He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 177 Light Red Gym, vs General! !

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"Come out, my ace!"

Ah Ju threw out the third shuriken elf ball, a red light flashed, and a big purple snake appeared on the field.

The body is curled up, the neck is wide, and there is a pattern of colorful smiling faces outlined on it. The tongue is light, the eyes are deep and sinister, and it is almost the height of a human being.

In an instant, the oncoming aura of a strong man almost enveloped the audience, forcing even the extremely violent Fire Dinosaur at this moment to retreat again and again, and its aura was firmly covered by one end.


Staring at the colorful big face pattern on the neck skin of the big snake in front of him, as if he had come out of his body, a gloomy grimace really flew towards him, and a layer of fear rose in the fire dinosaur's heart. He hadn't fought yet, no matter the speed Or the power was cut off inexplicably.

It is Ah Ju's traditional skill, intimidating plus.

"So strong..."

Just like what old brother Chi said, even if he was as green as Xiaozhi, he couldn't help but tremble a little. This big purple snake is definitely the most powerful enemy he has ever encountered...

"Didi. Abo Monster, the evolution of Abo Snake, is good at intimidating opponents with the patterns on the skin. Its flexible body is extremely powerful. It can tighten the enemy or even break the bones, and then bite the enemy with venomous fangs. .”

The illustration book is uncharacteristically, the enemy is too powerful, which makes it become serious and dare not talk nonsense.

"Ah this..."

The ninja girl A Xing looked at the big purple snake in disbelief, and then stared at A Ju's expressionless face. She always thought that Alidos was the strength of her father. Everything before was like child's play.

"Why does father hide such strength...?"

A Xing began to struggle secretly.

Seeing this, Ah Ju just sneered, yes, this Arbo monster is his top three trump card.

In the last battle with the hedgehog-headed boy, Aju did not send his strongest Pokémon. In the third battle, he only sent a Pokémon with the strength of a ninja, but was pushed to the ground Meal stabbing.

At this moment, although the peaked cap boy in front of him is under normal circumstances slightly inferior to the hedgehog-headed boy, his explosive power is higher than that of the fire dinosaur.

So this time Ah Ju will use her true strength to fight a battle without leaving any regrets.

The strength of this Abo monster can be rated by him as far surpassing the level of Jonin!

It is the strongest level among ninjas.

general! !

"Jie Jie... Is it true that all the trainers in Zhenxin Town have the ability to transform, I will know soon..."

Ah Ju stared at Xiaozhi coldly, and Aber Monster also looked at the Fire Dinosaur in front of him coldly, shaking his purple tail, like the gap between a top predator and a weak insect, which made A Bo Monster very interested big.


Although there is no movement, the Fire Dinosaur and Xiaozhi are all ready to fight. Generally speaking, the aura of Pokémon that has reached the level of a king will be restrained, as calm as a master warrior.

But the brutal aura of the Abo monster in front of him was released without any concealment, the air was filled with a dangerous aura, just facing it made people tremble, it was extremely terrifying!

"Fire dinosaur, can you still stand it?"


The fire dinosaur spewed a flame to the sky, emboldening himself.


The battle begins.

With a wave of his finger, Xiaozhi took the lead in launching the attack: "Fire dinosaur, pre-emptive strike, use jet flames!!"


The Fire Dinosaur was relentless, and opened its mouth with a thick flame, sweeping straight away.


The coiled body of the Arbo monster remained in place, and when the flames approached, the purple tail flashed out, smashing the raging flames effortlessly, without even leaving any traces on its tail.


The snake's eyes shrunk, as if showing a humanized teasing smile, waiting for the next operation of the fire dinosaur.

Not only cats have an instinct to play with their prey, but so do snakes.

Xiaozhi could only change his strategy and shouted:

"In this case, use your best Hell Spike!!"

The Fire Dinosaur roared again, its two sharp claws closed into spikes, its expression was sinister, its arms were immediately filled with a layer of thick black light, and its hind legs kicked the ground and rushed up.


