in advance before he made a move.

"Nice job, Fire Dinosaur!"

Xiaozhi naturally didn't think about it that much. Without him, the Hell Spike Fire Dinosaur prefers to use it.

But at the moment the distance between the two is less than three meters, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly said:

"Good opportunity, use jet flames!!"


The fire dinosaur didn't hesitate, opened its mouth the moment it heard the order, and spit out a column of flames, shooting straight at it with a billowing heat wave.


The flames exploded quickly on Alidos, hitting him head-on! !

The effect is outstanding!

Alidos retreated violently, forcibly raised his two forelimbs in an attempt to disperse the flames and block them.

"Alidos, use the Cross Poison Blade!!"

"Don't give it a chance, keep using Jet Flame!!"

The Fire Dinosaur's gaze froze, the flame on its tail exploded with a "chuss", and the temperature of the flame in its mouth rose sharply, shooting towards Alidos crazily.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The flames shot up into the sky and formed a big explosion there, smoke and dust billowed, and fireworks splashed everywhere! !

"Fire Dinosaur, be careful, wait for it to emerge, and use jet flames to suppress it again!"

This big spider is powerful, and Xiao Zhi is not sure whether the two jets of flames can be fatal. At this moment, he is highly concentrated and dare not slack off in the slightest.



Soon, the smoke cleared.

"Where's the spider?"

Everyone blurted out in shock. The center of the explosion should have been the figure of Alidos, but there was no trace of him at this moment, leaving only the tragic appearance of a big crack in the wooden floor.


Xiaozhi quickly looked around, and then looked at the four corners of the ceiling, but he didn't see the big colorful spider.

"Wait, it's..."

Xiaozhi suddenly noticed the big crater in the explosion, and just about to remind him, the floor on his side suddenly vibrated.

Ah Ju sneered and said: "Jie's too late, ninja, you must be good at observing your surroundings!"

The next second, the figure of Alidos suddenly broke through the ground behind the fire dinosaur, ejected suddenly, and flew towards the fire dinosaur.


Caught off guard, the fire dinosaur's entire body was pressed to the floor by Alidos. The latter's spider feet seemed to have received this kind of training a long time ago. At the same time, they exerted force and nailed the fire dinosaur's limbs, tail, and neck to death. On the floor, unable to move!

At this moment, a large and colorful spider that is bigger than the fire dinosaur is pressing on the former, as if a predator has captured its prey. The scene is really shocking and frightening.

"Hehe, maybe my Alidos can have another nickname, Dragon Spider..."

Ah Ju sneered.

If it was Bibi Bird instead, with a colorful spider bigger than him lying on his body, the bird would have already been scared to death.

But the Fire Dinosaur is different, how could it endure its violent temper, and struggled frantically, but the force points of its limbs and tail were tightly restrained, and it was hit at the death spot.


The fire dinosaur turned its head violently, and the flames between its teeth were ready to explode.


However, Alidos was faster, spitting out worm silk from his mouth, entangled it away, and tied the fire dinosaur's mouth tightly, unable to open and close.

It is said that the crocodile has a strong bite force, but the crocodile's opening and closing force is not good. Once someone closes and holds the mouth to prevent it from opening, it is equivalent to having its fangs pulled out.

The fire dinosaur is in such a situation now, no matter how hard it is, it can't push away the group of spider threads around its mouth.

"Jie Jie... Is this your strongest Pokémon? It's not very strong..."

Ah Ju couldn't help making a handprint comparison, ruthless.

Although this young man is already strong enough compared to the average trainer, if that's the case, his strength is still a lot worse.

It's not even as good as another Zhenxin Town trainer a few days ago. You must know that the trainer had already defeated his Chunin Pokémon without breaking out, and forced himself to use the third Chunin Pokémon. !

Although the process is very tragic.

And after I assigned Jonin, the other party seemed to have changed inexplicably, as if he had suddenly risen countless levels, pressed himself on the ground for a mess, and couldn't change hands at all...

Closer to home, the young man in front of him is.

"If that's the case, I can't be forced to use the third Pokémon." Ah Ju said.

Not only cat Pokémon have the habit of playing with their prey, but also spiders. Alidos shot out a large bundle of spider silk from his abdomen, tied the fire dinosaur into a meat ball, and then spit out a silk thread towards the ceiling and turned it upside down hanging in mid-air.

At this moment, the fire dinosaur couldn't move, and couldn't make a sound with its mouth, so it could only struggle and shake in the air.

And Alidos has already formed a spider web, slowly approaching, and the sharp blade's feet once again glowed with a terrifying and penetrating purple light.

The situation fell into a great crisis.

"Fire Dinosaur!!"

With Xiaozhi's roar, the Fire Dinosaur suddenly opened its eyes, and the flames on its tail soared in an instant, burning the surrounding spider webs.

At this moment, the upside-down body of the Fire Dinosaur also emits a strange red light, and the temperature rises sharply, and even mist continuously evaporates from its skin. sound.

"This is...?"

Xiaozhi was shocked, he had never seen such a situation with his fire dinosaur.


With the roar of the fire dinosaur, the terrifying high-temperature energy finally burned the spider webs on its mouth, and the hot flames were condensed on the surface of its body visible to the naked eye, instantly burning countless spider webs into black shavings.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The flames spread out in air waves, violently knocking Alidos back several meters who was still approaching.

However, this seems to be just the prelude to this skill. The fire dinosaur's body in mid-air is still frantically accumulating flame energy, and white air is lingering around it.

"Beep. The fire dinosaur learned a new skill: Purgatory."

"Purgatory, forms a high-temperature flame cyclone around the body to attack the enemy, powerful, and 100% causes the enemy to enter a burning state."

The illustration book introduced in time.


Xiaozhi clenched his fist with joy on his face, turned his hat vigorously, and then shouted loudly:

"Fire Dinosaur, use Purgatory!!"


The flame energy around the fire dinosaur's body exploded instantly, condensing into hot and high-temperature flame entities, rushing towards Alidos like a huge wave! !

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