He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1799 Playthings on the Cutting Board

The flame moves of the flame monkey and the mega long-eared rabbit once again attacked the electric monster with two points.

After all, the duckbill is the main Pokémon of the king of heaven, and its level is higher. In comparison, the electric shock monster is obviously easier to break through.

"It's not that simple, platypus, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Daye's command seemed to have mispronounced his lines.

However, at the next moment, a burst of electric current burst out from the platypus's body, and it turned out that it also mastered the electric attribute move.

Boom! !

The scene was somewhat similar to the previous one. The electric current shot out, instead of attacking the opponent, it hit the nearest electric monster again.

"Thief drink~!"

However, under the electric shock from his teammates, the electric shock beast showed a big grin, its arms on both sides were rotating at high speed like a rotating shaft, and the radar tentacles on its head were emitting fire.

Power Engine Features, Fire Up!


The next moment, as soon as the Electric Shock Monster stepped on the ground, its body turned into a rapid stream of lightning, completely dodging the flame vortex of the flame monkey.

Electric engine feature, which allows him to convert electricity into his own speed.

"Wood drink!!"

Mega Jackrabbit's moves followed one after another, and the flame fist smashed out with all its strength.


Although the speed increased, the electric monster was still brushed aside by the opponent's flame fist, and there was an extra black mark on the chest.

"Now, electric shock monsters, use cross chop!!"

At a very close distance, Denji took the opportunity to attack.

The electric shock monster immediately raised its arm, making a cross cut, and was about to slash at the rabbit's head that was close at hand.

"Jack-eared rabbit, use Batou!!"

Xiaoguang saw through the opponent's actions and quickly commanded.

The mega long-eared rabbit understood, and its flexible body leaned back, directly tilting more than 90 degrees, completely avoiding the full-power cross-cut move of the electric shock monster.

Immediately afterwards, the arms stretched out, hugging the round body of the electric shock monster, and the soles of the feet supported the ground.

Don't look at the long-eared rabbit's slender limbs that seemed to be broken by the wind, but it exploded with amazing strength in an instant.

"Wood drink!!"

With a vigorous and powerful low shout, the mega long-eared rabbit directly hugged the electric shock monster into the air, and then threw it fiercely to the position behind it.

Batou's move worked, causing the electric shock monster to fall to the ground with some ugly movements.


Seeing that the move is effective, Xiao Guang said pleasantly.

At this moment, the long-eared rabbit has completed the mega evolution. Whether it is the flexibility of the body or the fighting skills, it is far superior to the past, and the movements are capable and powerful.

Xiaoguang's side has a slight upper hand, while Xiaozhi and Daye's side are fully attacking the painting style.

"Duckbill, use jet flames!!"

"Flame monkey, don't lose to it, we also use jet flames!!"

After saying that, the flame monkey took a deep breath and spit out a fiery pillar of fire.

The platypus directly raised its arm, and a beam of strong and high-temperature flames spewed out of the rocket barrel.

Boom! !

The two beams of jet flames collided head-on, and the temperature was even hotter under the sunshine of the sunny day, and the sound of popping beans continued to be heard at the collision point.

It's just obvious that the strength of the duck-billed beast is better.

After a short stalemate, the flame jet of the platypus pierced through the middle of the flame monkey and smashed it into pieces, rushing towards the flame monkey with endless stamina.

"It is indeed the main team of the king of heaven."

Xiaozhi praised secretly, but his flame monkey did not admit defeat, he suddenly said loudly:

"Take its jet flame, we use Flame Charge!!"

Boom boom chi!

The flame completely bombarded the flame monkey's body, and then the flame began to rotate continuously, turning the flame monkey's body into a big ball of fire.

As the flaming monkey stomped on the ground and rushed out, in conjunction with the opponent's spray of flames, the big fireball directly transformed into a very powerful blue fireball!

Flash Charge! !

"Oh drink, the flame is very good~!"

The flames shone on his face, but Daye showed joy when he saw this, and then quickly directed:

"Puckbill, use the smoke!"

The platypus lifted the barrel of the firearm, and this time, a large cloud of black mist spewed out of it, directly hitting the sprinting track of the flame monkey.

The smoke didn't have any power, but it made the flaming monkey lose its head in an instant, and was completely enveloped by the fuzzy black mist.

"Now, use the smoke spray!!"

This time, the platypus raised two cannon barrels, its arms trembling like a volcanic eruption.

Then flames, dense fog, saltpeter lava, all hot and hot things spewed out of it!

Smoke! !

Boom boom boom! !

Caught off guard, the Flame Monkey was slammed into the air by the smoke-spraying move.

Cooperating with the sunny weather above, even if the effect of the fire attribute moves is not good, it still caused a lot of damage to the flame monkey.

Not only that, the platypus is completely one against two at the moment, and the two gun barrels raised, one is aimed at the flame monkey, and the other is aimed at the jackrabbit.

Boom! !

Seeing the same dangerous and powerful smoke-spraying move approaching, the long-eared rabbit also changed his face, and quickly jumped up to dodge.

"Now, use Iron Tail!!"

But the Electric Shock Beast had already stuck in front of the long-eared rabbit, and the two slender cable-like tails behind it turned into steel, waving them again and again, making sonic booms in the air.

Bang bang!

Caught off guard, the long-eared rabbit was savagely whipped in the abdomen by the iron whip-like tail. With such a heavy and forceful attack, the long-eared rabbit couldn't help but bend backward.

Not only that, just after releasing the iron tail's move, the two slender tails of the electric shock monster stretched out like a long snake, and directly wrapped around the wrists of the long-eared rabbit.


Immediately, the Electric Shock Beast let out a sinister laugh, exerted a little force on its tail, directly touched the hands of the long-eared rabbit, and slowly lifted it up.

The slender tentacles, matched with the slender and graceful feminine figure of the mega long-eared rabbit, the constantly struggling body, the black silk slender legs twisting in the air


Xiao Gang, who was watching the battle from the audience, couldn't help shivering when he saw this scene.

Hell, why do you think it looks pretty even when you look at a rabbit now?

"Get rid of it, use Thunder!!"

Dianci naturally had no interest in Fu Rui, so he shouted in a low voice, planning to kill the rabbit at once.

The electric shock monster is only using this tail now, it is not considered a move.


It made a dangerous sound, and electric current began to flow out of its whole body, and the terrifying and suffocating voltage was accumulating.

"Hurry up and break free, Jackrabbit, use a two-stage kick!!"

However, at the next moment, Xiaoguang commanded suddenly.

Now only the arms of the long-eared rabbit are restrained, but the whole lower body can move freely.

It just seems that Jack Rabbit has also brought into his identity and role, and for a while thought that he was reduced to a plaything on the chopping board.

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