He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 178: The Power of Bonds

"Another Pikachu?"

Ah Ju's eyes froze, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at the floor behind Xiao Zhi who was already shirtless, where there was a small mattress and quilt, and a cute lightning symbol was drawn on the quilt.

Some curiosity.


When he came in for the first time before, he noticed an electric mouse sleeping soundly in the room, and Xiaozhi hadn't interacted with it all the time. He thought it was a wild Pokémon.

The two battles were so dramatic, but the electric mouse was still sleeping there, forever asleep.

This one didn't react, and there was another Pikachu?

Ah Ju looked at the Pikachu who had repelled his own Arbor with just one blow, but his appearance was a little different from what he had seen before.

Pikachu is also considered a bad street Pokémon in the Kanto area. Generally speaking, the face is oblate and oblate, which is between a rectangle and a circle.

But the Pikachu in front of him had a rather special round face, without any trace of a rectangle, and his body shape was extremely well-proportioned, not at all like the chubby Pikachu he had seen before.

With some exotic flavor.

"Come on!!"

As if being hit in the face by a steel rod, Aber's head was a little dizzy. It shook its head, and after realizing that the attacker was a tiny electric mouse, its expression became extremely sullen, and blood burst open in the air. Basin roared and roared, and the powerful voice seemed to condense into a solid body, rushing away in ripples.

The dangerous snake smell suddenly enveloped the audience!

Snakes love rats!


Seeing this, the round-faced Pikachu didn't show any weakness, stepped on the ground with all four limbs, and shouted at the big purple snake. His fur flipped in the turbulent sound waves, and then the corners of its mouth raised, and the electric current on its cheeks burst out, and then its body exploded. It was a golden lightning that soared into the sky, directly piercing the ceiling, and shot straight into the sky without stopping.


This golden lightning seemed to be calling for the thunder and lightning in the sky, and suddenly several black clouds gathered above the light red gymnasium, rumbling...


A few seconds later, a terrifying thunderbolt exploded from the sky, and there was a thunderous sound in the ears, and the lights in front of them flashed in black and white. He coughed a few times, obviously startled by the thunder.

Ah Ju: "..."

He took half a step back at the same time as Abo, his face was grim, and a drop of sweat fell from his forehead.

There seems to be something wrong with this electric mouse...

Seeing that the big purple snake on the opposite side finally calmed down, Chi then slowly walked to the center of the arena, picked up the fire dinosaur that had fainted from exhaustion, and walked towards Xiaogang Xiaoxia.

The injury is too serious and needs to be treated in time, and it can't be kept fresh if you put it in the poke ball now.

Not to mention, with Xiaozhi's body, even a fire dinosaur that weighs nearly an adult, he can easily hug it.

"I understand, I understand..."

Seeing this, the two logistics staff quickly took out the medicine from the backpack, opened the fire dinosaur's mouth with some kind of big tree fruit antidote, and stuffed it into it.

It is medicine that is three-point poisonous, but now that you have been poisoned, you should take more medicine and fight poison with poison.

Even Bibi Bird, who had regained his strength a little, used the healing bell beside him, restoring the hxd state he had just handed in.

"Senior Chi, can I watch you operate again?"

"You finally came out to let the wind go, it's not easy."

The two greeted each other in whispers, this aura that is not allowed to enter is also full of strong smell, no doubt it is the strong man from another world who came out again.

Chi nodded as a response.

It was this release that made him frown by saying that he was like a prisoner who had just come out of prison.

But thinking about it carefully, I couldn't refute it.

"Is that guy Xiaozhi okay?" The two asked again with some concern.

It was the first time they had seen Xiao Zhi's exaggerated fight.

Chi said slowly: "It's okay..."

Not only is Xiaozhi physically strong, but his will is not weak either. It's just that his mental power has been exhausted at the moment, and after sleeping for half a day, he will be alive and well like a cow again.

One person and one dragon were safe for the time being, so the two were relieved, and then finally couldn't help asking the question they wanted to ask the most.

How on earth did the pair of ground jets hit Arbor?

"Using the traces of the previous game..."

Chi took two items from a pile of medicines, left a faint sentence, and walked back to the arena.

"The last...?"

Xiao Gang reacted the fastest, his deep eyes lit up, and his head seemed to be pierced obliquely by a bolt of lightning.

He gets it.

"It used the skills of Alidos before!"

It has to be said that even Chi couldn't help admiring Xiaozhi in the battle between the Fire Dinosaur and Arbor.

In the state of near-death flames, the first few bursts of flames were actually not useless. They were not snaking strokes, but forcing them out of position, constantly driving the Arbo monster towards the target position.

It is much easier to block the position with skills than to hit the target with skills.

And against the poisoned flames, several shots in a row, just to force the Arbo monster to a position, that is, in front of the hole created by Alidos' previous digging.

In the previous game, Alidos used Digging Hole to instantly swoop in from behind the Fire Dinosaur.

This time, the fire dinosaur did the opposite, directly aiming its mouth at the cave to breathe fire, without aiming at all.

Even the previous few golden flames were launched in mid-air, focusing everyone's vision on the top, and there was no time to estimate the traces on the floor.

Thinking of this, Chi couldn't help showing a gratified smile like an old mother, secretly thinking that his cabbage had finally blossomed, and if he was in command just now, he might not be able to do it much better than Xiaozhi...

"Have you entered a certain state..."

He could feel that Xiaozhi and the fire dinosaur seemed to have established some kind of wonderful connection in that extreme state just now, and they could perceive each other's thoughts and beliefs.

"The power of bondage."

Chi gave this force a name on the spot.

Although Xiaozhi's body seems to be far more than this kind of power...



Chi and Aju stood at the two ends of the arena again, facing each other from a distance, and the snake and mouse in front of them were also confronting each other.

Fortunately, the thunder just now finally woke up Pikachu who had fallen into a deep sleep behind him, and now he was watching the senior's battle with his eyes wide open.

"Have you transformed again..."

Ah Ju looked at the face in front of him. Although the facial features hadn't changed in any way, his aura seemed to have changed into another person's red.

Sure enough, the trainers in Zhenxin Town seem to have some kind of secret method that can transform.

It is actually very simple to verify this conjecture first. You only need to find a third trainer from Zhenxin Town, drive him to death, and see if the latter will transform like this.

Unfortunately, Ah Ju knew that there was a third Zhenxin Town trainer in the Kanto region at the moment.

It seems that before going to the Johto area, I have to find out the bad luck of this trainer...

"Tsk, that look again..."

Looking at the suddenly strange young man in front of him, Ah Ju still couldn't help frowning.

The young man with the hedgehog head who transformed last time looked at him as if he was looking at an ant.

This time the eyes are so similar again!

"How can it be repaired!"

He is a trainer at the level of a heavenly king, and the existence of an overlord is respected everywhere!

"Your level is not good." Chi suddenly uttered a sentence lightly.

Hearing this, Aju was not angry, but quickly calmed down.

Master tricks.

I understand everything.

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