He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1801 The Power of Mutated Flames!

On the other side of the battlefield, the winner has already been decided.

After receiving an electric shock kick from the Mega Jack Rabbit with all its strength, it collapsed and was unable to fight.

The long-eared rabbit has also quit the form of mega evolution. Although its physical strength has been consumed a lot, it still supports it on the field.

This time in the Binhai Gymnasium battle, it can be regarded as Xiaoguang's victory!


Denji looked at his fallen Pokémon, his expression changed a little.

It seems that during the past six months of my poor performance, my combat level has indeed dropped a lot.

Even though Xiaoguang's level is good, it was completely impossible before that he could defeat himself so easily.

That’s right, it’s been a long time since I’ve even fought side by side with the Electric Shock Beast.


Dianci frowned, and could only silently withdraw the electric shock beast, not knowing what he was thinking.

On Xiaoguang's side, although he successfully defeated the opponent, the jackrabbit still had fighting power, but he suddenly raised his hand to take back the latter.

Even Xiao Gang didn't make a sound to disturb him.

Xiaoguang and Dianci looked at each other, they both silently retreated to their respective backcourts in tacit understanding, and handed over the entire stage to the two who were still fighting fiercely.

Xiaozhi and Daye, who were fully engaged in the battle, didn't seem to realize that the arena had become wider.

"Flame monkey, let it show you your current power! Use flame jets!!"

Xiaozhi shouted loudly, his face was also reddened by the flickering flames gushing from the flame monkey's head.

Entering the raging fire state, both eyes turned blood red, but the flame monkey still maintained its rationality.


It let out a high-pitched roar, took a big breath, and the chest cavity arched a lot accordingly.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, a beam of golden flame shock waves roared out. Compared with the temperature, the moves have more destructive impact!

The face of the platypus also became serious, and the raised arm also spewed out flames, which collided with the flames of the flame monkey.

Boom boom poof.!!

This time the scene was completely opposite, the flame monkey's sprayed flames smashed its flames from the middle and pierced through it, and blasted fiercely at the platypus!

The thick and huge Lie Yan is even bigger than the 2-meter figure of the platypus.

The latter seemed to be hit by a wall that was pushed horizontally, and his entire body was attached to the flames, and he was knocked back again and again by the impact, leaving countless cracks on the ground.

When the flame attack dissipated, the platypus's body, which could swim in the flame magma, had several black marks of burns.

"What kind of ghost fire is this?!"

With such an attack, Daye couldn't help inserting his palm into Afro's hair, scratching for a while.

Although the fierce fire feature can increase the power of the flame, how can the jet of flame directly reach the level of destroying the dead light? !

However, his flame monkey characteristic is a very rare iron fist characteristic, which can increase the power of boxing moves, but he has never entered the state of fierce fire. But it should not be so perverted, right? !

"Puckbill, don't be careless!"

But Daye quickly calmed down and spoke out.

Now that it has entered a raging fire state, it also means that the flaming monkey's physical strength is not much left.

Bearing the glory of the king of the Sinnoh Alliance, he doesn't want to lose here today.

"Flame Monkey, use the oath of fire!!"

The firepower was at an advantage, and Xiao Zhi launched a fierce attack again and again!

Boom! Boom!

I saw the flaming monkey punching down, and in an instant, the ground around the platypus, like a volcanic fountain, continuously gushed out beams of flames, surrounding the latter.

"Calm down, don't be fooled by it!"

As an expert in the fire attribute, Daye quickly reminded.

The platypus nodded, tried to calm itself down, and raised two gun barrels to guard its surroundings.

It's outrageous, usually it relies on absolute firepower to suppress and intimidate other opponents.

But looking at the fiery red monkey at this moment, which is also a fire-type Pokémon, it made the platypus feel a little terrified.


In the next instant, a stream of white light suddenly rushed over!

This is Flaming Monkey's Sonic Punch! !

As the main Pokémon of the king, the platypus is not slow in its movements, and it greets it with a backhand with a flame fist.

Boom! !

The collision of the two melee moves did not yield any benefits.

"Duckbill, don't let it escape, hug the flame monkey!"

Daye commanded suddenly, and the platypus raised its arms, and was about to hug the slender flame monkey.

"Get out of the way!!"

Xiaozhi didn't give Daye any chance, and responded quickly.

The flame monkey used its strength to do somersaults backwards, avoiding the bear hug of the platypus.

Xiaozhi is not familiar with the duck-billed dragon, but he is very familiar with the duck-billed dragon.

This kind of Pokémon likes to swim in volcanic lava, which gives them the characteristic of the body of fire.

Once you are hugged close to you, there is a high probability that you will directly enter the burn state.

"Flame monkey, use the flame vortex!!"

After the stature was fixed, flames spewed out of the flame monkey's mouth again, and under the blessing of the fierce fire, it turned into a huge fire tornado with great momentum, surrounding the duckbill beasts.

"Duckbill, use smoke blower!!"

The platypus is one force that can drop ten times. Although it does not have the characteristic of fierce fire, its firepower is still strong.

Boom boom boom! !

Countless flames and smoke of saltpeter spewed out from the arms of the two gun barrels, and the powerful momentum blown away all the surrounding flames.

The battle has completely entered a white-hot stage.

Unable to fight in close quarters, the flaming monkey can only continuously launch the jet of flames like destructive death light in the distance.

The terrible impact shattered the underground arena into countless cracks and rubble, and the scene was horrifying.

However, the jet flames of the platypus were completely invincible, so it simply raised the arm of the gun barrel, and the gushing flames merged in mid-air, turning into a huge character of flames!

The big characters burst into flames! !

With the strength of the explosion of big characters, it can withstand the offensive of the flame monkey.

Boom boom boom! !

The flames exploded again and again, exploding in the center of the arena!

The duel of completely flame moves made the entire interior of the Binhai Gym hot. The foreheads and faces of the surrounding audience were sweating profusely, and the skin and cheeks were hot.


Dianci's eyes were also closely watching his best friend and rival.

Since that league meeting, the two haven't played against each other again.

Although it is rumored that they are still close rivals, even Dianci himself has to admit that if he had a fight with Daye now, the ending would only be zero to ten.

"I can't go down like this."

Dianci subconsciously clenched his fists, and then he must train himself well, and then defeat this formidable enemy in the future!

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