He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1800 This is how the flaming monkey is used!

After thinking about his own position, the long-eared rabbit finally regained his firmness in his eyes, and raised his long legs half-curved.

Snapped! ! Snapped! !

Immediately afterwards, there were two powerful trampling kicks, which directly stepped on the face of the electric monster.

The strength is good, and he broke free from the shackles of the electric shock beast, even interrupting the latter's thunder move.

Seeing this and meeting a suitable opponent, Denji finally couldn't restrain the blood that had been flowing in his heart for a long time, and the command's voice became high-pitched.

"Electric shock monster, use the ultimate impact!!"

He said loudly, his shoulders trembling uncontrollably.

The electric shock monster in front of him folded his arms, and burst out a burst of yellow-purple energy light clusters from his whole body, constantly spinning and winding, turning into a huge spiral shock wave!

Boom boom boom! !

The ultimate impact rushed out, with terrifying force, and even the ground was dragged out of a long gravel crack.

Facing such a powerful move, Xiaoguang also held his breath, not daring to be careless for a moment.

"Jack-eared rabbit, use high-speed movement!!"

Xiaoguang did not choose the same passionate frontal attack, strength is not the long-eared rabbit's strong point.

Flexible movements and flexibility are the advantages of mega long-eared rabbits.

"Wood drink~!"

The long-eared rabbit let out a low snort, and jumped around the arena again and again, instantly changing into countless rabbit shadows.

Boom boom! !

As for the electric shock monster like a bulldozer, the ultimate impact roared out unstoppably, but it was completely empty and crashed into a place of air.

Seeing this, Xiaoguang's eyes lit up instead, and he pressed down heavily with his raised fingers.

"The jackrabbit, now, use the flying knee kick!!"

The long-eared rabbit, which was constantly moving and running, suddenly jumped up high, bent its knees, and charged fiercely in a swooping posture!

As for the electric monster that had just performed the ultimate shock, although its moves missed the target, its body still couldn't move freely in real time.


Just when he turned his head, he saw the long-eared rabbit kneeling and diving, like an orange shock wave, rushing forward with power that cannot be underestimated!

Unable to dodge, the flying knee kick successfully hit the electric monster, and the powerful elbow hit the latter's chest hard!

Boom boom boom! !

The move even formed a huge explosion in this half of the arena, and the movement was terrifying!

The arena at this moment seems to have been completely cut into two halves, and the four players are all focused on dealing with their opponents.

The huge movement next door also attracted the attention of Xiaozhi and Daye.

"Call this guy."

Although it seemed that the little girl had the upper hand, Daye was also delighted to see his brother's long-lost passionate expression.

The Denji who used to love fighting is back!

But it seems that the strength has dropped a lot, but it is enough, the strength can be regained later!

"Then next, I will defeat you!"

Daye looked back at Xiaozhi.

In the arena next door, it seemed that the outcome had already been decided.

On this side, as the king of the alliance, he doesn't want to be defeated like this.

"Puckbill, use big characters to explode!!"

Daye shouted loudly, the platypus raised its arm, and blasted out the terrifyingly powerful characters of Lie Yan.

Fortunately, the sunny weather is over now, and the power has not yet reached its peak.

Compared with Xiaoguang who is at an advantage next door, Xiaozhi is at a disadvantage.

Aware of the difference in level, it is impossible to defeat the opponent in front of him if he does not activate the mutated fire feature of the flame monkey, so Xiaozhi can only temporarily avoid the edge.

"Flame monkey, use digging to escape!!"

The flame monkey immediately dug down the soil, avoiding the big character explosion.

"Hmph, there is no platypus, keep the posture of spraying flames!"

Daye opened his mouth and said, the platypus also raised its two gun barrels, always guarding its surroundings.

Seeing that as long as the flame monkey got out of his head, he would be hit hard, Xiaozhi also became anxious.

Until he saw the black hole of the platypus

"Yes, flame monkey, kick those stones!!"

The flame monkey understood, and as soon as it got out of the ground, it kicked the surrounding gravel repeatedly.

Seeing the stones coming one after another, Daye understood instantly.

"Do you want to block the muzzle of the platypus? It's useless, firepower is everything!"

Daye laughed loudly and said:

"Use Jet Flame!!"

Boom! !

The next moment, the flames gushing out from the barrel of the duck-billed beast firearm were not only extremely hot, but also carried extremely strong airflow momentum.

The stones that approached were completely melted by the high temperature, not to mention blocking the muzzle of the gun.

Boom! !

Then the two arms of the platypus merged in the middle, and at the same time ejected two beams of fiery fire, spiraling and rushing towards the flame monkey!

This kind of offensive made Xiaozhi and Flame Monkey calm down, quietly watching the approaching roaring flames.

It would be impossible to defeat such an opponent without relying on the mutant fire.

"Defeat this platypus!!"

At this moment, Xiaozhi and Flame Monkey only had the same thought in their minds.

Use a Pokémon that has only traveled to one area, and defeat a main force of the king of heaven. Xiaozhi plans to try it today.

Facing an opponent who is the king of the league or even the champion, it is not necessary to use the old favorite to deal with it.

Maybe just subduing a partner for less than a year is already enough to defeat the king of heaven, and even the strongest champions in various regions can be killed one by one!

The Flame Monkey didn't dodge or dodge, and directly withstood the terrible flames with its body!

Boom boom bang! !

The powerful force even pushed the flaming monkey backwards, and the fiery flames burned on its body.

"Idiot! That's not how the flame monkey is used!"

This scene made Daye look a little eagerly, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

His trump card is the flaming monkey. His movements and strength are outstanding, but his only shortcoming is his fragile body.

The flame monkey does not have the characteristics of an electric engine like the electric monster. This tactic of trying to counterattack by catching the flames on the opposite side is undoubtedly playing with fire!


But the next moment, the flame monkey's roar came from the flames all over the sky, and the voice was a little manic.

With a flick of Flame Monkey's arm, all the flames around him were scattered and bounced away!

"This is.?"

Daye looked at the scene in front of him, his face suffocated, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

But at this moment, the flame monkey's eyes were reddened, and its arms were bent forward and drooped, as if it had entered the state of a raging beast.

And the flames that were originally burning and fluttering on the head exploded and ignited for nearly 2 meters, and the momentum was terrifying!

Flaming monkey, it has entered a state of fierce fire!

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi pressed his hat, his heart was surging, and he couldn't help shouting loudly:

"Mr. Daye, that's how the flame monkey is used!"

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