He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1794 Binhai Gymnasium, electric times!

Xiaozhi also grabbed a few lighthouse badges, his expression showing great astonishment.

"It's really outrageous enough. It's even more outrageous than the Hualan Gym in my hometown!"

Back then, the Hualan Gymnasium gave badges for free.

But anyway, Xiaoxia's three sisters will also take a look at the challenger's accompanying Pokémon first.

When encountering little Lada, walking grass, etc., the three of them will still choose to strike hard, and teach Ruan Persimmon a big lesson!

Of course, if you see a slightly stronger Pokémon, beg for mercy on the spot and give it to me for nothing.

"By the way, is such a badge for nothing really useful?"

As the owner of the same gymnasium, Xiaogang picked up a badge in doubt, and said in a deep voice.

Now the gymnasium and the alliance conference have been reformed long ago, and the binding system of "one person, one badge" has been implemented.

After the trainer has challenged the gym and won the badge, the gym owner will enter the name of the challenger into the official database.

Therefore, the operation of temporarily sniping and stealing at the gate of the alliance conference, or robbing other people's badges to participate in the competition is no longer possible.

If a trainer really takes the badge in this basket, he will happily go to the alliance meeting

It is estimated that they are not eligible to register for the competition?

"Haha, that's right, this must be the test set by the guy from Dianci! Test whether the challenger is a cunning person!"

Daye sweated profusely on his forehead, and said with a dry smile, defending his friend.

From Zhulan, he already knew Xiaozhi's identity.

This kind of behavior will lead to revoking the gymnasium master's license every minute, and maybe it will affect the subsequent promotion to the alliance king.

You can't even be a Gym Master, so why can you be an Alliance King.

But if this basket of badges actually represents a test.

Then it all makes more sense!

"Is that so?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin, and it seemed to make sense.

But looking at Daye's sweaty and guilty expression, it seemed a little unreliable.

"Haha! Anyway, let's go in first!"

Daye quickly changed the topic, laughed and led a few people around the front door, and entered the gymnasium through a small hidden door on the side.

He has been to the Binhai Road Museum several times before, and he is familiar with the structure of this building.

Enter the Binhai Road Museum.

Although the interior of the gymnasium is brightly lit and very bright, the environment is eerily quiet, as if no one lives at all.

On the floor and on the corners of the walls on both sides, you can even see a lot of spider webs. It seems that no one has cleaned it for a long time.

The owner of the gymnasium here seems to have completely ignored this gymnasium.

"Hehe. Anyway, I'll go find that guy first."

Seeing Xiaozhi cast a suspicious look again, Daye quickly smiled dryly and walked quickly to a room.

Damn it, if it wasn't for the fear of affecting his future promotion to the Heavenly King, he wouldn't be able to achieve the Brother Heavenly King in Daye's heart. The license of Dianci should be revoked right now!

Soon, several people came to a room, which should look like a warehouse factory.


There was also the sound of electric welding operation inside, accompanied by bursts of flames shining on the wall.

Several people walked in and found a man squatting in the warehouse with a welder's mask on his face, and only the back of his head with short blond hair could be seen.

He seemed to be welding some instrument, and the sparks burst and danced in front of him.

There was also a golden fox puppy lying on the floor next to it, covered with sharp fur.


After noticing the entry of outsiders, the Leib immediately stood up, the hair all over its body stood up, and let out a threatening growl.

"Oh Leib, long time no see~!"

Daye greeted him casually, and after seeing the familiar afro, the Leib really lost its hostility, and jumped into Daye's arms.

The two looked quite intimate, while Xiao Guang looked at this Leib curiously, this was the first time she had seen it.

Is it the same Pokémon as my Yeeb?

"Hey. Reib, electric attribute, when it is angry or surprised, the hairs all over its body will stand up like needles, enough to pierce the opponent, and even launch the needles like missiles when it is angry."

Xiaoguang's illustrated book hinted that it sounds like a very dangerous Pokémon.

"Reib, I haven't seen this kind of Pokémon for a long time."

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang showed nostalgic expressions.

Leib is a very representative Pokémon in his hometown

"Haha, Dianci and I subdued two Ibrahimovic brothers at the same time before, and later his Ibrahimovic evolved into Electric Ibrahimovic, and mine evolved into Fire Ibrahimovic."

Daye explained with a smile, while rubbing Leib's dog's head, he casually released his own Huoib.

"Ray~!" "Hoy~!"

The two Ibrahimovic brothers hadn't seen each other for many years, and they recognized each other instantly, and happily chased and frolicked around the room.

And the rather lonely electric welder, who had been turning his back to several people, took off his mask and turned around.

"Daye. Why are you here?"

It was the welder's time, he said with a bit of displeasure, as if several people had disturbed him.

It has to be said that Dianci with short blond hair has a very handsome face.

Although he grew up with Daye, his temperament is completely different from Daye.

Daye is like a street gangster with an afro, wearing sloppy flared pants and flip-flops.

Denji, on the other hand, looked like a melancholy and introverted noble prince, with deep eyes.

"Idiot! I still want to ask you! Why did you leave all the badges out. Cough, cough, and take a step to speak."

Daye was just about to swear, when he suddenly noticed Xiaozhi next to him, coughed quickly, and pulled Dianci aside.

Dianci looked at Daye with a puzzled face.

"Idiot. That kid in the hat is a Pokémon inspector. Hurry up and clear all the badges at your door. Be careful that you will be reported directly and have your license revoked."

Daye whispered in Dianci's ear.

These words made Dianci subconsciously turn his head and look at Xiaozhi.

At first glance, I saw Pikachu on the latter's shoulder.

"Pikachu? I really miss it."

A warm feeling flashed in Denji's heart, after all, Pikachu was his initial Pokémon.

Then he looked at Xiaozhi, who didn't look very old, is he already a Pokémon inspector?

By the way, it seems that in the group chat of the owner of the Shenao Pavilion, I heard the existence of Pokémon inspectors mentioned by Naicang and the others.

But soon, Dianci casually pushed Daye's head away.

He shrugged and said indifferently:

"If it is revoked, it will be revoked. Anyway, I have no interest in the gymnasium owner."

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