He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1772 Immersed in the ocean of knowledge

The outstanding performance of the first contestant completely ignited the enthusiasm of this super gorgeous competition at once.

The next players began to appear one after another.

As the first super-level gorgeous competition, the contestants attracted this time are not only locals from Sinnoh.

About 30% of the contestants are from the Fangyuan area next door.

The Sinnoh region and the Fangyuan region, one is the birthplace of the gorgeous competition, and the other is the area where the gorgeous competition has been carried forward. Both have extremely high enthusiasm for this kind of competition.

During this period, Xiaozhi also saw a few unexpected acquaintances.

In addition to the head nurse Joey who used Mega Xanadu and Elledo, there is also the mother-level player who has fought against Xiaoguang before-Lily.

This older coordinator was Xiaoguang's mother's opponent in that class, and basically used cat-shaped Pokémon.

The Pokémon in front of Lily at this moment is a big pale yellow cat with a capable and flexible body and a rather fierce face.

"Boss cat, use the power gem!!"

The red jewel on the forehead of the cat boss flickered, condensing and flying out gravels one by one.

"And then frolic!"

The next moment, the whole body was covered with pink light again, and rushed to catch up with the power gem, crushing all these stones into pink powder.

The smooth and flowing performance, whether it is a coordinator or a Pokémon, is very sophisticated and experienced.

"Sure enough, there is no one who is good."

Since he is a mother-level contestant, Xiaogang temporarily calmed down a little, and resumed his serious evaluation.


You Kexi's telepathy also came simultaneously.

Its eyes narrowed into a slit, its face was serious, and it sighed in Xiaogang's voice.

Although as a legendary Pokémon, Yuksi is physically genderless. But psychologically, it is a pure male.

And the cat boss on the stage is a male cat, no matter how gorgeous the performance is, it will not be recognized by it.

"I saw something nasty meow! That's the ugly cat boss meow!!"

Even Miaomiao at the back of the auditorium had sharp claws extending from the end of her fingers, staring viciously at the cat boss on the stage.

The gesture is about to rush forward and tear up the coquettish cat boss on the stage.

"It's just a wild cat haha!"

In this regard, Kojiro could only hold Meow Miao helplessly.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head again to appease Musashi who was gnashing his teeth because he couldn't go on stage.

Damn, doesn't their Rockets have a normal person!

Next came Xiaowang's stage performance, using the same gorgeous neon fish as before.

The neon fish, known as the butterfly in the sea, uses moves such as water ring, mysterious guardian, and water tail in sequence. Even compared with Mikri's Menus, it can be compared in terms of beauty.

Skillful performance, without the slightest mistake.

Clap clap!

At the end of the performance, there was thunderous applause.

After all, this is the Sinnoh area, and the vast majority of the audience are Sinnoh locals. As a home game, they are more willing to give more encouragement to their own people.

"Uh, it's kind of turning into a battle between regions."

Xiao Gang cocked his mouth and looked back at the auditorium around him. It seemed that the direction of this magnificent competition had become strange.

But at this time, Yukexi on his lap was still laughing like an idiot:

"It's so beautiful neon fish, hehe!"

Seeing Yukexi's blushing face and the corners of his grinning mouth almost drooling, Xiao Gang fell silent for a moment.

Isn't he the god of knowledge? How did he become such a virtue?

Xiaozhi: "."

Seeing Xiao Gang's slightly contemptuous expression, he fell silent.

You seem to have no qualifications, despise Yukshina!

He even suspected that it was Xiaogang who corrupted Yukshi, who was pure and positive, to pollution!

"Hey, this person, isn't it...?"

Soon, another person Xiao Zhi knew very well appeared on the stage.

This is a middle-aged man, wearing an aristocratic dress and a water blue cape coat with a strange pattern.

He has an elegant and soft expression, with a delicate mustache, a neatly combed black back, and two feathery white hairs sticking out on his forehead.

"Mr. Adam? Has he also come to participate in this gorgeous contest?"

Xiaozhi recognized the latter, who was the owner of the Liuli Gym in the Fangyuan area, Adam.

This is an old-fashioned gymnasium, especially good at water attribute combat. Mikri was also Adam's disciple in his early years.

But the Adam Xiaozhi knew was an individual from another world

When he was still traveling in the Fangyuan area, by chance, he traveled to another parallel world and had a battle with Adam in that world.

There is also Xiaozhi in that world, but he doesn't seem to be very strong, and he travels with Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng.

All in all it was a magical experience.

But Mr. Adam in this world. Xiaozhi has not had any contact with him yet.

Unexpectedly, such characters were all attracted by this gorgeous contest.

"Xiaoguang, you can't stand it."

Xiaozhi began to worry about Xiaoguang.

In daily gym challenges, veteran gym owners will also release water

But now it's a gorgeous contest where the players are at the same level, no matter which coordinator it is, it's impossible to release the water.


On stage, Adam threw his poke ball with calm eyes.

A light red goldfish appeared, with big black eyes and a single horn on the forehead, a spherical body with black markings, and a thin wing-shaped white tail at the end.

"Goldfish King?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, this is a very common pond viewing Pokémon in their hometown!

"Goldfish king, use the water flow ring!"

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a master and apprentice, Adam's performance is very similar to that of Mikri

Or is Mikri's elegance inherited from Adam?

"Then there is the wave of water!"

Entangled by the ring of water, King Goldfish raised his head, and the wave of water released into the air turned into a wave of water ring.

"Finally, waterfall climbing!"


Immediately, the soft and light body of King Goldfish jumped to the highest point like a fish leaping over a dragon's gate, showing his soft and beautiful posture.

Even if they were contestants from other places, their wonderful performance still made the whole scene burst into applause, and they all praised Adam and Goldfish King's performance.

"As expected of Mr. Adam, a veteran and strong player, you should not be underestimated."

Watching Adam exit, Xiao Gang also commented sharply with a serious face.

It is a bit difficult for Xiaoguang to stand out from such a group of strong players today.

"It's so beautiful Goldfish King, hehe!"

Yu Kexi was still sending out the telepathic telepathy of an idiot, and his whole body was limp in Xiao Gang's arms.

Completely undivided, immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

Xiao Gang: "."

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