He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1791 Red Sun's Legacy

Chiri's old father sat there alone after hearing the full story of his son, silent for a long time.

After a long while, he slowly raised his head and looked at the few people, his face full of regret and remorse.

"It was I who killed that child."

He sighed long and leisurely.

After his narration, Xiaozhi and the others probably knew Chiri's childhood life.

Chiri's parents are rigorous scholars, a kind of superiority in education and knowledge, which makes them have very high demands on their only son.

It can be said that Chiri has lived under high pressure since he was a child, and has to deal with countless textbook homework and strict education from his parents every day.

This also made Chiri's character very withdrawn.

Does not like to talk, likes to be alone.

Other withdrawn children of the same age, even if they have no friends, may also stay with Pokémon.

But Chiri is different. His only partner is a robot.


Xiaozhi became interested, Chiri's childhood sounds really strange.

"Well, a robot is the kind of robot made of crude iron sheets. Chiri often talked to the robot to himself when he was a child. At that time, I was afraid that Chiri would completely turn into a monster child, so one day I threw the robot away while he was not at home. "

Chiri's father said slowly, with a regretful expression.

Talking to himself in front of a lifeless dead thing, this is undoubtedly a very curious and unacceptable thing for him who is traditional and conservative.

Afterwards, Chiri was hit hard and locked himself in the room all the time.

This time, he stopped talking to himself at all, and devoted himself to learning from books every day, instead of communicating with outsiders.

This also made Chiri's academic performance extremely excellent. Every time he took the exam, he was the first in the school, and his grades on the paper were impeccable.

I skipped a few grades at a young age, and soon left home to live in college.

"Since then, Chi Ri has never returned to this house. There is no contact with him."

Apparently, Chiri still remembered and hated his father's behavior when he was a child.

"I see."

After listening, Daye sighed and shook his head. It sounds like Chiri's extreme character is largely caused by this family.

Although he is the culprit, the old man in front of him has nothing to do with the Galaxy team incident.

Daye couldn't say anything about family education.

"Master, here it is"

But at this time, the nanny suddenly moved out of the room a half-human tall robot.

The body is made of simple and rough iron sheets, and the surface is orange-red. Where does Xiaozhi think he has seen this familiar color?

"This is the robot that I forcibly threw away."

Chiri's father continued to speak.

It turned out that Chiri had already found the robot in private at that time, and had been hiding it in the deep part of the warehouse in the yard.

This is also the secret that Chiri's father discovered by accident when the house was demolished and rebuilt.

This is not a simple robot.

"Come out, Rotom it's time."

Following Chiri's father's voice, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared on the surface of the robot's body, and then an orange-red Rotom suddenly jumped out of the robot.


Plasma's figure is very light and agile, and he shuttles around the hall at will, showing a playful look.

"Rotom? Wait a minute, Red Sun's soliloquy"

Xiaoguang reacted, that is to say, Chiri was not talking to himself at that time, but was talking to this Rotom?

"Well, I didn't know it until the last few years. There is also a Pokémon boarded on the robot. It is also Chiri's first partner."

Chiri's father lowered his head, his tone trembling.

If he could have discovered this earlier and guided him correctly, perhaps his son would not have embarked on this path.


This Rotom also landed on the old man's shoulder, and his lightning-like hand rested on the latter's head, whispering comfortingly.

It seems that through the poke ball, he also heard the news of the death of the former trainer.

Although he was saddened by this story, it sounded like an accidental family tragedy. After taking notes for a while, Daye prepared to leave.

But before leaving, Chiri's father suddenly took out a poke ball and put Rotom in it.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a thick notebook, which looked a bit old and withered, with the words "Chiri's Research Notes" written on the cover.

"This is Chiri's research material when he was a child. When he ran away from home, he discarded Rotom and this research material here."

Chiri's father explained.

He also found this notebook recently, and when he opened it, it contained Chiri's dense experimental research records.

It records how to let some special electronic Pokémon enter the machine equipment, so as to obtain the ability to speak human language and communicate smoothly with humans.

And the object of the research is Rotom.

"Let Rotom speak?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, and subconsciously took out his illustrated book.

My own Rotom can also live in the illustrated book, and then the voice of the illustrated book will directly change to Rotom's weird voice, and even add the idiomatic ending sentence of "Lotor".

"Not only that, according to the above research, what Chiri wants to accomplish is to allow Rotom to speak completely freely."

Chiri's father said.

Xiaozhi's Rotom, although he can speak human language after entering the illustrated book, but only responds to the system's instructions.

It should be described as "changing a voice" instead of Rotom's active speaking.

Chiri's goal is to allow Rotom to enter electronic devices such as mobile phones and illustrated books, and give birth to a special communication Rotom.

Just like Rotom enters an ordinary iron robot, the color of the latter's body will change accordingly, which is an ability that Rotom already possesses.

On this basis, a special instrument capable of loading auxiliary Rotom was invented.

"I have read the research on this notebook carefully, and the technology is already very mature. If you give it to a Pokémon doctor related to the illustrated book, it should be able to successfully invent a special illustrated book that allows Rotom to speak and communicate independently. .”

Chiri's father said.

His own stubbornness brought Chiri to a desperate situation. The only thing he can do now is to let Chiri's research results be passed down.

This is not only an atonement for itself, but also an atonement for the red sun.

It's just that he is not an engineering scholar, and he has more than enough energy.

It just so happened that the Heavenly King of the Alliance came to his door, and what he said so much was not simply a storytelling.

Chi Ri's father wanted the people in front of him to take away Chi Ri's last legacy and carry it forward.

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