He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1778 Megalodon vs Elledo!

Patience, this is the first new move mastered by Emperor Nabo Bogarman when he just set out to travel.

As the bright white light completely enveloped Emperor Nabo's body, a beam of pure white energy beams suddenly bombarded out!

And the capuchin cat just finished using the stand-in seven-injury boxing move, and then overdrawn its physical strength to perform the thunder trick.


For a moment, the limbs that were about to move trembled, and the capuchin was actually frozen in place, unable to move.

But in front of him, the dazzling white light had completely lit up its eyes.

Boom boom boom! !

The energy of endurance exploded completely, and the complete bombardment landed on the capuchin cat, causing a terrifying explosion!

The damage of Thunder's move is completely reflected, even double the damage.


The terrifying force directly blasted the capuchin cat, and hit the edge wall hard again, creating a crack.

"Puffy cat!!"

Xiaowang looked back anxiously, she never thought that Xiaoguang would make one last move.

This time, what was embedded in the wall was not a double, but the capuchin's body.


The latter's body slowly slid down from the wall, but his eyes were already spinning, and he completely lost his ability to fight.

As for the big screen, there was still the last half minute of time, and Xiaoguang's health bar value still had the last bit left.

"It's appeared! The first contestants to enter the finals are Xiaoguang from Shuangye Town and Emperor Nabo!!"

Melissa immediately shouted, her expression excited.

In this battle, both sides are constantly calculating each other, constantly reversing.

Both of them are newcomers who set out on a trip for the first year, and with such achievements, the future is limitless!

Clap clap! !

The whole venue immediately burst into warm applause.

"Win, we won and entered the final, Emperor Napoleon!"

With hindsight, Xiaoguang was stunned for a while, talking to himself.

Then, with surprise on his face, he ran up to the stage excitedly and hugged Emperor Nabo's body.


The emperor Nabo, who was still in the wind, propped one wing on the ground, and hugged Xiaoguang with the other wing, barely standing.

Finally, he showed his proud and powerful posture!

On the other side, Xiao Wang had already taken back the capuchin cat, stepped forward with a wry smile on his face, shook hands and said:

"Xiaoguang, congratulations, let's win the final together!"

I didn't expect that I had targeted this emperor Nabo so much, and was still defeated by the opponent.

But it seems that Xiaoguang has been thinking about how to fight against his capuchin.

"Xiao Wang! Tomorrow's game, you have to work hard!"

Xiaoguang smiled and shook hands, also encouraging.

She has now qualified for the Advanced Gorgeous Contest, and Xiaowang's qualification still depends on the outcome of tomorrow's loser group.

It can be said that the two of them will have a tough battle to fight tomorrow.

The battle between the best friends was over, and the smiles on the faces of the two girls were renewed. They were obviously very satisfied with the final battle that represented the end of the curtain.

Amidst the thunderous cheers and applause at the venue, the two left hand in hand.

"It's still Xiao Guang's skill that is better."

"Well, Emperor Napoleon's advantage is still greater."

Under the stage, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang also discussed.

Maybe next time, Xiao Wang will try to evolve the capuchin cat to gain stronger power?

After all, Fat Ibrahimovic has been watching for a long time, but he is actually pretty, not so ugly that he doesn't evolve.

However, the second semi-final match that will start soon made Xiaozhi also start to look forward to it.

About twenty minutes later.

After the messy battlefield on the stage was cleaned up, the contestants of the second round appeared.

On one side is the head nurse, Ms. Joy, who looks to be in her 30s or 40s. Unlike the usual gentle Ms. Joy, this one has a capable and resolute aura.

On the other side is Adam, an elegant middle-aged man, with white hair protruding from his head and a small mustache, looking very dashing and coquettish.

After seeing Joey's head nurse's ferocious mega Elledo, Adam still didn't change much.


Soon, head nurse Joey was the first to throw the elf ball, and it was Elledo who was wielding a knife.

Adam's face remained unchanged, and then he threw his elf ball.


When the red light fell, I saw that Adam was using a big black and blue shark. The head and body were integrated into one, with shark fins growing up and down, and the open mouth was full of sharp teeth.

"Is the megalodon shark interesting?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and the vicious megalodon shark appeared on the stage of the gorgeous contest, but it was extremely rare.

The Pokémon used in the Adam Quarterfinals before was a cherry blossom fish. In terms of beauty, it was only slightly inferior to Menus.

On the dry land, the megalodon stood firmly on the stage, with the lower fins just touching the ground, as if it could move freely through the air.

Elledo's fighting moves can cause a lot of danger to the megalodon.

But the latter's evil attributes can completely ignore the former's superpower moves. In terms of attributes, they are a pair of very strange opponents.

"that is?"

Xiaozhi narrowed his eyes, and found that at the bottom of the giant tooth shark's vertical fin, there was a ring with a small cylinder inlaid on it.

It is mega stone!

"It turns out that you want to evolve with mega, and evolve against mega?"

Xiao Gang also became interested. He never expected to see such a violent scene in the Gorgeous Contest.

The Fangyuan area already produced mega stones, so it's not surprising that a veteran trainer like Mr. Adam has a mega evolution system.

"Mega evolve, Elledo!!"

The head nurse Joey was not at all polite, and raised her hand to use the mega evolution.

In a burst of colorful light, Mega Elledo shook his coquettish cloak, and the edge of the long blade of the hand knife was dyed red, which looked extremely fierce.

"Ai Lu.?"

However, looking at the peaceful megalodon opposite, Elledo had a slightly puzzled expression.

Adam's health bar also deducted some blood due to the opponent's gorgeous mega evolution, but the megalodon did not make any moves to mega evolve.

"Ai Lu Lei Duo, use Leaf Blade Slash directly!!"

Head nurse Joey doesn't care so much, since the other party doesn't plan to use mega evolution, let's kill it at once!

Mega Elledo quickly rushed to the opposite side, waving the long blade of his arm, turning into two bundles of emerald green long knives, about to completely split the big shark in front of him.

"Megatooth, use water jet~!"

In this regard, Adam responded unhurriedly.

The Megalodon Shark's whole body was instantly covered with water, and it sprinted out at a fierce speed.

The body turned slightly, and dodged Elle Duo's leaf blade slash, and finally the flying figure circled the venue and hit Elle Duo's back directly.

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