He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1793 Daye: The food is so good that I want to die!

After solving Chiri's follow-up incident, Xiaozhi and the others stepped on the automatic transmission elevator again.

This time the destination is the Binhai Road Museum!

On the way, Daye, who was traveling with him, also told several people the story of his acquaintance with Dianci.

"That guy from Dianci and I have known each other since we were kids."

Daye supported the handrail, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

Like normal rivals, the two continue to fight and become stronger while traveling.

Traveled all over the Sinnoh area, collected eight gym badges, and then participated in the alliance conference together, and reached the finals at the same time.

"Hmph, but in the end I won~!"

Speaking of this, Daye touched his nose and showed a smug expression.

In the Sinnoh Alliance Conference that year, he also defeated Denji with a slight advantage in the final and won the championship.

As a result, he also obtained the qualification to continue to challenge upwards and compete for the seat of the king of the alliance.

After that, Daye's trainer had a smooth journey, singing songs all the way, and soon became one of the four kings of the alliance.

As for electricity times

After losing at the league meeting that time, it was still a big blow to him.

Although he has the strength to win the championship, but in the following times, he did not challenge the alliance conference again.

"Why does it sound familiar?"

Xiao Zhi touched his head, it seems that Xiao Mao is also the same.

After being defeated by himself in the final of the Silver Conference, although Xiaomao has already fought evenly with the king of the alliance

But Xiaomao's highest honor is still only the runner-up of the Silver Conference.

"What kind of champion are you?"

If Xiang Xiaomao was asked this sentence suddenly, the latter would not be able to answer, and would just lower his head in embarrassment.

"Afterwards, Dianci became the head of the gymnasium in Binhai City."

Daye shrugged and continued.

But what makes Xiaozhi more interested is, who is stronger between these two people now? !

I've heard all the time on the way that Dianci's strength is not inferior to the alliance's king.

Daye touched his chin, showed a smug smile, and said confidently:

"Of course I am stronger!"

After all, after he became the king of the alliance, the opponents he encountered were already at the level of the king of the alliance.

Fighting against masters of the same level, or even higher than your own, will naturally improve your strength by leaps and bounds.

in comparison

But Dianci has been staying in the Binhai Gymnasium, accepting challenges from passer-by trainers and even newcomer trainers.

Not to mention going all out, it's not bad if you don't turn on the water.

Occasionally, if you have nothing to do, go to the Binhai Tower next door to repair the electrical facilities, or go fishing by the sea.

It's like a state of retirement.

Although the two haven't fought since the final of the league conference.

In that final, the difference in strength between the two was not that big, but Daye didn't feel that he could still touch himself in the current match.

If you don't advance, you will retreat. It is the same principle for a trainer.

Many retired alliance old kings, unless they continue to exercise after retirement, are inferior to the current kings in terms of strength.

However, after hearing that I am now a strong enemy and best friend, I have already thrown the badge of the gymnasium directly at the door, and I need to get it myself

Daye decided to check the situation.

After hearing that the top management of the alliance was going to test Chiri's father who lived in Binhai City, Daye did not hesitate to continue the mission and came along.

"I see. So Mr. Daye doesn't know why Mr. Dianci messed up?"

Xiaozhi leaned on the armrest and asked curiously.

"I don't know yet but I think I have an answer."

Daye raised his head and looked forward.

From a distance, he could already see a distinctive building.

The building is a low round tower, the top is covered with solar panels, and there is a Poké Ball signboard that belongs to the Alliance Gym.

Binhai Road Museum!

Although he has not met Dianci himself, Daye knows his best friend very well.

Don't look at Dianci's appearance is much more refined than himself, but Dianci's desire to fight the strong is even stronger than himself!

It's just that Dianci's character is a bit sullen and introverted, and he suppresses this emotion in his heart.

It is estimated that after all these years, I have been staying in the Binhai gymnasium, and the trainers who came to challenge me are at the level of elite trainers, so I am tired of playing the game, right?

Simply throw away all the badges outside, and pick up the ones you need?

It seems that this guy, Dianci, already has a desire not to be the Gym Master.

"That's just right!"

However, facing the latter's bad attitude, Daye was secretly happy in his heart.

The purpose of his visit this time is not only to visit Dianci, but also to make Dianci become the king of the alliance together like him!

In the last Sinnoh Three Lakes incident, both he and Tianwang Wusong easily killed the cadres of the Galaxy team in seconds.

Only Aliu, the heavenly king of insect attributes, overturned in the hands of the Galaxy team cadres.

Afterwards, when their several champions and high-level executives reviewed and summarized the meeting, looking at A Liu's face opposite him, Daye had only one thought in his mind.

"The food is so good that I want to die!"

This position, might as well let my brother take it!

Of course, Daye is an upright master, so naturally he won't play any dark tricks of backstabbing.

He came this time to be a lobbyist.

Let Dianci win the league championship in an upright manner, and launch a formal challenge to Aliu in full view to win the seat of the king of heaven!

At that time, the two brothers will compete to challenge the strongest alliance champion—Zhulan!

Like childhood, once again become a pair of fierce rivals!

"Mr. Daye, we are here."

The elevator arrived at the station, seeing Daye still standing there in a daze, his expression turned rosy and excited at some point, Xiaozhi couldn't help reminding.

What the hell, why did you blush and get excited when you mentioned the electric times?

The elevator arrived at the station, and several people walked to the door of Binhai Gymnasium.

The door was closed tightly, and there was indeed a big basket at the door, with badges piled up in a mess.

The coat of arms has a gray base and a pale yellow round top in the shape of a small lighthouse.

It is the badge of the lighthouse, which represents Binhai Tower, a very famous landmark in Binhai City.

"It's a real badge."

Xiaoguang tried to pick up a badge, rubbed it in his hand, and said in surprise.

The texture and touch are not like imitations of street stalls at all, but they are real badges of genuine brands.

On the top of the basket, the words "Need to pick it up, do not disturb" were indeed written.

Xiaoguang had never heard of such a casual behavior of the owner of the hall. Even Miss Melissa had at least a "slightly reasonable" reason to give the badge for nothing.

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