Hell thrusts right into the chest of the Arbor monster!


But the Aber monster still had no waves, and the purple tail shot again, forcibly carrying the fierce hell thrust, and then exerted a little force, and the fire dinosaur flew out.

This wasn't even a skill, and he easily broke through the Hell Spike simply by relying on physical strength.

Long-range and melee attacks were easily deciphered one after another, and Xiaozhi's forehead also dripped with sweat. He knew that there was a gap between himself and the top powerhouses, but he didn't expect the gap to be so big.

"In this case, Fire Dinosaur, use Purgatory!!"

Xiaozhi simply gave up other plans and chose this fire attribute skill he just learned!


The fire dinosaur roared in place, and the skin color of its body began to darken, glowing red, and a layer of high-temperature steam was permeated on the skin between the teeth, and the energy was constantly condensing.

It is not yet proficient in this skill, and it takes a long time to accumulate power, but Aber Monster has no intention of stopping it, which gives it a chance.


The fire dinosaur let out a dragon's roar, and the violent flame energy burst out from its body skin. In an instant, the whole hall was covered with purgatory flames, enveloping the Arbor monster.


The flames converged and exploded on Arbor's body, and the flames of purgatory erupted! !

"Haha, since you dare to look down on us!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and thought to himself that it was really possible for him to pass the level with two lives today, so brother Chi can rest assured and watch him show off his operations!


Soon, the smoke and dust cleared, and the raging flames of purgatory disappeared, but the body of the Aber monster still stood there.

It is said that there is no harm, but there is still a little bit, which can be regarded as some minor serious injuries.

Seeing the latter's innocent appearance, Xiaozhi was taken aback, but then there was an expression of refusal to admit defeat on his face.

"Hmph, my purgatory is more than that!"

In the next second, a burst of flames erupted inexplicably from Abo's body, as if he had entered a state of burns.

Purgatory has an additional effect of 100% making the enemy burn!

The burn state means that blood will be deducted continuously, and the most deadly thing is that the attack power will be greatly reduced. As long as you fight properly, no matter how big the gap is, there is still a chance to come back!


However, Aber just stuck out his tongue, and moved his body forward half a meter, and then his bent body seemed to have shed a thin film, which was shiny, with a few wisps of flames on it.

"Didi. The characteristic of the Aber monster, moulting, removes its own abnormal state through moulting."

The picture book reminded in time.

Arbor stood up again, his skin glowing like a work of art.

Xiaozhi blurted out: "No, isn't your uncle's strange characteristic intimidating? Why do you have a second characteristic!?"

"Hehe, that intimidation is only artificially created to match the pattern and aura of the Aber monster, and it is not its characteristic..." Ah Ju slowly explained:

"Have enough fun, then it's my turn, Uncle!"

The gap was too big and even made him a little bored. Now he only longed to fight with the real strong!

As soon as Abo blamed his head, his body came out with lightning, and he approached the fire dinosaur in less than two breaths.

The Fire Dinosaur subconsciously stabbed up with a hell spike, but the Arbo monster easily dodged it, its body curled up along its arm, and entangled the former in the blink of an eye.


Arbor's flexible body only exerted a little force, and suddenly there was a penetrating sound of broken bones, and the body of the fire dinosaur became slightly distorted visible to the naked eye.

"Cha hiss!"

The Arbor monster opened its bloody mouth wide, and bit the fire dinosaur's neck with its venomous teeth, causing the latter to enter a poisoned state instantly.

This is an old poisonous snake, and it is a top-quality product that has been around for a century.

Under the double blow, the fire dinosaur's will gradually dissipated, and its physical strength was rapidly consumed, as if it would completely faint in the next second.

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

In its hazy consciousness, a scene suddenly remembered in its mind.

At that time, it was still in the form of a small charmander. In the misty black sea, an ancient giant lighthouse slowly approached the cliff bank, singing to the sky dragon.

