He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1774 Hard as Iron, Emperor Nabo!

The battle begins!

"Imperator Napoleon, use the water cannon!"

As soon as he appeared on the stage, Xiaoguang chose a strong attack.

Although the water attribute is not effective against the opponent, the props carried by Emperor Nabo at this moment are water flow slates, which can make the water cannon's power to a higher level.

However, at this time, Harry snapped his fingers and commanded:

"Dream Song Cactus, use Raid!"

I saw this humanoid cactus rushing out suddenly, and before Emperor Nabo was about to release the water cannon, he punched the latter directly in the face.

Bang bang!

There was a blunt sound from the stage, the surprise attack was not effective, the Mengsong cactus seemed to hit a steel plate.

Boom boom boom! !

Emperor Nabo took a deep breath, opened his bird's beak, and bombarded out with the water cannon move.

The violent fountain water directly hit the Dreamsong Cactus, and the powerful momentum pushed the latter back again and again.

"Dream song~!"

But apart from the thrust, this Mengge cactus actually began to swing its limbs in the water, and danced, looking quite enjoying it.

The body of the emerald green cactus gradually became full.

"It's appeared, it's the water storage feature of the Mengge Cactus! It can completely convert powerful water-attribute moves into physical strength!"

shouted host Melissa, who also moonlights as a commentator.

Excellent utilization characteristics, which made Xiaoguang's character panel blood bar start to deduct blood.


But for this, Xiaoguang was relieved.

Fortunately, she used the water cannon at the beginning in order to gain momentum with the help of the water flow slate

If it is in the middle and late stages of the race, it is discovered that the opposite side is a water storage feature.

One shot of water cannon, it is estimated that most of the other people's blood can be restored.

"Now, use the spike arm!"

When his stamina reached its peak, Harry took advantage of the momentum to attack.

The Mengge cactus charged again, its waving arm glowed green, and the spikes on the surface became sharper and more prominent even visible to the naked eye.

Xiaoguang's expression darkened, and he said:

"Block it directly!"

I saw the emperor Nabo not dodging or dodging, standing up proudly, and facing him head-on.

Bang bang! !

Mengge Cactus slapped Emperor Nabo's chest hard, and made another blunt and heavy explosion.

It's just that the next scene made the audience a little bit astonished.

Emperor Nabo's body seemed to be indestructible, but the arm of Mengsong Cactus trembled from the shock.

Even the cactus spikes on his arms were crooked by the huge force.

In contrast, Emperor Nabo still stood there, with a metallic luster on the surface of his body, and his aura was tough.

He took the initiative to attack, but this round, Harry's health bar dropped sharply.

"Damn it, is it so hard?"

Harry's complexion turned dark, and it was the first time he met the Yusanjia in the Sinnoh area.

Instead, it was the water attribute Yusanjia of their Fangyuan area

A spiked arm with four times restraint hit it, and now the giant marsh monster may have died suddenly on the spot.

"The defense is so strong!"

Even Xiaozhi in the audience couldn't help admiring that Emperor Nabo is a big iron block.

"It seems that it is not meaningless to carry the metal film to evolve"

As an expert in rock properties, Xiao Gang couldn't help but recall the scene when the Emperor Nabo evolved.

Although the metal film cannot help Emperor Nabo evolve into some strange species

But now it seems that the effect is not just a color, a gold plating.

Perhaps even the physical defense has also improved a lot.

Even Yukexi, who was sitting on his lap, had a dark complexion, and touched his chin with his small hand.

"In this way, for Pokémon, evolutionary items may not only be the privilege of a certain type of Pokémon, but can other Pokémon gain power from them?"

The telepathy that Kexi carefully analyzed was transmitted to Xiaozhi's mind simultaneously.

Just like the fire stone that evolves the cardigan, if the little fire monkey carries the evolution, it can also increase part of the firepower?

Seeing that this pair of partners who were still idiots in the last match had entered into serious academic discussions, Xiao Zhi fell silent again.

Such a scene, I don't know why, but he started to feel uncomfortable?

on the stage.

"Dream Song Cactus, use Sandstorm!"

Realizing that this penguin will not be easy, Harry is ready to fight the long game.

The little girl in front of me is probably a newcomer, she didn't expect her strength to be so strong.

I didn't expect there to be a genius coordinator like Shun in this area. No, even stronger than Shun?

Mengge Cactus waved its arms, blowing out a dusty dust storm, spreading all over the stage, obscuring the view.

Xiaoguang had already responded, and said:

"Use Tide Spin!"

Emperor Nabo understood, raised his head, and the water gushing out of his mouth turned into a huge funnel vortex, constantly spinning in the air.


The powerful suction force even sucked the sand and dust above the entire stage into the water flow, breaking the sandstorm move in a short while, and the air became clean again.

Cleverly breaking the opponent's attack, Harry's blood bar started to drop again.

As for the tidal whirl in the air, Emperor Nabo naturally didn't throw it at the Dreamsong Cactus, which would be equivalent to replenishing the opponent's blood for nothing.

"God drink!"

I saw the emperor Nabo let out a low cry, carrying a water flow slate, allowing him to take control of water-attribute moves to a higher level.

The tidal swirl in the air began to riot chaotically.

boom! !

Then there was a sudden explosion, and the tide whirl suddenly burst out of thin air.

Da da da.!

Immediately afterwards, countless dense water droplets formed and fell from the sky. This is a rain-seeking move!

"Have you mastered praying for rain!?"

Xiaoguang's eyes are bright, and he doesn't use it to sing for rain like other Pokémon. Emperor Nabo's rain-seeking move needs the help of tidal spins to indirect rain.

It seems that when I was pouring water into Lizhi Lake that day, I saw countless wild Pokémon in the wetland, and the scene of jointly performing the rain-seeking move made Emperor Nabo secretly improve his proficiency in this move, right?

The messy raindrops made the whole stage wet, and the limbs of the Mengge Cactus began to become a little uncontrollable, trying to stretch its body to the maximum.

The water storage feature is passively triggered, making it subconsciously want to receive more rainwater and absorb blood

"Don't pay attention to those small waters, hurry up and concentrate!"

Harry looked anxious and quickly reminded.

And the expression of the girl on the opposite side gradually became fierce.

"Now, use the frozen light!!"

The Emperor Nabo's eyes froze, and this time a stream of icy light flew out of his mouth, freezing the rainwater along the way into ice slag.

Zizizi! !

In the end, it hit the Mengge cactus head-on, and combined with the surrounding rainwater, it instantly froze the latter into an ice sculpture!

The effect is outstanding!

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