He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1776 Semifinals, Xiaoguang vs Xiaowang! (superior)

In the last quarter-final match, it was Joey, the head nurse who had fought with Xiaoguang before, who appeared on the stage.

"Elledo, mega evolution!"

The game had just started, and Ms. Joey performed the classic mega evolution again, and Alreado, who was transformed into a cloaked swordsman, launched quick attacks again and again.

The scimitar blade on the back of the arm, every time it is swung, will trigger a burst of sharp sickle weasel slashes.

After a while, even though the attributes were unfavorable, they still successfully took away the opposite Qixi Blue Bird and reached the semi-finals.

"Mega evolution is really tricky."

Xiaozhi also had a headache watching it. Bringing the mega evolution system to the stage of the gorgeous competition was somewhat of a blow to dimensionality reduction.

Even if it is placed in a general alliance meeting, it is an absolute killer.

After all, not only in the Sinnoh area, but also in the Carlos and Yoshien areas where keystones and mega stones can be found, mega evolution is definitely not a bad way.

It belongs to the absolute elite trainers, and only qualified to get started.

"Well, fortunately, Xiaoguang's next opponent is Xiaowang."

From Kexi's calm telepathy, whether against Adam or the head nurse Joey, it seems very difficult for Xiaoguang to win.

But if the opponent is Xiaowang, Xiaoguang has at least a 50% chance of entering the finals and being recommended to the Advanced Gorgeous Competition.

Since it was Mega Elledo who was showing off his power on the stage at the moment, Yuksi had no interest in the scene of extreme yang.

Xiaozhi: "."

Although the object of the conversation was Kexi, it gave him a strange feeling as if Xiaogang was talking to him.

As for Xiao Gang's body

"Miss Joy! Champion! Champion! Champion!!"

Xiao Gang had already pulled up the banner at some point and turned into a fan leader, shouting hoarsely.

This made You Kexi frowned, and his body was slightly suspended from Xiaogang's thigh, signaling to cut and keep a distance.

Xiaozhi: "."

What a perfect pair.

This made him poke Aknom in front of him, and couldn't help asking:

"By the way, are all your three holy mushrooms like this?"

Yaknom shook his head, and distanced himself slightly from Yukexi, also expressing cutting.

After all, it is the only "yellow" holy mushroom among the three holy mushrooms, and it needs to be colored.

The four quarter-finals were all over, and the gorgeous competition temporarily entered the intermission.

The players are all coordinators with five ribbons, so it can be said that everyone has a hand.

The review battle in the second round was a little less gorgeous and more tit-for-tat aggressive.

"Dream demon, use the shadow ball, and then the magic leaf!"

During the intermission, Melissa, who was the host, also went up to perform. It was a little bit of an addiction of not being able to compete with each other.

"Miss Melissa!! Uncrowned champion!"

"Dream monster~! The uncrowned champion!"

Seeing that brothers H Gang and H Shenggu had an orgasm again, Xiaozhi could only cover half of his mouth with one hand, urging the second half of the game to start quickly.

About twenty minutes later, the lights on the stage were turned on again.

Xisuo's noisy auditorium also died down in an instant, and his eyes were looking straight at the stage.

The two semi-finals have officially begun!

At both ends of the stage, the twin stars of the newcomers from the Sinnoh area had already stood on it, looking at each other from a distance, as if even the air had become frozen.

"This vibe."

Xiao Gang couldn't help but be a little speechless when he watched it. It can be said that the rivals are fighting on such a stage, which can be said to be full of gimmicks.

Now let's see who has the best skills, enters the finals, and directly obtains the qualification for the Advanced Gorgeous Contest.

The losing side has to win tomorrow's loser's bracket match to be able to obtain that precious spot.

After all, this is only the first Super Gorgeous Contest, and not many senior coordinators are attracted

The difficulty of the next Super Gorgeous Contest will only increase with each session.

boom! boom!

The next moment, Xiaoguang and Xiaowang threw the elf ball at the same time.

On one side is still the emperor Nabo with a gold border, and on the other is a flexible and light capuchin cat, staring at each other sharply.

The two Pokémon are the initial Pokémon of both parties.

"The capuchin cat hasn't evolved, so it's probably not as strong as King Nabo in terms of strength."

"Steel attributes are also very good against cats with general attributes."

Xiaozhi and Xiao Gangrui commented that it seems that Emperor Nabo has the upper hand.

After all, not all Pokémon are Pikachu.

Evolution is beneficial to most Pokémon.


With the five-minute countdown officially beating on the screen, the game begins!

"King Nabo, use the water cannon!!"

At the beginning of the game, Xiaoguang still chose to use this move, trying to show his aura with the help of the water flowing stone slab.

"Puffy cat, use high-fives to attack!"

Xiaowang's response was also very quick, and the opening was still a classic high-five surprise attack interference.


The crisp applause made Emperor Nabo tremble a little, but he quickly adjusted, and the strong water flow was ready to go.

"Then there is a surprise attack!!"

The extremely fast curly-tailed cat sprinted to the ground after a high-five, and then slammed headfirst into Emperor Nabo's body.

The effect was not good, but once again the action of Emperor Nabo's water cannon was delayed.

But different from Harry's dream song cactus attack before, the capuchin actually used the reaction force to fly the spinning bomb into the air.

Xiao Wang pointed to the sky with his fingers, and finally pressed heavily:

"Now, use one hundred thousand volts!"

The next moment, a golden electric current burst out from the capuchin cat, and finally poured all of it from the air on Emperor Nabo's body.

Boom! !

The lightning exploded, directly destroying Emperor Nabo's bubble move, and his figure also fell backwards.

The effect is outstanding!

This combination of punches successfully reduced Xiaoguang's blood bar by a large amount.

"Is that the purpose?"

Xiaoguang also realized in an instant that capuchin cats cannot effectively damage Emperor Nabo, but ordinary-type Pokémon are born with multi-attributes. Xiaowang is focusing on attacking 100,000 volts.

"But this electric shock is a bit powerful."

Under the stage, Xiao Zhi, who is a senior electrician, discovered something.

Squinting his eyes, he noticed that at the end of the capuchin's spring-shaped tail, there seemed to be something like metal protruding from the edge of the fluffy fluff.

If he read correctly, this capuchin should be carrying a prop - a magnet.

This prop can enhance part of the power of one's own electric attribute moves.

"It seems to be merciless, completely targeting Xiaoguang's emperor Nabo to formulate tactics."

Xiaozhi sighed, his interest soared, and he stared straight at the battle on the stage.

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