He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1790 Chiri's father

Just as he was about to take out the poke ball and start playing directly after opening the field, Daye suddenly noticed the surrounding street environment.

There are automatic elevators everywhere, and there are still many pedestrians passing by on them. Obviously, this is not a place where you can fight. Daye can only temporarily put away this emotion.

"By the way, Mr. Daye, why are you in Binhai City?"

So Xiao Gang couldn't help asking.

"It's for Denji-san~!"

Daye hasn't answered yet, Xiaoguang has already taken the initiative to answer.

Ever since she was a child, she didn't know much about the specific deeds of the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings

But I listened to the gossip and gossip with great interest.

For example, Juye, the heavenly king of the ground attribute, seems to be a distant relative of Juzi, the king of Kanto.

For another example, Daye, the Four Heavenly King, and Dianci, the master of Binhai Road Museum, are close friends who grew up together.

Even according to the media, I'm afraid it's not just a close friend, but a higher level of friendship?

At this moment, the gymnasium in the next game is in ruins. I guess Mr. Daye is here to help his friend.

"Hehe, do you guys know about that guy from Dianci? That idiot!"

Daye could only give a wry smile at this, and cursed in a low voice.

But he quickly raised two fingers, and continued:

"But this time I came to Binhai City not only to find that idiot but also to have a mission."

Seeing that several people were interested, Daye thought for a while, then led several people onto the elevator that he turned over and left before, and automatically moved towards one direction of the city.

"Hey, isn't this the car to go to the Binhai Gym?"

Xiaozhi wondered, the direction was completely opposite to their previous elevator.

"Well, there's no rush for that guy next time. I have to deal with the Galaxy first."

"Team Galaxy?!"

When the three of Xiaozhi heard this, they all shivered.

Isn't the Galaxy team wiped out? Could it be that there is also a secret base in Binhai City?

Is Mr. Daye going to represent the Sinnoh Alliance and kill the remnants of Team Galaxy?

"Team Galaxy's minions are all over the entire Sinnoh region, but there is only one city that has not been involved in the slightest, and it is horribly clean. It is this coastal city, do you know why?"

Daye supported the armrest with his palm, and asked with emotion.

Seeing several people shaking their heads, Daye said:

"Because Binhai City is the hometown of Chiri, the leader of Team Galaxy."

Even the most deranged criminals, more or less retain the last shred of conscience towards their family and hometown.

As the city with the most advanced technology, Binhai City is also a coastal city with convenient transportation. It is definitely the best city for Team Galaxy to build a secret base.

But in this city, there is no trace of any connection with the Galaxy team.

Although the owner of the gymnasium guarding Binhai City is his brother Dianci, who is very powerful. But even if an alliance king personally suppresses here, it is impossible to stop such a huge monster.

"This time, I'm going to meet Chi Ri's father to see if he has any connection with Chi Ri."

Daye opened the mouth and said.

They didn't know who the actual power of the Galaxy team was before, and Chiri had been hiding it very deeply.

Now everything is clear, and their Sinnoh Alliance has finally found out Chiri's family relationship, and they are going to come to find out.

"Let's go together. Speaking of which, it seems a bit strange for me to go alone."

Daye suddenly touched his nose and smiled awkwardly.

He suddenly ran in front of an old man in his sixties or seventies with this appearance, which was somewhat violent, and he happened to pull Xiaozhi and the others as cover.

According to their investigation, Chi Ri's only relative now is this retired old father.

If it is safe to say that he has no connection with the Galaxy team, then from the standpoint of humanistic care, tell the latter about Chiri's death.

But if there is someone behind the scenes, who has been in contact with Chiri, and secretly directs the dangerous person of the Galaxy team

Even if he is over fifty years old, Daye will arrest him on the spot.

Xiaozhi and the others are strong enough to protect themselves, so there is no need to worry about any danger.

Since the three of Xiaozhi were fully aware of the Galaxy team incident, Daye didn't intend to hide anything, so he simply told him all about his covert mission this time.

"I see."

Hearing this, the three of Xiaozhi nodded, especially Xiaozhi, who immediately became very interested.

He still remembers Chiri's insane and frenzied appearance.

What kind of person would the father of such a person be?

Didn't you experience something when you were a child to become what you are now?

Half an hour later, the three of Xiaozhi and Daye came to a corner of Binhai City.

Although the streets here are still paved with escalators, there are far fewer solar panels along the way.

Even the surrounding buildings have returned to the very traditional one- and two-story houses, which seems a bit inconsistent with the high-tech Binhai City.

Following the house number, several people quickly found their destination.

This is a small villa with a courtyard, and the occupant seems to be a wealthy owner.


When the doorbell was pressed, the nanny's voice came from inside.

After hearing the name "Red Sun", the nanny's tone became a lot more serious, and hurried movements could be heard in the background.

Immediately after the door opened, Daye and the others were welcomed into the small villa.

In the lobby, an old man in a wheelchair is already waiting for several people.

He is about sixty or seventy years old, with an old face, sunken cheeks, and short gray-blue hair on top of his head.

"It must be Chi Ri's father."

Xiaozhi whispered in Daye's ear, the appearance of the grandfather in front of him was very similar to Chiri.

But the appearance is much more friendly, and he doesn't look like a villain.

"Ahem. Chiri's father, on behalf of the Pokémon Alliance, I would like to tell you about Chiri's situation."

Daye coughed and spoke quite formally, while observing the appearance of the old man in front of him.

Listening to Daye's full account of how Chiri established the Galaxy team, covered the sky with one hand behind the scenes in the Sinnoh area, and even attempted to destroy the world, and finally went to extinction, the expression of the old man is constantly changing .

His old face turned red with excitement.

"Hey Chiri."

When he heard Chiri's life and death at the end, he lowered his head, his energy and spirit were instantly reduced a lot, and he let out a long sigh.

Seeing this, Daye and Xiaozhi looked at each other, then nodded secretly.

Unless it's someone with great acting skills

At least for now, it seems that the old man, the Galaxy team, and Chiri have no connection at all.

According to the information obtained before Daye came, Chiri's father was just an ordinary scholar when he was young, and he did not do anything extreme or biased.

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