He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1770 Xiaoguang's complete lineup!


Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang were amazed. They didn't expect to see each other for half a month. The simple and innocent Prince Bo in the past has evolved into such a majestic Emperor Nabo, and he has truly transformed into a king!

Not only that, Xiaoguang, the Emperor Napoleon, is also different from ordinary individuals.

The black body is the same, as if wearing a neat black dress.

On his face is a majestic golden trident crown.

But the edges of the steel wings, as well as the vertical collar of the neck, were originally supposed to be dark blue, but at this moment the edges have completely turned golden yellow.

Comes with gold trim for luxury!

"Bo drink!"

Emperor Nabo let out a low snort, obviously very satisfied with his appearance at the moment.

"Did the golden membrane work?"

Xiaozhi also remembered something.

At that time, the special extension prop of the metal film that Xiaoguang obtained from Mr. Donggua - the gold film.

Carrying this prop to evolve, although there is no difference in power. But it seems that it can dye its own body parts?


Even when Emperor Nabo waved his wings and performed a horizontal slash, he could leave a pale golden slash in the air, which was very cool.

However, in Xiaoguang's team, not only Emperor Nabo has changed.


With the opening of the sixth poke ball, a faint cold mist floated in the surrounding air, and the temperature dropped a lot.

Looking closely, I saw a Pokémon that looked like a pocket-sized human woman in a kimono appeared.

The purple soft face under the white snow shell, with a wide cuff-shaped palm gently raised, covering half of the face, like a shy girl.

"Snow Demon Girl?! Xiao Guang, has your Snow Boy evolved yet?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out.

"That's right! It just evolved a few days ago!"

Xiaoguang said triumphantly that the snow demon girl has a good face, and she can show a cute gesture with every frown and smile, which makes her very fond of it.

Although Xiaozhi and Xuetongzi were subdued at the same time, after all, she, a female individual, needs to use the awakening stone to evolve into a snow demon girl.

For Pokémon that need evolution props, the level is not the threshold.

Just like a newly hatched baby Katie, with the help of the Fire Stone, it can be transformed into a majestic wind speed dog right from birth.

"Speaking of evolving so early, wouldn't it be too fast?"

Xiao Gang said with some worry.

The charming appearance of the Snow Demon Girl reminded him of the Ghost Snow Girl he had met back then when he was still in Xuefeng City.

"It's not a big problem."

But this time, Xiaozhi helped Xiaoguang answer.

These two snow boys already contained extremely powerful ice and snow energy in their bodies. He, this snow boy, has even completely mastered the two big moves of "Frozen Light" and "Blizzard". reliable.

Now his snow boy is trying to learn the big move he stole from Wangluo's ice rock monster - Bingshan Feng.

In the past half month, Xiaoguang's training was more intense than his own, and it can only be said that it was just right to evolve into a snow demon.

Emperor Nabo, Jackrabbit, Patchlitz, Queen Bee, Yeeb, Snow Fairy.

Xiaoguang walked lightly, and came to the center surrounded by six Pokémon. With a tight face, he opened his palms to Xiaozhi and the other two and said:

"Well, this is my complete lineup now!"

The Splendid Contest is different from the Alliance Contest. It doesn't need to change Pokémon so frequently. Six just happens to be a perfect number.

As for the trainers who want to challenge the alliance conference, about 10 to 12 trainers are needed to better adapt to the battle environment of the alliance conference.


"This time there is!"

Looking at Xiaoguang's confident face, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang clapped their hands in cooperation.

You must know that Xiaoguang can be regarded as the one they watched "grow up", from an ignorant newcomer to now an independent trainer.


Xiaoguang just grinned and touched his head a little embarrassedly.

She wanted to show this scene in front of the two of them a long time ago.

Taking advantage of the last bit of time, Xiaoguang didn't continue to exercise the strength of Pokémon, but directed the Snow Demon Girl to perform alone.

"Snow Fairy, use the frozen light!"

Tomorrow, in the first stage of the Gorgeous Contest, she is going to let the Snow Fairy appear on the stage.

The gorgeous ice and snow is undoubtedly the highest among the 18 attributes in terms of appearance and perception, and it is a very good performance choice.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang are sitting next to each other, giving advice from the perspective of the audience

The next day, the Super Gorgeous Contest officially started!

The venue is still the place where Xiaozhi and the others visited before, where the Mikri Cup was held.

At the end of the resort, there is a huge venue built on the shore, protruding into Lizhi Lake, and surrounded by lakes on three sides.

But this time, the stage is completely flat ground, blocking the water flow below. It will not be like last time, half of the stage is a lake.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang naturally arrived at the spectator seats early, sat in the front row, and waited for their preparations.

"It's coming soon, Yuksi! What a beautiful thing!"

Xiaogang didn't forget to remind Yukexi who was sitting on his lap to cheer up.


You Kexi's face was tense and expectant, and her little face was tense.

Instead, it depends on how much knowledge it can acquire next.

On the other side, there are many Pokémon on Xiaozhi's thigh, such as Pikachu, Manafei, Aknom and even Snow Boy.

"Hey Wu~!"

It bounced on Xiaozhi's lap, very excited, and wanted to cheer for his sister.

Although it has evolved into the younger sister of the Snow Demon Girl. Now it is placed with it, but it is more like a mother and child?

The coordinators who are preparing to compete at this moment are already nervously preparing in the waiting room.

Since this is the first super-level gorgeous competition, the participants this time are not just the coordinators of the Sinnoh region.

Xiaoguang also saw many strangers, all of whom were much older than himself. They seemed to be senior coordinators from other regions, and the difficulty was definitely not low.

"Xiao Guang, don't lose until you meet me!"

"The same to you!"

Xiaoguang and Xiaowang could only look at each other, cheering for each other.

The two of them are the youngest in the room.

And at the back of the auditorium, there were still a few figures standing, looking at the stage in front of them, with different expressions on their faces.

"Damn it! Without my appearance! This time's gorgeous competition will definitely be bleak!!"

Musashi wears heavy makeup, red hair tied into twin ponytails, and big-rimmed glasses.

At this moment, he was biting his handkerchief, his eyes were red, and he was staring at the stage with hatred and sourness.

Musashi was one last ribbon short and ineligible.

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