He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1769 Xiaoguang, return to the team!

Yuxi represents the power of "knowledge" in the spiritual world.

Not only human beings need to supplement knowledge and continuously improve their ability level. As the god of knowledge, Yu Kexi also needs to continuously acquire new knowledge.

Especially when they had already stayed in the Lake of Wisdom before, surrounded by clearings of snow-capped mountains.

Now following Xiaogang, Jean Yuksi has a full thirst for knowledge about the human world.

"Don't worry, follow me, I will let you understand the world of adults!"

Xiaogang said with confidence, which made Yukexi stunned for a while.


But just as the two approached Lizhi Lake, a small figure suddenly appeared from the calm lake.

The appearance is similar to the yellow holy mushroom, but the skin on the head is aqua blue. It is the blue holy mushroom, representing the will of Aknom!


After resting for a few days, Yaknom has fully recovered at this moment.

After sensing that Yu Kexi was nearby, he naturally came out to greet him as the host.


Yaknom greeted Xiaozhi again, and floated on Xiaozhi's shoulder very familiarly.

Just like Yukshi likes Xiaogang who is full of knowledge.

The human being in front of him has a pure and strong willpower, no matter what is incomparable, which makes Yaknom involuntarily have a good impression of Xiaozhi.

"Long time no see, Yaknom, you've become more energetic~!"

Xiaozhi also smiled and rubbed the latter's head.

There is a wonderful connection between the two, but after all, there is not much contact, and Xiao Zhi did not take care of the latter like Xiao Gang in the Tianguanshan incident.

Although Yaknom has a good impression of Xiaozhi, he has not reached the level of actively joining the team.

Xiaozhi didn't insist on this, and let Aknom sit on his shoulders.

After a while, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang entered the lakeside resort side by side with a Sansheng Mushroom each.

After this big incident, it seems that the three holy mushrooms have begun to intentionally get close to humans, contact the human world, and no longer hide in the different space at the bottom of the lake.

However, since only very few people have seen the Three Holy Mushrooms, no passer-by was surprised by the Three Holy Mushrooms on the shoulders of Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang.

On Xiaozhi's other shoulder is an electric mouse

From this it can be concluded that:

The yellow one and the blue one next to it are also two bad street electric rats from other areas, right?

Today's lakeside resort is obviously several times more lively than in the past.

A large number of people continued to pour in, and even the spacious streets in the past became a little congested, so that the hawkers on both sides could only keep shrinking back.

Not just because of the Super Gorgeous Contest

The strange evaporation of Lizhi Lake also attracted the interest of countless people, who came here to observe it.

In particular, the wild Pokémon in the entire wetland teamed up to use the scene of praying for rain. This is definitely a famous scene that can be recorded in the history of the Sinnoh area.

By the way, tourists flocked to the lakeside resort next door, intending to witness the super gorgeous competition that will be held soon.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaogang!"

As soon as he entered the resort, there was a pleasant cry from afar, and it was Xiaoguang who was waving his hands in the distance.

"Little light!"

The two looked happy, and hurried up.

I haven't seen him for half a month, it seems that Xiaoguang has matured a lot, his eyes are firm, his expression is confident, and he is completely a trainer who can stand on his own!

It's just that the skin is a little tanned.

It seems that the past ten days have been busy.

In the distance, the little Zhimu Keying also flew over, flicked his head, and shook the gorgeous feathers on his head proudly.

"Mike Eagle, you have also become stronger!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but stepped forward to touch the wings of Mukehawk, and pressed it a little harder, it was a very firm touch.

Mukehawk originally wanted to rebel.


But after hearing Xiaozhi's voice, it still couldn't help turning its head, its beak kept pecking at Xiaozhi's hat, and its eye sockets became moist.

It is not a steel attribute bird after all.

"Uh, three holy mushrooms?!"

But when he saw the Pokémon on the shoulders of his two companions, Xiaoguang was startled.

But a few days ago, she heard the complete story from Xiaogang, and soon calmed down.

It seems that she left the team alone this time and missed a lot of things!

And the red holy mushroom Emrido, she hasn't seen it. If she has been following Xiaozhi, maybe she can conquer the legendary Pokémon in her hometown like Teacher Gang?

"Anyway, come with me first!"

Standing at the entrance of the resort, the surroundings were very crowded, so Xiaoguang quickly took the two of them to a hotel.

Once entering the Jiudan hall, although the inside is still very lively, the flow of people has decreased a lot, and it is not so crowded.

"This is a place for contestants participating in the super gorgeous competition, as well as relatives and friends~!"

Xiaoguang walked in front and introduced to the two of them.

"By the way, what about Xiao Wang?"

Xiaozhi looked left and right, but he didn't see that cool tomboy, so he couldn't help asking.

In the past few days, Xiaoguang has been acting together with Xiaowang, right?

"Well, the official competition is going to be tomorrow. Xiaowang and I are going to fight with all our strength on the stage, so we are temporarily separated."

Xiaoguang touched his head and replied with a dry smile.

Xiao Wang is not only her best friend, but also a strong enemy. She is about to fight to the death, and now they are still staying together, the atmosphere is somewhat weird.

"I understand, I understand this feeling."

Old God Xiaozhi nodded, he and Xiaomao must have the same relationship.

On the eve of the final of the Silver Conference, even if the two saw each other from a distance, they would feel a strange sense of embarrassment.

It's better not to see you for a while.

"So, let's see your current strength, Xiaoguang."

After putting down the luggage, Xiaozhi suddenly suggested.

The gorgeous competition will officially start tomorrow, and there may be many seniors, who are now a little worried about Xiaoguang.

"That's right, I can't say that Xiao Zhizhi and I can help."

Xiao Gang also chimed in.

"Okay! Come with me!"

Xiao Guang rolled his eyes, as if he wanted to show off the achievements of the past half month of cultivation in front of the two of them.

Unlike the leisurely travel of the two of them, she has been exercising intensively for the past ten days.

After arriving at the training ground, Xiaoguang took a deep breath and threw several poke balls one by one.

boom! boom!

The noble bee queen flaps her wings, her red gemstone eyes are deep, exuding a queen-like aura.

Ye Yibu has a soft and slender figure, walking on a catwalk on all fours, his amber eyes look deep, and his green body exudes a faint fragrance.

The soft and vigorous long-eared rabbit has big clenched ears in the shape of a fist, and the muscles hidden in the fluffy fur can be faintly seen. Obviously, the power of the pair of ears and fists has become stronger.

The small and exquisite electric mouse Patchlitz ran nimbly, imitating Pikachu's appearance, and mounted on Xiaoguang's shoulder.


"God drink!!"

A tall and majestic Emperor Nabo stood in front of everyone with a straight body, raised his head proudly like a king, and let out a high-spirited low voice.

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