He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1792: Dr. Oki and the Rotom Illustrated Book

"Wait a minute, you said that Chi Ri skipped a grade before, and this is the result of his research before he left home.?"

At this time, Xiao Gang suddenly discovered some blind spot, and his expression changed.

Calculated in this way, Chiri is 13 or 14 years old, right?

He took the notebook and opened it casually, and there were so many written data records in it that Xiao Gang couldn't even understand it at all.

But the handwriting is neatly aligned, with exquisite hand-painted patterns, it is obvious that the writer is a very careful person.

It seems that this Chiri, if not a great careerist, might be a great inventor by now?

"I see."

Xiaozhi is the one who knows Chiri best among the few people. The latter thinks all day long that as long as people communicate with each other, the world does not need unnecessary fights

It seems that this future will drive him into a crazy dream.

In the beginning, it was Chiri who wanted to simply communicate with a Rotom, right?


But looking at the elf ball and notebook handed over by the old man, Daye rubbed his head in trouble, not thinking of his subordinates that way.

He came this time to see if Chiri's father has any connection with the Galaxy team, and now it seems that he is about to take on another burden.

Daye has no interest in tasks other than fighting.

As for their Sinnoh Alliance, are there any experts who study illustrated books?

"Mr. Daye, why don't you leave it to me!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly spoke, and then added:

"I sent the notebook and this Rotom to Dr. Oki. He has been studying the Pokémon Illustrated, and he should be able to successfully realize the theory of the red sun."

Just when I called my family last time, Dr. Oki, who happened to come to eat at home, complained to himself.

I have some free time recently, and I want to see what new work he has here.

Originally, his grandson, Xiaomao, could often find him some interesting topics.

But Xiaomao has now set up his own business, and there is even a faint tendency to compete with him for business?

Grandpa or something is just an ordinary relative.

All of a sudden, Dr. Oki became more leisurely, walking and fishing in the backyard of the research institute every day, just like a retired life.

"Do you know Dr. Oki! By the way, you are from the Kanto region"

Daye was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"It would be great if you gave this information to Dr. Oki!"

As the Taishan Beidou of the Pokémon field, Dr. Oki is extremely popular even in this Sinnoh region across the sea.

Daye also often listens to Dr. Oki's Chuanliu cross talk!

After speaking, he took the information and handed it directly to Xiao Zhi.

Even the rare Rotom is ready. After researching, there is no need to find and capture a new Rotom.

"Is it Dr. Oki? Great!"

When Chi Ri's father heard the words, he also showed great joy.

Originally, he was still thinking that this unreliable boy with afro hair might just hand it over to some research institute casually, and just settle down hastily.

But if the entrusted object is Dr. Oki, this research project will definitely be taken seriously!

"I see. Don't worry, Father Chiri, I'll send it to Dr. Oki later."

Xiaozhi took the elf ball and notebook, patted his chest and agreed.

With Dr. Oki's speed and complete theoretical support, it is estimated that in less than a few months, a machine that can be used in practice will be developed.

After this trip to the Sinnoh region is over, when he returns to Zhenxin Town, he may already be able to use a Rotom illustration book that can really talk and communicate!

Xiaozhi is also quite moved by Rockets Miaomiao's ability to speak human language freely.

Thirty minutes later, everyone stepped on the escalator and returned to the elf center.

After telling the matter to Dr. Damu, the latter was really elated, wishing to pass the palm of his hand directly through the screen and take the things directly to Zhenxin Town.

Dr. Oki has been doing research on upgrading the illustrated book.

From the very first brick machine with buttons, to the smart phone with touch screen, to the current full-screen 5G

Now faintly has entered the technical bottleneck.

Several versions of the new illustration book in a row have not made any major breakthroughs.

At most, just change the positions of the rear cameras casually.

But if the illustration book can be developed into a tool for free communication with trainers. This is a great leap forward!

"But Rotom is rare."

On the screen, Dr. Oki's face became a little headache, and he could only urge through the screen:

"Xiaozhi, if you encounter Pokémon like Rotom while traveling, remember to take a few more!"

He has heard of Pokémon like Rotom, the electric ghost, who can enter various furniture and appliances to change its form. Naturally, it is the best candidate for the built-in assistant in the illustration book.

However, there is no exact place for the habitat and so far, and the number is very rare.

"Got Dr. Oki."

Xiaozhi agreed, while using the elf ball teleportation device next to him, to teleport Chiri's childhood playmate there first.

As for this notebook, it cannot be teleported through the air.

"Then I'm counting on you, Big-billed Gull, be careful to teleport it to the person on the screen."

Xiaozhi has already carried a toucan with a huge beak, carefully put the notebook into the latter's mouth, and pointed to Dr. Oki on the screen.


The big-billed gull flapped its wings, and then delivered the task.

The recently-emerged Big-billed Gull Express can help trainers deliver items to designated targets thousands of miles away.

Such a delivery bird, the Toucan, can be hired in many elf centers, which is very convenient.

"By the way, remember, don't use the water gun trick along the way!"

Before the big-billed gull was about to fly, Xiaozhi couldn't help reminding him.

There is a courier in his mouth, and if he suddenly uses the water gun at this time, all of them will be rushed out.

Moreover, during the flight, the big-billed gull has a certain chance of being shot down with a slingshot by a child on the side of the road.

In terms of safety, there is no 100% certainty.

"Don't worry Xiaozhi, the big-billed gulls in our Sinnoh area have undergone strict training and have mastered the move of "hold on". will fall."

Daye proudly praised the big-billed gull in his hometown.

On the latter's head, there is also an imposing headband tied, full of life-saving props.

"Gull Goo~!"

After a while, the big-billed gull spread its wings and flew to the remote Kanto region.

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