He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1789 In Binhai City, I met Daye by chance

Binhai City, this is a coastal city, located in the most southeast corner of the Sinnoh region.

A few days later, heading east from Lizhi Lake, Xiaozhi and the others came to Binhai City.

This city has wide roads and dense greenery. At a glance, you can see many high-rise buildings with black glass shells, full of modern atmosphere.

Even on the side of the street, there are neat solar panels on the lawn, always facing the sun like a sunflower monster.

"Binhai City seems to be the most technologically advanced city in the Sinnoh region."

Xiao Gang couldn't help sighing.

There is even an automatic elevator installed on the road. Pedestrians don't need to walk at all, as long as they stand on it, they can be transported slowly to their destination.

The three of Xiaozhi were like countrymen entering the city, tentatively standing on the escalator on the ground, making sure that it would not shake and bump, and then put their minds on the surrounding environment.

There are many high-tech high-rise buildings built in the whole city, and the surface of the buildings is also covered with grids of solar panels.

Obviously, the endless solar energy is used as the driving energy, which is why it is so rich and powerful to lay this kind of street elevator that turns far all the time on the street.

Taking a quick look at the flowers, a few of them planned to go to the Elf Center to pack their luggage first, and then take a good look at this technological city.

"Let's go, let's go to Binhai Gymnasium to have a look first!"

But this time, Xiaoguang took the initiative to urge him to go to the gym first.

There are a basket of gym badges at the door, and you need to pick them up yourself. This is the first time she has heard of a gym that is completely self-service.

Wen Yan Xiaozhi also nodded.

During this trip, the masters of the Shenao Gymnasium he met were outrageous one by one, but the leader among them must be this Mr. Denji who has not met yet.

The name sounds like a thorn in the side.

But just as the few people put away their luggage and followed the roadside guidance, they stepped onto the street elevator leading directly to the Binhai Road Museum.

"Hey, that person"

Xiaozhi suddenly saw a man passing by on the escalator in the opposite direction on the opposite street.

His fiery red afro is very conspicuous in the crowd.

In his twenties, he was wearing a yellow short-sleeved tights. Although his figure was not considered strong and tall, he could faintly see the outline of strong muscles under the close-fitting clothing.


At this moment, this man, who looked like a bad thug, was leaning on the elevator handrail with one hand, letting the tracks under his feet carry him, sighing a few words from time to time.

Until he suddenly realized that someone was watching him, subconsciously turned his head, and met Xiaozhi's eyes.


Daye suddenly stood up and looked at several people.

This is the first time for Xiaozhi and Xiaogang to see the former, and they don't know Daye.

But as a local, Xiaoguang has seen the appearance of the Sinnoh Alliance Four Heavenly Kings on TV several times.

She recognized the latter immediately, and said in surprise:

"It's the fire attribute king of our Sinnoh region, Mr. Daye!"

"Is it the king of Sinnoh?"

Xiaozhi became interested, and Daye looked like a street gangster.

Red afro, loose flared trousers, and a pair of very casual flip-flops under his feet.

It seems that it has nothing to do with the powerful alliance king.

"That's right, there seems to be such a person in the Fangyuan area."

Suddenly, another unscrupulous king of the alliance appeared in Xiaozhi's mind, Mr. Huayue from the Fangyuan area, who looked more like a spirited guy wearing peas shoes + leggings.

Before a few people tried to go up to say hello, Daye had already supported the handrail with his backhand, jumped out of the escalator, and walked towards them.

Not knowing what was going on, Xiaozhi and the three got off the elevator at the front exit and went up to Daye.

However, Daye, who kept approaching, with those scorching eyes, was not aiming at Xiaozhi and the three of them, but

Pikachu on Ash's shoulder!

"An electric mouse in the Kanto region? It's been a long time since I saw this kind of Pokémon!!"

Walking in front of several people, Daye spoke very familiarly, with a pleasant expression on his face, and looked Pikachu up and down.

His best friend and rival - Denji, the original Pokémon was a Pikachu.

At that time, the two of them were still newcomers. When they first became trainers, Daye often used his initial Pokémon, Little Flame Monkey, to fight Pikachu in the battle.

But other than that, Pokémon like Pikachu are quite rare in the Sinnoh region.

Daye seldom saw this kind of Pokémon in other places except Dianci.


Seeing that the rare and enthusiastic passer-by was interested in him, Pikachu scratched his head, with a bit of complacent expression in embarrassment.

In the past, the eyes of passers-by have always looked at it as an electric mouse on the street. Today, it is finally a person with knowledge!

"Wearing a Pikachu, wearing a hat, twelve or thirteen years old"

Daye sized up Pikachu for a while, then his gaze finally fell on Xiaozhi, and after realizing it, he finally came to his senses, and said in a startled voice:

"Wait a minute, aren't you the Xiaozhi from the Kanto region that Sister Zhulan mentioned?"

He had never seen Xiaozhi's appearance.

But at the end of the Tianguanshan incident of the Galaxy team before, Zhulan returned to the Sinnoh Alliance and reported the whole story to the senior management and several of their alliance kings.

Especially Xiaozhi, who has made great contributions, Zhulan emphasized and praised him a lot.

She, the league champion, looks like a support player instead.

For this young trainer who is nearly 10 years younger than himself, but in terms of combat power, even the champion Zhulan is so sure

Daye secretly took note of Xiaozhi's appearance and characteristics at that time, thinking that if there is an opportunity in the future, he must see a thing or two.

Unexpectedly, today, I suddenly met on the streets of Binhai City!

"Um, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and this is my Pikachu."

Hearing the word bamboo orchid mentioned in the latter's mouth, Xiaozhi also quickly understood, so he introduced himself.

Before Lizhi Lake, he still had three pendants on his body.

But now that Manafei hid in the silver feather pendant, Yaknom went back to sleep in the different space cave at the bottom of Lizhi Lake, and did not travel with him.

He has now returned to the most classic posture of one person and one mouse.

Next to Xiaoguang and Xiaogang, they also quickly introduced themselves.

"Oh, hello everyone, I have heard that Sister Zhulan has heard your name, my name is Daye, and I am best at fighting with fire-type Pokémon!"

Daye put his hands in his pockets and introduced himself carelessly.

His gaze also burned like a flame, staring straight at Xiaozhi.

Sister Zhulan blew so hard.

This made Daye really want to try Xiaozhi's weight on the spot! ?

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