He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1798 Mega evolution, jackrabbit! !

As the frightening movement gradually dissipated, I saw Huo Eevee retreated after performing Flame Charge, his whole body was covered with blue electric arcs, apparently suffering huge back injuries.

Coupled with the earthquake move that he had fully withstood before, Huo Ibrahimovic's stamina suddenly reached the bottom.

Huo Ibrahimovic's physical attack is extremely powerful and full of firepower, but his body is very fragile.


But on the other side, the Tutai Turtle fell to the ground with its whole body scorched black, completely losing its ability to fight.

After all, the opponent is still the main member of the alliance king, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Although the Turtle has completed its evolution, it still cannot stop the opponent's terrifying firepower.

"You've done a great job, Tutai Turtle"

Xiaozhi exhaled a breath of foul air, and temporarily took the Turtle back.

Facing opponents with fire attributes, the grass-attribute moves that Tutaigui is best at are completely difficult to use.

Otherwise, Xiaozhi didn't think that Tutai Turtle would lose so easily.

No matter how bad it was, at least he could knock down the crispy Fire Eevee in front of him at the same time.

Next time, no more cannon fodder!

"Huo Ibrahimovic, that's enough, come back first."

But at this time, Daye suddenly took Huo Ibrahimovic back.

This made Xiaogang a little surprised, after all, according to the rules, Daye cannot change Pokémon.

Unless Leib performed a move like Volt Replacement, this is allowed.

Taking back Huo Ibrahimovic means that Huo Ibrahimovic has also lost the qualification to continue to appear.

"Xiaozhi, the next one will decide the winner!!"

Daye naturally knew this, and shouted at Xiaozhi from a distance, his blood boiling.

Huo Ibrahimovic, who had almost fallen to the ground, didn't make much sense to stay on the field, so he took the initiative to accept it.

At this moment in the arena, the four trainers have put away their Pokémon, and the messy and cracked arena in the middle seems a bit empty.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Just the next moment, the four of them threw their pokeballs at the same time.

This time, Denji and Daye released two tall, upright Pokémon.


On one side is a golden Thunder Beast with a round body and thick arms and lower limbs. The surface of the body is covered with black lightning patterns, and two black cable-like tails are shaking behind it.

Electric Shock Warcraft!

"Flame drink!!"

On the other side, Daye's Pokémon is a platypus covered in yellow and red flame patterns.

The dark and fierce face is surrounded by a flat pink duckbill, and the head and shoulders are even covered with flames.

With a thick body and the end of the raised arm, it looks like a flamethrower barrel!

The two sent out another pair of symmetrical Pokémon, both of which are very signature new evolutions in the Sinnoh region.

Facing the combination of Electric Shock Beast and Duckbill Flame Dragon, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang's number two players are also two Pokémon standing upright.


Xiaozhi's flaming monkey was tumbling with flames above his head, his fighting spirit was high, his flexible and vigorous body was jumping and punching on the spot, and his morale was high.


Side by side, Xiaoguang's Pokémon is the slender and tall long-eared rabbit, with huge ears hanging down to the knees.

Not only that, Xiaoguang suddenly raised his arm high, and the ring worn between the index finger of his right hand shone with a dazzling white light.

"It's not over yet! Jackrabbit, mega evolution!!"

She shouted loudly, and the mega stone on the long-eared rabbit echoed it, and the two suddenly burst into bright light, connecting together.

All the way from Lizhi Lake, Xiaoguang has been trying to adapt the long-eared rabbit to the state of mega evolution.

Right now, it is the best test stage!

As the white light dissipated, the long-eared rabbit's body became more slender and capable.

The vigorous lower limbs are covered with rabbit velvet and black silk, and the slightly cumbersome long ears are also tied with a circle of hair bands, like two long whips, which allow the long-eared rabbit to make various movements more smoothly. A fighting move.

Mega Jackrabbit!

"Wood drink~!!"

Successfully completed the mega evolution, the long-eared rabbit let out a low voice with full confidence, raised his hand and punched or kicked his legs, his movements were very capable and powerful.

Jackrabbits get a new fighting attribute!

And the eyes of the mega jackrabbit didn't turn red either, and he fell into a frenzy and threw himself at Pikachu, which proved that this state was maintained pretty well.

"Mega evolution? What an interesting opponent!"

Denji's eyes lit up completely.

If every opponent is at this level, how can he start to play badly!

"A flame monkey?"

But Daye's gaze fell on Xiaozhi's flame monkey, and there was something extra in his eyes.

His original Pokémon and the main force of the trump card are flame monkeys, but Daye is very familiar with this kind of Pokémon.

Speaking of which, Xiaozhi has both his and Denji's original Pokémon at the same time.

"Then the final battle begins now!!"

After Xiaogang sent out a burst of high-spirited reminders, he quickly stepped back and found a seat, preparing to be an audience who could watch the show steadily.

One side has the same fighting attribute Pokémon, and the other side has strong electricity and firepower. This will be a wonderful game!

As the battle began, Daye and Dianci raised their eyes and launched an attack at the same time.

"Electric shock monster, use electric field!!"

"Puckbill, use Sunny Sky!!"

The two had a tacit understanding, one aimed at the field below, and the other aimed at the air above.

"It's not that simple, Flame Monkey, use Sonic Fist!!"

"Jack-eared rabbit, use a high-five surprise attack to interrupt it!!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang also launched an attack.

The mega long-eared rabbit took the lead, and slapped his palm forward, and the crisp applause directly froze the electric shock beast that wanted to use the electric field.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, the flame monkey's body turned into a white streamer, and its powerful fist directly hit the electric monster's abdomen, knocking the latter back several steps.

The two chose the double-point electric shock monster!


The move was completely interrupted, and the electric monster scratched its head, a little puzzled.

Shouldn't they be playing one at a time?

The platypus, which was not disturbed, also sang successfully, and the scorching and dazzling sun began to shine on the arena.

But the next moment, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang looked at each other, and launched an attack at the same time again:

"Flame monkey, use the flame vortex with all your strength!!"

"Long-eared rabbit, use the flame fist!!"

Both of them mastered the flame move, and the sunny day was not a big weakening for the two of them, and there was no need to interrupt it.

After the words fell, the flame monkey took a deep breath, spewed out a ball of fiery flame light, and spun and rushed away!

And the mega jackrabbit jumped again and again, one of its fists ignited a fiery flame, and rushed out!

Under the sunshine of the sunny day, the power of the two moves skyrocketed!

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