Then there was a battle with a peerless fire dragon that spread its wings. The dragon mighty mighty, every collision attack of the two giant dragons can cause the sea to surge.

From that moment on, the fire-breathing dragon secretly set a goal in his heart, and one day he would reach the height of that fire-breathing dragon.

Then flush it!

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The eyes of the Fire Dinosaur whose will had dissipated suddenly brightened, regained his spirits, and roared out a dragon chant with a ferocious dragon power on the spot, which immediately roared in everyone's ears, causing everyone present to tremble.

Even Abbe was taken aback for a moment.

Prey like this used to be impossible to fight directly without exception, but today there is an exception?

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

High-temperature steam appeared on the fire dinosaur again. At this moment, its skin was as red as magma, and it seemed that it would explode in the next second.

Even the Arbor had to unbind it and keep its distance.

The fire dinosaur fell back to the ground, the red flames on the skin of its body shot up into the sky, rolling and rolling with breathing.

"Are you going to evolve?" Xiaozhi stared blankly.

Its fire dinosaur has just evolved not long ago, so it won't evolve again, right?

He remembered what elder brother Chi said, evolution should not be rushed.

If you act too hastily, the foundation will be unstable, and it is easy to break the golden core and go crazy.

"No, this is the characteristic of fire dinosaurs, fierce fire..."

Chi opened his mouth and explained.

To be honest, he didn't expect this fire dinosaur to have such a strong will to fight.

With extremely high potential and strong will, he can't even imagine the height that such a Pokémon can reach in the future...

"Beep. Fire attribute. When Pokémon's physical strength is on the verge of danger, the power of fire attribute skills will increase. The increase depends on individual differences."

The illustrated book also explained in time.

"The power of fire attribute skills..."

Although Xiaozhi had seen his Kami turtle use similar torrent characteristics, he was still taken aback by this posture at the moment.

Immediately, blood rushed to his heart, and Xiaozhi's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

No matter how big the gap is, today we have to peel off a layer of snake skin from you!

One person and one dragon, at this moment they are bonded together, as if they can sense the fiery fighting spirit in each other's hearts!

"Little Zhi, make a quick decision, the fire dinosaur is still poisoned!"

Xiao Gang in the rear hastily reminded.

Fierce fire means that the physical strength is close to the limit, and it cannot withstand the consumption of the poisoned state.

"I see..."

Xiaozhi glanced around, already had a plan in mind, and without hesitation immediately, he opened his mouth and instructed:

"Fire Dinosaur, use jet flames!!"

At this moment, the two of them seemed to have entered a mysterious state, and the fire dinosaur understood Xiao Zhi's thoughts almost instantly, opened its teeth suddenly and spit out a flame.

This time, the power of the sprayed flame went up several steps, and the color of the flame burned to the extreme, turning into a radiant golden energy, as hot as the sun.

Spray golden flames! !


Abai swept his tail, and suddenly there was a scorching heat from the tail, which made him frown, and he could only back up half a meter, avoiding the jet of golden flames, and did not dare to collide head-on.


The poisoned state fell on the Fire Dinosaur, who raised his spirits and glared, spitting out a bunch of golden flames again.

"Cha hiss..."

This time, Abo's strange snake skin moved around, constantly changing its figure in the golden flames. The huge figure was extremely dexterous, and it was not stained by any trace of flames.

Although the power of the flames faintly threatened him, the accuracy was too far off, and the current fire dinosaur couldn't control this violent force at all.

Ah Ju was not surprised.


A series of flames radiated, and the fire dinosaur staggered suddenly due to excessive force, half-kneeling on the ground, and then the poisoned state fell on it again, so it had to gasp heavily, and all the scenes in front of it were blurred in its eyes.

The surrounding area was filled with a layer of gunpowder smoke...

