He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1775 The mighty Adam!

On the electronic screen, there are still 20 seconds left in the countdown of the game.

Xiaoguang has more than 1/2 of the blood bar value of the two, and Harry's blood bar value has reached the last 1/5, which is almost at the end.


However, as the ice burst, Mengge Cactus fell to the ground first, losing its ability to fight.

"Mengge Cactus lost the ability to fight, and Emperor Nabo won! So in the first match, Xiaoguang from Shuangye Town will advance!"

Melissa immediately shouted, her tone excited.

As a local rising star, she hoped that Xiao Guang and Xiao Wang would reach the end of this conference.

Although this enchanting man named Harry seems to be a powerful newcomer from the Fangyuan area, and his qualifications are a year older than Xiaoguang's.

But after the whole game, Xiaoguang's strength is definitely a level stronger than him.

Hmph, their Sinnoh region is still stronger!

"Well done, Emperor Napoleon!"

Accompanied by the loud applause from the audience, Xiaoguang was also temporarily relieved, and took back Emperor Nabo.

The first step is to go out smoothly.

"Set a small goal first, win two games and then talk!"

While exiting, Xiaoguang cheered for himself.

This time in the Super Gorgeous Contest, she was not fully confident in competing for the glorious champion.

Her goal is the top three!

Only those who finish in the top three in the Super Gorgeous Contest are eligible to participate in a higher level—the advanced level of Gorgeous Contest!

That is, a big celebration.

Although I don't know when the first large-scale celebration will be held, it is estimated that at least six or seven super-level gorgeous competitions will be held before the number of participants can be gathered.

But today at least to get the honor of the top three, this is Xiaoguang's goal!

Tomorrow will not only be one final match, but also two other semi-final loser's bracket battles to determine the third place

"It must be √√√ or √√× or √×√!"

Xiaoguang thought secretly in his heart.

On the first tick, she got it successfully!

Soon, the second game began.

Sitting in the lounge, Xiaoguang didn't dare to take a big breath, and stared at the picture on the TV screen.

Both sides of the confrontation are her acquaintances, Xiao Wang on one side and Aunt Lily on the other.

boom! boom!

The Pokémon of the two are also very similar, with Capuchin on one side and Elegant Cat on the other.

They all have the same arrogant personality, and they are all powerful cat Pokémon who are unwilling to be outdone. The game entered a high-intensity battle from the beginning.

This time's battle was not like Emperor Nabo's battle with Mengsong Cactus, where one side had a clear advantage.

"Completely evenly matched, two beautiful ladies~"

At this time, a low voice suddenly came from behind Xiaoguang, it was a magnetic and elegant man's voice.

Turning his head, Xiaoguang found a middle-aged man standing behind him, wearing a water blue coat over his dress, with an elegant and easy-going demeanor, like a nobleman.

This person seems to be a gym trainer in the Fangyuan area, right?

Xiaoguang hastily nodded politely, it is said that he is an extraordinary person.

Adam didn't say much, just stared at the screen silently.

A little light, a little hope.

In the Sinnoh area, this year, two girl coordinators with outstanding aptitude and very different styles appeared at once.

On the stage, the curly-tailed cat and the elegant cat did not back down, fighting again and again, so that the two clean-loving cats were stained with dust and injuries, and looked tragic.



Facing each other at both ends of the arena, both were panting heavily.

Even Xiaowang and Baihe in the back had stern expressions, staring at each other closely.


With a clear sound, the five minutes of the game came to an end, and neither the elegant cat nor the capuchin cat fell down.

On the electronic screen, the blood bars of Xiaowang and Lily's characters are both in the limit state of the dying candle in the wind, and only a small part is left.

"Who's winning?!"

Xiaoguang didn't even dare to breathe, staring at the blood bars on both sides with wide eyes, trying to distinguish which side had more blood.

However, blood bars that are very close cannot be compared with the naked eye alone, and need to be compared with specific numbers.


The next moment, next to the blood bar value on the electronic screen, two percentage figures appeared.

Xiaowang's is 4.31%, while Lily's remaining health bar is 3.01%.


Seeing the numbers on the screen clearly, Xiao Wang breathed a sigh of relief, and his feet couldn't help but feel a little weak.

"This competition will be won by player Xiaowang from Xuefeng City!!"

Naturally, Melissa read the result aloud. In this match, the strength of the two sides was completely in the middle. Xiaowang won by relying on 1% advantage. It can only be said that luck was better.

Lily could only smile helplessly at this, the newcomers are really more terrifying than the other.

Immediately she walked up, no longer in the attitude of an enemy, but in the appearance expected by the elders, and shook hands with Xiaowang to bless.

"It was a wonderful battle. Next, you and Xiaoguang must go to the end!"

"Thank you, Aunt Lily, for your advice!"

Xiao Wang nodded solemnly, but when he left the stage, his expression gradually became dignified.

What also became dignified was the little light in the lounge.

She played next to Xiaowang, which also means that the next semi-final will be her battle with Xiaowang.

Although he had been psychologically prepared for a long time, Xiaoguang's heart still couldn't stop throbbing when it was about to happen.

Behind him, Adam lowered his eyes, looked at the girl whose shoulders were trembling in front of him, and said softly:

"Looks like today, I can enjoy the best battle~!"

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked away, and then it was his battle.

In the third round of the quarterfinals, Adam ended very quickly, and the time on the screen hadn't finished half.

Although the opponent is also an experienced coordinator, under the coordination battle at the level of Master Adam, he was completely defeated within three minutes.

"Contestant Adam from Liuli City has advanced!!"

Following Melissa's shouts, the scene suddenly burst into applause.

It can be said that Adam is the favorite to win this year's Super Gorgeous Contest. He has a dual fighting style of a coordinator and a trainer, and his flamboyance and offense are impeccable.

"This guy is very strong."

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help but give Adam a very high evaluation.

He has only fought against Mr. Adam in another world, and the strength of Adam in that world is probably at the level of a top gym trainer.

While outstanding, it's not above that level.

But this Adam in front of him.

There is not much to see in a crushing battle.

But with the battle rhythm that came so easily, Xiao Zhi estimated that he would not lose to the Alliance King.

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