He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1779 Adam of 1 meter!

However, after Elledo's mega evolution, the five senses and the control over the body have been greatly improved.


Elle Duo quickly turned around, and the long blade in his hand blocked the sharp jet of water from the megalodon shark.

The strength is not so strong.


Mega Elledo increased his strength slightly, and Leaf Blade directly slashed the Megalodon back into the air.

"Megatooth, continue to use water jet!"

The move failed, but Adam still used the same command.


The body of the megalodon was bathed in the current, and it was constantly circling and rushing in the air in the shape of a water arrow, looking for an opportunity to attack.


But no matter what kind of attack it was, it was easily defended by Mega Elledo, who flew out with a backhand.

Adam's blood bar value began to drop continuously.

"Continue to use water jet!!"

However, as if this megalodon was wearing a fancy headband, it completely locked on the water jet move, and kept sprinting repeatedly.

"What the hell is this man doing?"

"Is this considered a seed player?"

"The coordinator in the Hoen area is too good."

Adam's seemingly stunned operation caused many audiences around him to cheer.

Sitting in the front row, Xiaozhi half-closed his eyes, staring closely at the figure and movements of the megalodon.

It's not that simple.

If he was not mistaken, it seemed that the body of the megalodon shark bathed in the water was glowing red. But the light was completely covered by the water outside, so it was hard to detect.

And Adam ignored the audience's reaction, and kept his eyes on his blood bar on the screen.

Until the blood bar dropped to about 50%, Adam suddenly showed an elegant smile, raised his palm, and kissed his keystone ring.

"It's time for Megalodon, let's mega evolve!!"

The megalodon understood, the water around the body burst open, and the body was wrapped in a burst of colorful light, constantly deforming.

"Shark roar!!"

With a low growl, the Megalodon's figure became more slender and sharper, with a row of sharp teeth growing on both sides of the outer nasal cavity, and the entire body was covered with yellow fusiform markings.

Mega Megalodon!

"Are you only evolving now? It's too late, Elle Duo, use Leaf Blade Slash, don't give it a chance!"

Head nurse Joey said, now that half of the time has passed, the opponent's blood volume is more than half, and he is still in full peak condition.

No matter what the intention is, it doesn't make sense anymore.

After all, everyone is a mega evolution, and a mega megalodon is not special.

"Really~ Megalodon, this time use wave rush!"

Adam just chuckled and commanded calmly.

The mega tooth shark's whole body is wrapped in water, and it turns into a fierce water arrow to sprint, far more powerful than the previous water jet.

"Is it fluctuating?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, he was familiar with this move.

That's right, he first saw the move from Master Mikri. As the latter's teacher, Mr. Adam also mastered this move, so it's not surprising.

"The wave power is powerful, but it is traded for speed. In front of the mega Elledo, I don't think there will be a good time."

Next to him, Xiao Gang is also a fluctuating brother, and analyzed.

Seeing that the powerful undulating charge is about to hit Elle Duo's Ye Renzhang head-on.

Boom boom! !

However, the next moment, the mega tooth shark accelerated instantly, and the trajectory of the water arrow directly staggered the opponent's leaf blade attack.

Then turned around, and with an extremely sharp and quick movement, directly hit Elle Duo's back!


With both strength and speed that is difficult to dodge, it directly knocked Elle Duo down and flew away, causing serious damage.

"How can it be?!"

Xiaogang's complexion changed, the megalodon's undulations rushed, why did it suddenly have the speed of jetting water?

"Sure enough, I didn't read it wrong before."

But Xiaozhi showed such an expression and nodded.

If he guessed correctly, the characteristics of this megalodon are


After the Pokémon evolves into mega, its general characteristics will also change accordingly.

That's why Mr. Adam deliberately didn't mega-evolve at the beginning, and kept delaying the number of rounds to let the megalodon rub against his own acceleration characteristics.

With the jacket sprayed by water, outsiders can't even see the amplified red light on the surface of the Megalodon's body.

Xiaozhi secretly recalled the red light he saw three times before!

This giant tooth shark has already accelerated three stages!

"Megatooth, come on, continue to use Wave Rush~!"

Seeing Miss Joy whose complexion changed instantly, Adam snapped his fingers and attacked with a smile.

Boom boom boom! !

The megalodon once again turned into a stream of fierce and rapid water, rushing out.

Mega Elledo could only stand in the center on guard, with his two knives raised at all times, but the megalodon's movements were too fast, dazzling, and he couldn't catch where the attack would come from.

"Here we come! Use Leaf Blade Slash to block it!!"

Head nurse Joey yelled, Elle Duo also turned around quickly, cut the leaf blades into a cross, and blocked in front of him.

Bang bang!

Elle Duo reluctantly blocked the opponent's wave rushing move.

Mr. Adam's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly said:

"It's not over yet, use the poisonous fangs!"

In the battle of Pokémon, speed and shot power are everything.

Just after the last move, the Mega Tooth Shark opened its bloody mouth after three stages of acceleration, with purple venom bubbles flowing between its teeth, and took advantage of the opportunity to bite down on the swordsman in front of it.

The venomous fangs bit Elledo's shoulder head-on, and the energy of the venom exploded, directly blasting the latter out.

"Ai Lu."

Even after landing, Elle Duo directly half-kneeled on the ground, his face was also covered with a layer of purple.

Elle Duo has entered a poisoned state!

Not only that, the characteristic of the megalodon is acceleration, and the characteristic of the mega megalodon is to become a strong jaw!

This feature can greatly increase the power of teeth-biting moves.

"The victory and defeat have been decided."

The stage wasn't completely over yet, but Xiaozhi shook his head and said.

Mr. Adam's intentions were not discovered at the first time, and when the megalodon successfully launched three stages of acceleration, there was no suspense in this battle.

No matter how strong this mega Elledo is, it will only be teased by the speedy megalodon.

Cooperating with the strong jaw, and finally under the enhanced crushing move of the mega megalodon, Elledo finally fell down on the stage, his body emitted a burst of light, and exited the state of mega evolution.

The sudden reversal of the situation made the auditorium, which was still talking about it, a lot quieter.

"Sure enough, Mr. Adam is very strong!"

After watching this battle, Xiaozhi's expression darkened.

He has fully confirmed that the strength of Mr. Adam in front of him is at the level of a heavenly king at the beginning.

The upper limit is unknown, maybe it can reach 1 meter, or even 1.5 meters?

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