"Hehe, I guess I can't even recognize where the enemy is now... The next poisoning will be over. In the end, it still didn't cause any damage to my Abo monster. This is fate..."

Ah Ju made a handprint and said lightly.

Ninjas believe in fate, think that everything is predestined, and obey the destiny.

He admitted that this fire dinosaur has great potential, but now it is just a reckless man, no matter how powerful the skill is, it doesn't make any sense if it can't hit the target.


However, a fierce light flashed in Xiaozhi's eyes, and his face became a little ferocious and distorted, which made Xiaogang and Xiaoxia next to him a little strange.

Trainers who are keen on fighting all have an indelible wildness in their temperament, trying to swallow their opponents completely!

"Fire Dinosaur, use the last flame jet!!"

Xiaozhi roared loudly, his voice was a little hoarse.


Forcibly bringing up the last bit of mental power, since the eyes are full of blur, the fire dinosaur simply closed its eyes, the flames in the body had accumulated to the extreme, opened its teeth, and spit out the last golden flames towards the front! !

"Oh no!!"

"You haven't raised your head yet!"

Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia outside the arena hurriedly shouted, wishing they could run up and straighten the Fire Dinosaur's head right now.

Now it is lowering its head, spraying flames towards the ground! !

"Is there any point in struggling..."

Ah Ju moved his head away, no longer staring at the battlefield, the defeat of the secret channel is already set...



A beam of fire suddenly appeared in Ah Ju's pupils.

I saw that the golden flame that was originally fired towards the ground suddenly appeared strangely right behind the Arbor monster. The latter turned his head quickly when he heard the movement behind him, and the powerful golden flame was infinitely magnified in front of its eyes...


Can't dodge!

The blazing golden flame bombarded the back of the latter without any hindrance, and the flame suddenly shot up into the sky, triggering a terrifying flame explosion, and the high-temperature energy blasted violently, surging wantonly in the hall! !

The explosion caused by the high-temperature flames even directly pressed the Aber monster to the ground, unable to get up! !


Ah Ju's eyes were still wide open in the storm gravel, staring at the explosion in front of him, not knowing what happened.

Super attribute? !


"Boom boom boom!!"

The flame energy sonic boom was still raging, and everyone's expressions changed from shock to dullness...



After a while, the smoke and energy aftermath dissipated.


But a figure outside the smoke and dust fell down first.

The Fire Dinosaur, which had exhausted its last bit of strength, had completely lost its combat effectiveness and fell powerlessly on the spot.

At this moment, whether it is mental strength or physical strength, he has suffered an unprecedented loss...


Then a cold roar came from the smoke, and a large purple snake broke through the smoke and appeared.

However, his appearance was a bit tragic, his back was scorched black, and it was obvious that he had suffered a serious injury, an injury that could not be recovered no matter how many layers of skin shed.

The expression became more violent than ever before!

Snakes are good at teasing their prey, but unlike cats, once they are teased back, snakes will suddenly turn their faces back and restore their original violent and fierce faces!

"Cha hiss!!"

At this moment, it is obvious that the fire dinosaur has completely lost its fighting ability, but under the rage, the Abo monster even ignored the command of its master, and flew towards the target. !

It is unstoppable! !



At the time of the crisis, a cute voice sounded.

In the next second, a yellow flash appeared in front of the fire dinosaur in an instant, blinking its big eyes, and looking curiously at the flying purple snake.

Fast as a phantom! !

Then it raised the corner of its mouth, showing a sly smile, and swept across in place, the stepped tail was covered with a layer of metallic coldness at this moment.


Only a metal crit was heard, and the originally irresistible Abo monster was directly swept away by the steel tail several meters away, dragging a long black mark on the ground.

"The second game is over, now it's the third game."

A faint voice came from the front.

Ah Ju looked up, and saw that Xiao Zhi seemed to be a different person at this moment, with no extra expression, and his eyes were full of coldness, as if he didn't put everything in his eyes at all.

"Now, it's my turn..."

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