He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1773 vs Harry, Dreamsong Cactus!

The first round of review was drawing to a close, and it was finally Xiaoguang's turn to perform.


Seeing so many strong players performing sequentially made Xiaoguang quite nervous, somewhat affected, and his little face on the stage was tense.

Clap clap!

However, after feeling the grand applause from the audience, and Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang in the front row who were waving and cheering for him from a distance, Xiao Guang quickly regained his composure.

As a super rookie in the region, most of the audience are looking forward to Xiaoguang's performance.

In addition, Xiaoguang's fixed-point flying technique in the past half a month, like a clone, frequently appeared in gorgeous competitions everywhere, and even performed well in every game.

Xiaoguang's popularity is extremely high now.

Many people even gave Xiaoguang the title of "Sinnoh's Light".

"Please, Snow Fairy!"

So Xiaoguang took a deep breath and sent the Snow Demon Girl who had just completed her evolution.

The soft and mysterious posture of the ice and snow girl of the latter won a lot of favors and shouts as soon as she appeared on the stage.

"Use Hail!"

At the very beginning, the Snow Demon Girl raised her palm and chanted, causing hail and snowflakes to fall on the entire venue stage.

"And then there's the frozen light!!"

A powerful icy light was released from the mouth of the Snow Demon Girl. The icy light spread and shot, and the stage instantly turned into a gorgeous and dreamy world of ice and snow.

"Next is the will-o'-the-wisp move!!"

Next, the Snow Demon Girl suddenly changed her moves, wisps of faint blue fireballs flew around the gap between the icicles, forming a stark contrast with the surrounding ice and snow background.

This is a performance of ice and fire, two opposite substances are mixed together, like a dreamlike scene.

Clap clap! !

At the end of the performance, the audience once again burst into applause, and gave Xiaoguang a very high evaluation.

Looking at Xiao Guang who was reddened and panting slightly on the stage, Xiao Zhi and the two also breathed a sigh of relief for a while.

"Good job, no mistakes!"

"It seems that if you enter the second round, you will be stable!"

"It's so beautiful, Snow Demon Girl, hehe!"

Xiaozhi: "."

It seems that in less than half a day, Yu Kexi has already outgrown blue and surpassed blue.

"Wu, Wu~!"

The snow boy on his lap was also jumping excitedly, cheering for his sister's wonderful performance.

The performance of the first round was completely over, and the results came out soon.


On the large electronic screen on the stage, the eight coordinators who entered the second round appeared in sequence.

"Success, Xiaoguang!"

With sharp eyes, Xiaozhi found Xiaoguang's head in no time.

Similarly, Xiaowang's head portrait is also on it, and those strong players who performed outstandingly in the first round are also on it.

"The next thing is the most dangerous."

"Indeed, you can't be careless."

Xiao Gang and Yu Kexi put on the exact same serious performance, and said in a low voice.

Of course, the latter uses telepathy.

Watching the entire first half, Yu Kexi, as the god of knowledge, has now fully understood the operation mechanism of the gorgeous contest.

such a pity!

Unexpectedly, the female Pokémon in this human world would swing their white and soft bodies

Why didn't I come into contact with humans earlier? !

What a waste of so many years of intellectual resources!

But no one cares that Yuksi is hammering his feet.

At this moment on the stage, with a flash of the screen, the heads of the eight contestants have also become a chart of the quarterfinals, and Xiaoguang is the first contestant to appear in the round.

As for the players who played against Xiaoguang

Seems like a male coordinator from the Hoen area?

He wears a pointed green hat and has long purple hair. He looks five or six years older than Xiaoguang, and he is also an experienced coordinator.

"It's okay, at least not those older monsters."

"Let's make it to the semi-finals first."

Regarding the lottery result, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang were relieved.

Xiaoguang's strength is also not weak, as long as he doesn't meet those old monsters, it shouldn't be a big problem.

And the lottery of Xiaowang next door is not top or bottom, the opponent is the former opponent of Xiaoguang's mother Caizi - Lily, which requires her to concentrate in order to be able to enter the semi-finals.

After a short intermission, the second half of the game officially began!

According to the competition system of the Gorgeous Contest, everything up to the final will be completed on the first day of the competition.

On the morning of the second day, the final round will be held to obtain the first super-level coordinator.

At this moment on the stage, the two contestants have all appeared on the stage, looking at each other from a distance at both ends of the stage.

Xiaoguang's opponent is named Harry. Although he is a male coordinator, he is quite tall and slender, with a feminine beauty unique to women.

This is a bit like Mikri.

It's just that he is dressed in green, like a cactus, with long purple hair hanging around his head.

"Hey~ Little sister, don't blame me if I make you cry today~!"

Harry was even talking pre-match trash talk, teasing Xiaoguang in a weird tone, trying to disturb Xiaoguang's psychology.


Xiaoguang's expression was deep, and he didn't respond to this enchanting man.


Immediately, the two threw the poke ball at the same time, and Xiaoguang sent out her trump card, Emperor Nabo.

"God drink!!"

Emperor Nabo's majestic body let out a low cry, and with the shining gold trim on the edge of the upper wings, many people were surprised when they appeared on the stage.

Is this penguin painted with gold paint?


On the other side, Harry sent out, also his trump card, a human-shaped cactus.

The structure of the limbs is very simple, the surface is covered with spikes, and there is a pointed green leaf hat on the top of the head, and half of a dark and dangerous face is exposed under the brim of the hat.

Dream song cactus!

It turns out that Harry is cosplaying his own Pokémon, which is very similar in shape to the Mengsong cactus.

Xiaoguang quickly took out the illustration book, not daring to be careless.

"Hey, Mengge cactus, with grass and evil attributes, is a Pokémon in the Yoshien area. It has lived in the harsh desert for thousands of years, making the blood composition like sand. It often starts to move at nightfall. Catches heat-stunned prey in the desert."

The illustrated book hints that this is a dangerous and insidious Pokémon.

However, the attributes of grass and evil have many weaknesses, and Xiaoguang has a little confidence in his heart.

"God drink!!"

Facing the same upright Pokémon, Emperor Nabo was the first to win, flapping his wings, and let out a high-pitched, low-pitched cry.

Although the opponent is a grass-type Pokémon, at this moment Emperor Nabo has completed the final evolution.

It has obtained the steel attribute, and the grass attribute is not very effective for Emperor Nabo.

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