He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1777 Semifinals, Xiaoguang vs Xiaowang! (Down)

On stage, the battle continues.

"Capuchin cat, use the wave of water!!"

Xiao Wang launched frequent violent attacks, and the tactics should have been calculated in her mind countless times.

The curly-tailed cat lifted its claws, and a stream of water condensed, smashed hard to the ground.

Whoa whoa!

The wave of water burst open, forming a surf-like tide, rushing towards the other half of the stage.

"And then one hundred thousand volts!!"

The capuchin even arched its body behind and unleashed one hundred thousand volts again!

With the addition of prop magnets, the capuchin's electric shock was very powerful. When it fell into the water, it actually formed a wave of current surfing.

"quick action"

Xiaoguang was startled. It seemed that Xiao Wang, who chose not to let the capuchin evolve, also gave up the capuchin's offensive power and focused on speed instead.

The fast-moving capuchin cat released two moves in a row without any gap.

"King Nabo, use the steel wings!!"

Facing the dangerous wave of electric shocks, Emperor Nabo's wings glowed coldly, and then he plunged into the ground in front of him.


The power was so great that it directly collapsed and destroyed the ground in front of him, which also allowed the water to find a leak, and it had completely flowed into the ground before Emperor Nabo.


But when Emperor Nabo raised his head, he found that the cat at the source had long since disappeared.

"It's a digging move! Emperor Nabo, use the steel wings!"

Xiaowang has studied Xiaoguang thoroughly, but Xiaoguang also knows his formidable opponent very well, and instantly understands the opponent's intentions.


The next moment, the ground under Emperor Nabo swayed, and the curly-tailed cat suddenly broke through the ground, and the cat punch carried the power of the ground, and it was about to hit Emperor Nabo's chin directly.

Even if it is a steel-type Pokémon, it would definitely be a disaster if it suffered such a blow to a vulnerable part.

Bang bang! !

However, the next moment, there was a blunt metal explosion, Emperor Nabo crossed his wings, and used the steel wings to block this dangerous digging punch.

Then the steel wing, which was still able to move freely on the other side, slashed out horizontally.

Hush! !

The powerful steel wings directly sent the capuchin cat's delicate and small body flying.

"It's our turn to attack! Emperor Nabo, use the water jet!!"

Emperor Nabo lowered his body, his whole body lingered in the water, and shot out like a bunch of sharp water arrows!

"Puffy cat, shadow clone!"

Xiaowang's face was tense, not daring to be careless, and his eyes shifted from time to time to look at the electronic screen next to him.

Xiaoguang's Emperor Nabo is very strong, and it is extremely difficult to defeat the latter directly with Capuchin

She set her sights on the rules of the gorgeous contest.

Now her blood bar is dominant, and she continues to break the opponent's offensive gorgeously. Even if she can't defeat the opponent, she can still use up all the blood bar value!

The capuchin jumped up lightly, splitting out six or seven clones in an instant, causing the jet of water to lose its aim.

"Then let me show you this trick, Emperor Nabo, use the Wave Rush!!"

Following Xiaoguang's low shout, Emperor Nabo instantly changed his moves, the scale of the water around his body soared wildly, and his movements changed from quick to violent, and then he slammed headfirst into the ground.

Boom boom boom! !

The terrifying impact of the waves directly smashed half of the stage floor into pieces, which also broke the capuchin's shadow clone's moves in an instant, revealing its main body.


The excellent cracking moves made Xiaowang's blood bar start to drop.

"Hey. Don't forget, I'm also a coordinator."

Sweat dripped down Xiaoguang's forehead, but he grinned at Xiaowang.

The former was staring at the changes in the blood bar, why didn't she notice this.

"In that case, Capuchin, use Thunder!!"

Xiao Wang, who was seen through, gritted his teeth and could only attack with all his strength.

Not just one hundred thousand volts, her capuchin cat even mastered the big move of electric attribute - thunder!

I saw the curly-tailed cat with its arched body approaching to explode, and a burst of violent lightning burst out from its whole body, and it rushed to the sky, attacking the emperor Nabo with great momentum.

With the addition of props and magnets, Thunder's moves are even more powerful!

"Well done! Emperor Nabo, use the water cannon!!"

Xiaoguang's eyes lit up, what she wanted was the strength of confrontation, you have a magnet bonus, and her emperor Nabo also has a water flow slate.

Emperor Nabo took a deep breath, and this time he finally managed to spew out a burst of violent water shock!

Boom boom boom! !

The water cannon and Thunder collided head-on. After a brief stalemate between the two big moves, the water cannon began to bombard and overwhelm the capuchin with an overwhelming advantage!

The momentum was extremely strong, and the terrifying high-pressure water cannon directly blasted the capuchin cat at the end into the air, and hit the edge wall heavily.

Even the walls collapsed and burst open a hole.

"Let's decide the winner!"

Melissa's eyes lit up, and Capuchin was determined not to be able to withstand this brutal and terrifying water cannon move.

It's just that under the eyes of everyone, the "curly-tailed cat" that was completely embedded in the wall gradually turned into a pool of white mud and slid down.

It's a stand-in move!

And the real body of the capuchin cat has come to the position behind Emperor Nabo, arched its body, and the electric current spread and flowed on its body.

"It's time to decide the outcome, use the thunder trick!!"

Xiao Wang said loudly, with an unprecedented serious expression.

In terms of strength, it is impossible to be the opponent of the other party. She has no choice but to use this self-destructive method to force the capuchin to find an opportunity to attack.

The timing is just right now!

Emperor Nabo didn't even have time to react, violent thunder and lightning poured down and bombarded it!

Boom! !

The thunder move hit completely, and even formed a beam of thunder that soared into the sky, and the momentum was overwhelming.

The Emperor Nabo was bathed in the electric light, his expression was trembling and twitching constantly, his eyes were bloodshot, and he desperately endured to get close to the fallen body.

The capuchin even used all its strength to use thunder, draining the last part of its body's strength, and forcibly bombed this move for two consecutive rounds.

Obviously, this is the real body of Emperor Nabo, and the thunder move has hit a solid hit!

The effect is outstanding! !

Even after the move was over, white smoke billowed from Emperor Nabo's scorched body, and the swaying body seemed to be about to fall in the next second.

And Xiaoguang's character's blood bar value is also nearing the end, only less than 5% in the end.


Xiao Wang was overjoyed, the opponent was determined not to be able to reverse this situation.

It's just that after seeing Xiaoguang's expression on the opposite side, Xiaowang's relaxed expression immediately raised again.

At this moment, Xiaoguang's expression was unprecedentedly focused, without the slightest wavering.

As for the emperor Nabo, his dizzy pupils suddenly froze, and a dazzling red light burst out from his whole body, as if a bomb was about to explode, exuding a palpitating destructive energy.

Xiaoguang immediately shouted loudly:

"It's now, Emperor Nabo, unleash the power of endurance with all your strength!!"

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